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If you're on a budget, I've ordered some decent leggings from the Reebok outlet. Really comfy fit and they've lasted for ages. I think they were under £20 with the discount

Finally unfollowed Tally after that SB story yesterday. Genuinely a bit gutted as she used to be a really good fitness account - just sensible advice and good workouts. Now it's all beige cushions and baby hairs
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As much as she annoys me, I still admire her more than Zanna. She has the hot, rich boyfriend who actually proposed, AND she can sit around doing f*** all aside from eating burgers. THE DREAM...
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How many wedding events is she having that she needs these cheap unflattering dresses for? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s not anti body positive to wear shape wear, she looks scruffy without it.
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Also like the dress, but the accessories: shoes, bag are terrible. The ensemble is not great. But I think that dress is cool.
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I was looking back to early 2021 when she was just in the midst of the whole Train Happy book launch etc etc. I think she looks healthier, much more balanced shape wise. I’m not body shaming but I refuse to believe it’s good practice to basically keep gaining weight around your middle when you’re a woman of 30 odd who probably wants a family in the next couple of years, which she has said she would like. I know she’s had a horrible time with disordered eating in the past but I think she’s on a path that again probably isn’t healthy for her, mentally or physically.
She does look good here, she looks healthy and like she’s found a good balance.
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Chatty Member
Didn’t she then basically say the osteopath said/she’d realised that being lighter would help her back? Or maybe I imagined that (spoiler - it’s true)
Problem is she seems to have put the weight on in a fairly short space of time, so I'm not surprised if her spine doesn't appreciate that. In the same way that losing weight quickly isn't great for your body. Plus she's backed off the weights because it isn't "intuitive" enough for her, and yet weights are important for bone health.
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Chatty Member
I was just thinking the same. What a dream to be able to go for a mid day walk without having to rush back to work or make time up in the evening!
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i think the intuitive eating movement became quite popular last year(?) and it is actually a very easy movement to monetise. you don't have to believe in any of it and literally spin any moment in your life to say 'oh this is what i needed please unlearn bad behaviours!'

i think this is becoming really obvious in her content. before she would post more gym focused things and lean less into the morality of exercise and food but since she's gained weight and lost some engagement (i assume) the obvious answer is body positivity/intuitive eating. it's so frustrating because this is so common with this brand of influencers and they don't post anything of actual help, saying that food is not 'good' or 'bad' is the most basic introduction to people and it does not help anyone deconstruct anything about the diet industry, it's a cheap cash grab that aims at a vulnerable market (people that are unhappy with themselves and fat people), and there's no uplifting of any fat voices, any intuitive eating or joyful exercise accounts or any male voices in the space (except her podcast of course, which is still on the surface and serves HER specifically).

this always makes me so incredibly angry because it always comes after people gain weight, when they were smaller they would not really engage in this content because it wouldn't be the most profitable. what it shows is once it affects you, you have to care about it. she has not had empathy for people unhappy about themselves until that became her.

people do not hear to leave some carrots if they're not hungry!! they need inclusive gymwear, accessible exercising, easy balanced meals, an understanding of food, extremely basic cooking tutorials, different gym sessions based on time/access, how to know if exercise is joyful or not! tally saying how she didn't finish some food or she sat on the sofa because she was tired is so insulting and not helpful at all, but to people not in the space they'll think she's inspiring and helpful when she's tainting the movement from what it's meant to be. people do not have the luxury to go to bed when they feel tired, people do not have the money to always leave food - how do we manage this?

apologies for the rant, i hate rich influencers who solely profit off a movement that is not intended to serve them while giving no real advice or action to help the people it's meant to serve.
You’ve hit the nail on the head
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Chatty Member
I don't like the engagement party dress. I thought it was a bit frumpy although feel that about some of her other outfit choices... and yet one of her closest friends and fellow influencer is a stylist.
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But its pretty obvious up front that eating intuitively and weight loss (or "change in body composition") don't go hand in hand.
I agree with this, but I feel some of the intuitive eating messaging makes people think it might. E.g., if I eat this now and don’t deny myself, I’ll then not be hungry later so I can save calories on dinner. I think it implies that if you eat what you want, when you feel like it, your body or your “intuition” will stop you before things get out of hand. But of course that doesn’t happen, because ice cream is delicious and then you still find yourself hungry all the time.
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Chatty Member
It’s sad that an ’anti anti-diet’ movement would be met with so much hate!
Have a listen to the EC method podcast ep. 307. It’s only 20 mins but pretty much sums up the benefits of coaching and actually has a good response to the anti-diet culture. Dieting, exercise, general movement has so many health benefits as well as the mental ones - increased confidence in all areas of life.

I’m starting coaching on Monday, I’ve tried it before a few times but have such an all or nothing mentality, that I gave up as soon as I went over my calories one day or missed a workout. But I’m starting to work on that as it’s all about being consistent and knowing the process takes time. I just need some accountability. I love exercise and actually have a L3 PT qualification, I’m just not consistent with my diet and really want to discipline myself and see what I can achieve because I don’t feel comfortable as I am and fed up of thinking this time next year it’ll be different and it never is!

I understand Tally’s view as diet culture can been so damaging and you can be healthy at any size (to some extent) but it’s like she’s demonising people for having goals and wanting weight loss. Not everyone will take it the extreme like she did and not everyone’s doing it because society thinks they should. It’s far more nuanced than she portrays and will be interesting to see if she ends up losing weight for her wedding.
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It’s the fact that it’s the world according to Tally and everyone else is wrong.

The issue I have with her version of intuitive is that she has literally fucked off any form of restriction with her eating and she’s telling other people that’s ok. She thinks she’s no longer disordered when she’s just gone from one extreme to another. There’s no balance or moderation; if her body wants it, it can have it. She’s put on a huge amount of weight in a relatively short period of time. That doesn’t happen by having an extra packet of crisps every day. That is a lot of food and very little exercise. She has a ‘salad’ recipe up on her page that is 90% pasta, olive oil and cheese! She’s less fit. She looks really unhealthy. How can any of this be positive? She’s making money from scaring other women into believing that they will end up with a disorder if they count calories and follow a workout plan and it’s disgraceful.
I just looked at the pasta post again and this reallly annoyed me. I’m on my fitness plan involving calorie counting and it DOES allow pasta in all shapes and forms and sizes. It just encourages moderation, which is not a bad thing! You can’t just bundle all plans into “diet culture”

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I agree, I think my viewpoint missed out that I put on significant weight during lockdown so my reference point is before when I felt better in myself in most of those different aspects. As someone with joint issues too, this weight has made them exponentially worse, and so to me it’s a direct health impact. I also know it can impact infertility, which is on my radar. Not the same for everyone I agree, but I felt and looked better when at a lower weight so it annoys me when those things are seemingly disregarded.
But what people can annoyed with is those influencers like Tally who just jump on the bandwagon and then contradict themselves and everything they were about before.
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