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Just to clarify Talia Hun, you can't take your kids to uni, ummmmm just clarifying that as SOME PEOPLE will be watching your stories . Remember Hun you have the weight of the world on your shoulders already. Take it easy Hun. SOME PEOPLE couldn't last a day in your shoes, so don't add pressure to yourself Hun. You got this #medicalmummy#didntchosetobeanursebutnowiamchoosingit#hun#somepeople#ummmmm#justtoclarify
Mwah 💙💙💙♥
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I do too!! If I had a friend that went on like that towards my lad I’d be flooring her 🤣
And again, we only see what she puts on Instagram, god knows how she goes on in real life.. slut! 🤢
She is a nasty little skank like that. We worked in an office once my bf worked there too and I heard on my days off that she’d flirt like mad with him and get her boobs in her hands and shove them up to him to be a little whore basically. Can’t stand you talia. Slut.
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Just done a little comparison from when she posted her dad going in the lift 🥴🥴🥴. Defo the Liverpool hotel.
Embarrassed for her.
Wow she’s a freak
Who actually tries that hard to wind up their ex to pretend they have a new man 😂 first the deodorant in cupboard, now this
She clearly still wants Aaron it’s so funny
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The fact she had time to put that stupid dior scarf in her hair before even thinking about phoning the hospital. If that was any other parent they would have the kids up, ready and away to school asap so you could get the wee one down the hospital if she really couldn’t get him their during the night it would be your main priority the next morning. Not standing posing in a mirror
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I'll like how she'd rather train her friend to deal with Oakley than have Aaron have the kids 🙃.
I think that’s a massive responsibility for her friend to be honest. If his sats are so variable and he needs a lot of suctioning, I wouldn’t want that on my shoulders. God forbid something happens to him when he’s in her care
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I new the nursing course thing was coming 🤣 she says it like its a few month course. It will take her minimum 4 years and with 4 kids on her own and a kid with additional needs, I wish her luck!!!!! Does she relise the hours involved in placements, she can't pick and choose when she works. Nurses do placements through the summer holidays as well, they aren't like other NHS degrees that only do them in term time. Jesus christ.
Its mental how she seems to be complaining about how hard being a mum is, she did it all herself anyway even when she was with Aaron. He was around a handful of days every month or so. Literally nothings changed for her except she's skint. She didn't complain before.
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As if she's going to the gym with that thing in her hair?! Surely you just shove your hair up so it's not in the way. Not do it all nicely for the fucking gym! If her hair can stay like that then she's clearly not doing any kind of decent workout!
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She's been reading here 😂 screenshots? Ok. So she's saying pretty much that someone messaged Aaron, he replied back abuse and then they sent her those messages lol right. She only pipes up when he says something publicly. He's been quiet for a couple of days so she has to poke the bear. No doubt the amount of abuse he’s been getting for months from her followers He's been saying nasty things about her and those people have sent them to her but she hasn't said anything. Why does she keep going on that she does everything? Yeah, you do, it's your responsibility, you're their mother and main caregiver. If anything you should just ignore and focus on your children and new victim boyfriend. Wasting your breath on Aaron, but then you'd be even more irrelevant as he and Oakley is the reason people know who you are
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I have my kids 24/7 except from a Monday AND a Friday AND a Saturday. Oh AND the nights she spends out driving about 🙈she's a walking contradiction!! That amount of work done to a 28 years olds face is an absolute joke! There was nothing wrong with her face before, now she has an endless jaw line 🙈 her friend should never have allowed so much work done to someone so young! All that work will need to be done every so many months! Does she have any idea what shit she's puming into her body? Same for anyone else getting these done and not going to someone nationally renowned in aesthetics who knows what they are doing and work with the best of stuff! It's fucking crazy going to the extent she has, it's her body I suppose, but with a daughter looking up to you it should be a big fat NO GO!!
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Aaron has honestly made me want the floor to swallow me up! His actions the other weekend resulting in his account being managed by his management team. To then getting over his coke sesh and come down and back to uploading bragging about cars, and sharing shit quotes.

He absolutely embarrassed himself to high heavens and made himself look a pure Muppet.

He needs to just get off social media and boil his head in a pan of Talia's teeth fur
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Why did she have kids when all she wants to do is ditch them. I actually want to be at home with my child lol I had him for a reason and also he’s additional needs (syndrome less than 3000 worldwide have it) and I am SO proud and his biggest advocate. Yes I didn’t in Talias words “choose to be a nurse I chose to be a mum” but he didn’t choose to have his syndrome and btw you’re still his mum you idiot. She’s not even being a mum to her typical kids 😡😢
I am a mum to 3 young kids. Been single for a long time. Not had a night out for nearly 5 years, doesn't bother me. The only time I don't have my kids is school, they never stay out or go anywhere even for a couple hours. My time is spent working or housework while they are at school. Have no help from anyone whatsoever. She has no clue how easy she has it with all her free time to do things for herself. Shes never done moaning she doesn't get time to herself, how are her supporters not seeing this shit 🥴 honestly dumbfounded!!
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She literally sits waiting for aaron to post anything and jumps straight onto the defence. ‘Thanks for the screen shot guys’ wowww it’s so embarrassing. She’s so concerned about her image she’s terrified people will turn on her! And tbh I think she just loves the attention, she loves that he’s posted something and she tries to use it to turn more people against him. She almost looks smug in her videos. She is so twisted! Get on with your life talia!! For someone who’s apparently ‘so busy’ she’s got a lot of time to sit eye fucking herself on instagram…. Also no time for siennahs hair but she’s curled her own?? Freak!
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Is anyone else finding it really so uncomfortable to see how she is with Oakley?? Like to the point I feel something has to be done, that poor baby 😢

You could hear him gasping for breath in the video she did in the car - you know the one where she was pissed off and going to lose her shit, rather that be worried sick for her little boy!

I’m genuinely so worried for him and his well-being 💔
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Cucumber and eggs

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Goin. Into nursing cos she's managed to use a syringe and is really cleaver. Good luck with the 3 year at uni cos you don't have any time to yourself anyway and your boys never leave your side. Are they really cleaver too and gonna join you at uni. I played with a drs kit the other day with my kids so fuck it I'm gonna be a Dr and I'm also very cleaver . I also drove my car really fast the other day so I might become a F1 driver too. It's that easy when you are very cleaver
My two children both have mental health problems, 1 of which is quite serious. The lack of support, funding and help out there is outstanding. I'm now doing a degree in psychology with the aims of working with children with mental health needs, even if I make a difference to only one child's life. Then you have Talia thinking she's going to do nursing because she is doing the bare minimum for her son! It's called being a parent, a parent of a very poorly child. What happens when a child with facial characteristics comes in, will she ask the parents to put a blanket over their heads? Pull the hood over the pram? Hide in the corner of the room out of sight? Will her colleagues have to tell her the child's Sat's are too low and need extra help and support? Will she be posting on ig with her tongue out in her scrubs with the words CBA! Honestly I just can't with her!
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So she said at the beginning of her gideo… his SATs are dropping to 80s, high 80s… then at the end of the video, he’s on 1 litre of oxygen and his SATs are dropping to low 80s!!!
Which is it??? She’s well and truly tripped herself up there, she’ll be on the phone LYING to the hospital “ahh they just dropping to around 88-89”
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Important zoom work meeting oh F off Talia your child medical needs and training are far more important and if the company couldn’t understand what going on with your baby at the moment then I wouldn’t want to work with them
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Did she actually just say she’s the only person (apart from a friend) in Newcastle who knows what to do with turning his metal work in his head 😳 and even the nurses in Newcastle don’t know how to do it 🤦🏼‍♀️

Oh fuck off Talia
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