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It’s because they’re free spirits. Not because their parents are too busy proving how cool they are, pissing about on Instagram, ignoring their kids...
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Yes I'll just never get my head around why she stilll lives her life on Instagram?
She's about 33.....this is exactly what she'd make fun of others for. We all know she enjoys making fun of other people.
But... She has no friends, no social life, no job, low self esteem. I think Instagram and shopping are both huge sources of serotonin for her.
She's very immature.
She could be dedicating her time now to her family and a career path or job (be a nurse or a teacher or get a job at the local nursery part time or coffee shop.... Go back to college or uni).
Oh I know she doesn't drive but the local bus stop is a 2 minute drive from her house in Aspley and connects any where. Or she could get a taxi or her parents/Greg drop her....
But instead she decides to dedicate it to shopping and insta ..
But she's not even relevant anymore?

Covid has made people see there's more to life than fancy leggings and making you sure you have the most on trend wedding.

Strange life.
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I live pretty close to her and can add to the multitudes on here saying she’s pretty isolated where she is and hasn’t really got any friends. People around MK are a bit 🙄 about Greg these days too, the Olympic sheen has definitely worn off. Thank goodness those teeth are so sparkly these days.

I would feel sorry for her but the ‘starving Africans’ comments kind of made that a bit difficult. I don’t enjoy the idea of her being unhappy, that’s about as much sympathy as I can muster.
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When she said ‘I get asked all the time what I was doing on super Saturday’ umm shut up no you don’t. She seems to take pride in the fact that she didn’t know him then and that it meant nothing to her. As if she’s desperate to prove that didn’t impress her when she met him.

Also, those pics are clearly her trying to show off how pretty (she thinks she was) years ago which I do get cos being pregnant you do feel like shit but it’s so obvious that’s why she’s posting them it’s a total crrrrrringe fest 😬
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Is he giving everyone obvious clues (that Susie is having her csection) so that they're photographed by the paps and feel somewhat relevant?? I just don't understand it. Birth is such a private, special moment.
At the Lindo wing you can have a photo session done including one of you and your partner with your baby standing on the Lindo Wing steps. I so reckon they will be having that photo shoot done!
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Cup of tea and a scroll

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I’ve lurked here for months and months and never really felt like I had much to add to the discussion here but recent posts by this particular instagrammer have wound me up no end.

How can she publicly defend MM after her historical racism? MM should be defended, I’m all for that, but not by Susie the ex racist from Dover.

V much looking forward to the birth of ‘Jaovaaay’, a lovely addition to ‘MIIIYLAAO’ and ‘RE-IX’ in the near future, and all the tips for how to parent three children, because nobody has ever done that before.

I hope the baby has its Hunter wellies ready for when it starts walking because that’s how us country posh folk like to dress, yanooo.
Wecome! I love it when a lurker is converted 😂
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I love how someone says ‘actually HG is horrific let’s not demean it’ and immediately it must be Susie. Rather than someone who is capable of actively disliking someone & their actions and still acknowledges that HG is terrible and birth trauma is very real.
Thanks for saying this @SilverSpoonNotIncluded

For record, very much not Susie. If I could prove it, I would.

I don't like her and I agree with the majority of what is said on here about her.

I had my daughter 10 years ago and had HG the whole pregnancy, in and out of hospital from 6 weeks, sick a minimum of half a dozen times a day every day until I gave birth, after which I threw up once more (for luck, presumably). The birth was traumatic, not helped by the absolute slog of HG for 34 weeks. There's a reason she's an only child.

I think while Susie needs to be held accountable for the things she has said and done that are awful, and it's normal for people to be annoyed by other people and this is the outlet for that (very cathartic); I think it's really important that we don't belittle something so soul destroying as HG and birth/pregnancy trauma. The majority of people on this forum are women and therefore a good proportion are probably parents and statistically a decent amount will carry some some trauma from their pregnancies and births and when it's mocked and minimised like I've seen happen, it can really affect you.

There's nothing I can do to stop some posters thinking I'm Susie, but I can assure I'm not, nor do I want to be. If the way MOD was caught out on here via her VPN location or whatever it was, then it's simple enough for admin to know that I'm not in MK, nor anywhere near it.
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She’s such a know-it-all already, she’s going to be even more insufferable when she can refer to herself as a mum of 3.

I really didn’t think she was pregnant. Didn’t think they were in the position financially considering she has said she wants to send her kids to private school at some point. They (her and Greg) always seem desperate for cash on insta...

I had HG in one of my pregnancies. I felt like the doctors were very sympathetic and I was offered medication straight away. I’m a bit fatigued by instahuns obsession with ‘raising awareness’ for various just seems like competitive victimhood if you ask me. Why do we all need to know how much she vommed in pregnancy? It’s between her, her family and doctor.
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Shocked and saddened to see M&S have gifted something to her. I have messaged them and attached photographs of the tweets. I suppose all the tagging of M&S over the last few months paid off. Shame they didn’t do their research. If anyone else has the time to contact them too, I strongly urge you to. Allowing racism like this to escape unnoticed is a horrific reality of the world we live in.
Oh great, M&S have gifted her Mother’s Day treats FFS 🙄🙄🙄 this is how we treat openly racist people in the UK, we send them a gift basket 😩
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I wouldn't worry about what other kids are doing.
Milo is far more superior.
Have you not seen all his expensive aesthetically pleasing toys?
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I don't believe in the cancel culture, however, Miss Susie lost a pittance of followers compared to the likes of Hannah Gale and many more influencers called out. All handled it all wrong, yet here's Susie getting away with those awful tweets and still on IG like nothing has happened. Referring to a child as easy to care for because they are deaf, dumb and blind. My god. I can never shake that. I have mutual followers who still follow her and I want to ask them why and show them the tweets. They probably have never seen them as they choose not too. Shes an absolute knob and now we will be bombarded with those boobs and how she wanted her baby taken away after a quick glance post private c section to recover. Fuck off.
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Ok I literally think Susie is the biggest twat going but HG is no joke whatsoever. It’s totally life ruining and sometimes can even lead to the termination of babies because it’s too much to bare. So fun spending up to 9 months in hospital on a drip and feeling like you’re vomitting your soul out every time you’re sick! Not.
All this. I developed jaundice, had to be helped onto the toilet, my eyebrows and half my hair fell out and even the sight of certain colours would make me throw up until I was just bringing up bile. I was in bed 90% of the time for six months. And I was not even considered a severe case. One of my consultants had had a patient whose oesophagus ruptured from the HG, and a not inconsiderable number of women have to abort because their organs are starting to pack up.

Until around the 1930s it killed on a not that infrequent basis.
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