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Her holier than thou attitude is absolutely off the charts at the moment isn’t it. Just thank people for their well wishes - if you don’t want people giving you medical info/advice/anything essentially (because she ALWAYS complains about anything she gets dm’d) then 1) turn off your dms 2) don’t let your stupid dickhead of a fiancé upload an attention seeking non story of you in hospital. Pair of absolute wankers honestly.
This. I never understand people posting pics of their ‘emergency’ hospital trip. FOD once took a pic of paramedics treating his daughter in the back of an ambulance. I was gobsmacked. Greg has strong FOD vibes! ‘I’m so worried about the health of my unborn child that I’ve uploaded it to insta’
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Let’s just hope the poor child doesn’t grow up to be a vain, judgemental, money grabbing racist. Can’t say I hold out much hope
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No matter how many times it’s said in this thread I just don’t feel sorry for Susie Verrill the racist.
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She used to act like Greg was lucky to be with her because she was such a cool hip modern mama (lol) but now shit's gone down she's desperately latching onto him because he is literally all she's got. Constantly giving him shout outs, it's all so cringe!

“There’s a lot I could say about that documentary”

who gives an actual fuck what you think, Susie?! Genuinely??!! Who is it that you think is waiting to hear what your personal take on the Britney Spears documentary is?!

You are a house wife who earned a bit of money from flogging shit in your Instagram, you are not a celebrity, you are not this worldly oracle you seem to imagine to be, you’re a nobody. An arrogant, racist, nobody.

Even after all that’s happened with her old tweets being an unearthed, she’s still this bold, I find it astounding that someone so boring and irrelevant thinks they’re so special?!
I can't afford sky so haven't been able to watch it 😩😂

Anyone notice how quick Greg was so offer his condolenseces for Captain Tom, didn't want a repeat of the Nelson Mandela fiasco. (The two aren't remotely comparable in my opinion btw)
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Classic response and zero addressing of any points I’ve raised 👌🏽 I’m sure Susie really gives a shit about gaining sympathy from you.
Oh it's you Greg. I'll address your points when you and your racist partner address the points raised on this thread about her vile tweets. Night.
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Not forgetting she has the luxury of Greg not working for the last five years and her Mum and step Dad being on hand at all times. I could only dream of this kind of help.
She wouldn’t cope in the real world. She comes from such a place of privilege with all the support around her so she has no right to be spouting advice and think of herself as some kind of guru. Everything about her annoys me. I can’t believe I used to like her either.
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Am I reading too much into it, or has susie Susan the racist hinted at having a miscarriage? I feel like the way she phrased ‘all the pregnancies that I have done’ was odd
Oh probably. Just like she’s got horrible HG and just like she’s had the most traumatic of alllllllll traumatic births so absolutely has to have a C-Section BUT a private section guyyysssss none of that NHS rubbish....

For someone who didn’t want to talk about their pregnancy she’s certainly doing a lot of chat...!
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Cup of tea and a scroll

Well-known member
God she’s two faced. So glad this isn’t being forgotten. Also, Greg’s photo of her for IWD. 🙄
I hadnt seen it but i have now. Gross. Really keeping this pregnancy private and hidden🙄 also he congratulated her for ‘working’ through the pregnancy. Im not entirely sure what work he thinks she’s done but iv seen a sling give away and a 2 year old benefit collab
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Susie: We don’t celebrate Valentine’s

Greg: Does Valentine’s post on IG

She’s such a try hard. She wants to somehow mark herself out as alternative or different. You’re just a normal mum, Susie. Sorry!
Remember when she said she wouldn't be sharing anymore about this pregnancy as she wanted to keep things more private. How's that working out for you Susie Verrill and Greg Rutherford 😂
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It was that and then some more about how she asked Greg if he ever felt unsafe going out alone and he said no and then when she said she did he said he would buy a protection dog, then some more showing a picture of the man arrested over the case and how he looks normal so how can we tell who is a threat and who isn’t.
If she is going to wade into this very emotive and upsetting subject and case she can’t publish her views then delete them when people feel strongly too (and it seemed people were agreeing with her and sharing their stories) because she can’t handle the replies. If you don’t want that and to engage with it then don’t post in the first place when you have a public platform. Maybe instead she could have just posted something helpful to her many female followers like the iPhone safety advice and left it at that - that’s what people will get more from and might genuinely save someone.
I find it baffling that she still posts stuff without thinking and still gets herself into a mess online after everything that’s happened involving her online presence. Engage your brain Susie and actually THINK before picking up your phone. Ignorant isn’t even the word.....
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I’ve lurked here for months and months and never really felt like I had much to add to the discussion here but recent posts by this particular instagrammer have wound me up no end.

How can she publicly defend MM after her historical racism? MM should be defended, I’m all for that, but not by Susie the ex racist from Dover.

V much looking forward to the birth of ‘Jaovaaay’, a lovely addition to ‘MIIIYLAAO’ and ‘RE-IX’ in the near future, and all the tips for how to parent three children, because nobody has ever done that before.

I hope the baby has its Hunter wellies ready for when it starts walking because that’s how us country posh folk like to dress, yanooo.
Agree. I think MM has been treated appallingly by the press and deserves to be defended. I’m not sure her mistreatment is due to racism. If it is, then I think it’s more because she’s American rather than because she is mixed race. But anyhoo for Susie to come to the defence of a black woman just reeks of hypocrisy. I don’t think MM would want that loud mouth gob shite racist on her team.
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Of course diddums isn’t ready for normality to resume. Suits her perfectly well hiding in her house. I have an old friend on Instagram spouting similar sentiments and she’s exactly the same, doesn’t work, doesn’t drive, won’t use public transport and just hides indoors talking to her phone. You didn’t have much of a life before lockdown love. If you’re going be a stay at home mum (a challenging and noble choice I must add) you surely need to be willing to get on a bus to take your kids out and embracing your time with them (non lockdown times I don’t remember her kids doing much other than climbing on diggers). Meanwhile the rest of us are going to go to work if we haven’t already, or spend some money to save our local pub.

Some people haven’t had the privilege of shielding like she has. They’ve been working in supermarkets, or wards, or building sites or on buses every damned day and sending their kids to key worker school. But you take your time Susie getting back to normality must be really hard for you 😢
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Oh FFS. How obnoxious.

PS The nursery is very good. Everyone else loves it.

What did he come home saying ‘mummy the other children are saying you are a reprehensible racist, is that true mummy?’
I’ve started telling all the other local mums about her racism
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Kikini Bamalam

VIP Member
It was that and then some more about how she asked Greg if he ever felt unsafe going out alone and he said no and then when she said she did he said he would buy a protection dog, then some more showing a picture of the man arrested over the case and how he looks normal so how can we tell who is a threat and who isn’t.
If she is going to wade into this very emotive and upsetting subject and case she can’t publish her views then delete them when people feel strongly too (and it seemed people were agreeing with her and sharing their stories) because she can’t handle the replies. If you don’t want that and to engage with it then don’t post in the first place when you have a public platform. Maybe instead she could have just posted something helpful to her many female followers like the iPhone safety advice and left it at that - that’s what people will get more from and might genuinely save someone.
Hang on, she showed a picture of the man arrested? Jesus Susan, way to potentially prejudice a criminal trial, you fucking airhead!
We deliberately have strong reporting laws about people accused of crimes so as not to jeopardise a trial. Susan should just stick to being a fucking begging, classless racist on social media. No one needs her opinions
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HG sounds awful I can’t imagine. BUT no one forced her to do this again. She has 2 children. Whereas the comments she made about vulnerable and anyone that wasn’t white are something these people face for their whole lives for no fault of their own. Zero sympathy here. She is an awful human.
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