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Chatty Member
I'm also really confused about how she sort of claims they bought an old house to stick to a lower budget, but surely the amount of money they're putting into this makes it come out to as much if not more than a newer house they could have moved into right away? Obviously moving ASAP to stop paying rent wasn't a priority for them, but clearly sticking to a budget and DIYing wasn't their plan either.
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Who on earth would subscribe to her Patreon? How would it be any different to her free content? Books, haul, gym, eat ramen.... what else does she do
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probably because everyone is getting her to do their christmas present wrapping for them.. jesus christ how lazy are they all? Justice for Indie.. free the slave one
Or the fact that Jess had the nerve to include “gift wrapping” on her to-do list of “admin work” and STILL found someone else to pawn the task off to AND filming them do your work for you. I’d be livid too.
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Chatty Member
Not to diminish anyone's position here (I'm still living with my parents at 31 because of the insanely high COL in the Bay Area) but it's funny how little she's making off Patreon, relative to her spending, even if it seems like a lot for us. Like that's less per month of effort than she sometimes spends on a sweater. I don't think she's going to make enough money off of this for it to be worth it to her super wealthy self to actually do it for the income.
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VIP Member
From my knowledge of rich people (I met quite a few at uni) who get rich through work like Jessie's mum (as opposed to inherited wealth), Helen probably feels a lot of residual guilt for spending so much time working when Jess was growing up. This leads to a certain amount of leniency and indulgence.
Could well be the case but partners in law firms spend most of the day putting the juniors under pressure to work, work, work so I don’t know how her mother goes home to her witness not only her daughter, but also her daughter’s boyfriend mooching around the house.
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her thumbnails always manage to fool me, because she makes collages, it makes it seem as if her videos have at least four different clips, but in reality it's just two clips of her talking about whatever. i wish she would pull herself together one of these days, i really used to like her & her content... such a shame.

also, i don't understand what's taking them so long with the house? i've literally made more progress on my new place that i've only owned for a couple of weeks... instead of planning her bookshelves & walk-in closet, she should plan more practical spaces first. whatever.
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VIP Member
I would honestly rather throw ten pound notes on a bonfire than subscribe to her Patreon.
rich people begging makes me absolutely HEAVE

PS a few booktubers I know have a Discord going.. its really fun and you have some great chats on there and pick up some good recommendations.. ITS FREE

shall we do a sweep on the backlash before ppl start contacting Patreon to complain about lack of content?

" a safe space" ie somewhere where you are not allowed to express legit comment and criticism. I mean she deletes comments and doesnt even engage with people on her YT
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VIP Member
Ariel Bissett's renovation series is what Jess should have done from the beginning.

She could have easily made tens of videos about meeting her architect, creating the layout, showing the 3D results, showing her inspiration, buying the furniture, etc

She could have a full YouTube series which would have lasted for years. But no, she ought to sit in her mother's house more than 2 years after buying her own.
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I don't want to turn this into a JKR thread, but for those who haven't read her infamous essay, here's a quote
Whether or not you agree/disagree with JKR’s essay, it doesn’t change the fact that she’s said some extremely inflammatory and harmful things on twitter, where she has the largest platform and reach. Regardless of whatever nuance she’s acknowledged in a long-form essay that the majority of people won’t bother to read (and surely JKR is aware of that), it’s still a fact that she’s said things that’s encouraged certain groups to use to discredit and attack trans people. And from what I can tell she hasn’t distanced herself from those bigoted groups, she just keeps giving them fuel. For that reason it’s fair enough for Jess to say that she’s “problematic”. It’s silly to try and paint Jess as unreasonable for not wanting to support her.
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VIP Member
If I had a kid my ultimate dream for them would be to be free of this capitalist hellhole, so as much as it bothers me that Jess doesn’t seem to be aware of how much she exists outside of and yet still benefits from capitalism, …
I disagree with this, she might not be a part of the capitalist rat race that most of us have to be to make a living, but she’s funding it (probably a lot more than any of us are) which helps it to continue.

I don’t think she exists “outside of it” given that she contributes to it continuing. The way this is phrased makes it sound like she’s got no responsibility for her actions in this respect
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New member
Were there any comments in response? Obviously illness can't be helped but with her track record of being useless at uploading and replying it's hard to give her the benefit of the doubt. Someone else I subscribe to on patreon who is super consistent recently had covid so I wouldn't have expected her to post while ill and would have continued to support even if she took a few weeks off posting on there, but she actually had some pre prepared content that she had done before knowing she was sick that she was able to put out, as she clearly takes her job and the fact people are using their hard earned money to support her seriously.
meh, she said virus so a cold/general feeling unwell. It isn’t difficult to post one of her hundreds of photos which ‘didn’t make the cut’ or post what is the equivalent of a quick text to the group throughout the week. Second week on a row where she neglected posting on the platform for a week. Maybe I’m being harsh being a full-time public sector worker who needs several painkillers to get through a day at work due to illness and disability. There’s just no urgency to her needing to earn money so I don’t think her attitude will ever change.

I don’t think Jessie see’s it as people spending money for content I think she sees it as she’s entitled to some funds because people want to view what she in particular has to say. The entitlement (which has driven this whole patreon thing otherwise she would have just stuck to her free-access platforms) just gives me the huge ick with her. 😷

“Hi my loves”

*high pitched* HiiiIiIIiiiii my Luuuuuuuuvs ☺☺☺☺😂😷
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Chatty Member
As sad as this is, thats the whole point, thats why patreon was creeated, so creatives could focus on creating and get money on the side
Absolutely. Patreon, at least what I think of it, is people who have a creative outlet enjoyed by others and don't have a means of revenue from said content. That's not Jess though.

I can't quite get over how delusional she is.

And like the person above said, if it really was a case of limiting who can access and engage with her content and really weed out any trolls then she would donate it to charity.
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Active member
Is publishing still tattle speculation or has she actually mentioned it? Because I work in publishing and we do not need any more mediocre middle class white women who have done nothing to earn their place there. Industry already is saturated with women like her. 🙄
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On A Roll

Well-known member
So shocked her mum is selling the house! Also wild that her mum has bought (no doubt) another multi million pound house before selling. Maybe they’re downsizing because Jess will be moving out and Indie possibly going to uni soon?
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VIP Member
Her house layout makes 0 sense, I think they’ll regret it and she keeps talking about it with if someone else were to buy it which is good to acknowledge but it almost sounds like she doesn’t plan on staying for very long which seems stupid given how long they’ll have waited for it
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New member
does anyone find the audio quality on her videos to be absolutely terrible? I always have her videos up to max volume and even then I still can't hear her... why does she whisper?! why is everything so quiet?!
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Chatty Member
First day of vlogmas and it’s already prerecorded content. Isn’t that defeating the whole purpose?
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VIP Member
I don't get how her mother, a successful and hardworking person doesn't push her educated and privileged daughter to actually develop a work ethic. Like sure, if you don't need to work to earn money, that's fine, lucky you. But to have no discipline see things through and take forever to finish something? She has all the help as well.
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