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I’m still aghast at the recording of “stupid cow”. Assuming there was no explanation regarding context then that really shows Gio up. Really unpleasant.
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I honestly think the worst thing was the ‘source close to Giovanni’ comment about the other pros being jealous.

A whipped up media spat with a chippy celeb that is never going to cross the Strictly threshold again has been survived before and will be again. Pulling the curtain back on the fact the pros aren’t just one big bundle of friendship and joy and having people studying the Clauditorum even more than now for clues or seeing who Anton marks down for being mean to his mate … not so much.

as far as Gio and Amanda are concerned, I’d go for 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. I think the main problem lies with the Production team for doing their usual impression of an ostrich and hoping that it just sorts itself out without them.
It does make me wonder if Gio was actually the source for the S*n's story about Vito and Ellie fauxmancing. I know he's claimed to hate the Sun but I remember a fan spotted he has both the Sun and Mail apps on his phone 🤣

Anyway, the boys are back in town! from Nikita's story - Vito looks like he's still mentally back on the farm


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Since when was Ellie a qualified ballroom and Latin teacher. I don’t get the hero worship of Ellie or the need for them to be in a relationship!
Well they will clearly just be demonstrating dances to couples. I think it's nice.

God the romance question (semi-dodged again)! They are getting matching aubergine/bee tattoos! Didn't mention which dances they're doing on tour.
Ellie made V trim his chest hair which will NOT go down well with some!

I like Craig Doyle, he'd be good on Strictly.
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I’ve really warmed to Angela Rippon since the competition. I can’t believe I’m almost looking forward to seeing ‘The Leg’.
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I’ve sat and watched it today, well, the dances and scoring fast forwarding through the rest. All I can say is that is what would happen if we had a cast with no previous experience. A couple who had a bit of potential but the majority I wouldn’t have known what the dance was meant to be if it wasn’t announced at the start. It was batshit but I kinda liked it and will have some of whatever Antonia and Boris are on please.

It showed how much Strictly do get right, I’m even appreciating the caterwauling singers more! Bring on the ringers and memorable performances!
Layton and Nikita have just added 7 more workshop dates if anyone is interested.
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I can't get over him giving an 8 to a jive that was worse than the one he did with Nikita 😂 I would barely have even known it was supposed to be a jive, I swear there wasn't a single kick in it. And he gave the ringer who was the best by a wide margin the same score?!

Can't blame him for having lost his mind by that point though, at nearly 3 hours and still not halfway through.

The other judges: Going batshit crazy
Gorka: Disassociating

I am getting VERY strong Italian Strictly vibes from this! You can literally see Gorka mentally running through his next workout and calculating whether the jackets his stylist has lined up for next week is overstyled enough
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The whole "Amanda just didn't want to work hard, Gio was just trying to push her" narrative from some on other parts of the Internet is starting to piss me off.
Same! The levels of misogyny has been shocking :cautious: Amanda isn't seen as a Nice woman therefore she must be difficult whilst he's just a perfectionist that wants them to be the best. Like he's just an altruistic dance teacher with a heart of gold as if the performance and longevity during the series somehow doesn't benefit his own career.

Alongside the no one has made FORMAL complaints yet we know
Laura did complain and has spoken publicly about how awful she found it.
Ranvir and he clashed enough that it made headlines and she admitted he had to change his teaching style. Reading between the lines she either made an informal complaint or the producers stepped in to have a word.
We know he and Michelle had arguments too and Faye alluded to them clashing on a lockdown live they did together. However both didn't seem to take it personality and they have both been part of performance arts for decades and maybe more resilient.
Richie poor Richie he was too excited unfortunately.

That leaves
Rose had an interpreter around especially in the early weeks and they seemed to gel anyway
Georgia it was his first year and he had an interpreter in the early weeks plus they were attracted to one another
Debbie older woman with dance experience and recently widowed.

Compare that with all the current Pros that's a bad run of luck!
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Boring Monday

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I found it interesting that Vito would give Ellie 15 min nap breaks not just to physically recover but he was aware that after a certain point there is so much new information going into her brain it needed a break to process it.
Now that is a good teacher. As someone else mentioned Gio lacks emotional intelligence, it's not just that he's shouty and demanding he really lacks people skills too.

I can't quite remember who it was maybe Ellie or Zara, it was one of the younger woman, said at the start the thing they were most nervous about was spending a lot of time alone with someone they didn't know well.
Some of the Pro's especially the men need to realise that being alone in the training room with a strict teacher could be a really intense and even intimidating experience for some people even those in showbiz.
Wasnt it Nikita as well, who said that she and Gorka spent time looking out the window at the trees with a drink just chatting about nothing?

It’s just a Saturday night shiney floor show. The trophy breaks as soon as you pick it up. Come next September half the people who watched this year will have forgotten you were even in it in the first place. It’s not worth maiming yourself for.
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I hope Ange forgets to put her knickers on before doing The Leg and gives the audience an eyeful.
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The whole "Amanda just didn't want to work hard, Gio was just trying to push her" narrative from some on other parts of the Internet is starting to piss me off.
People justifying Gio’s behaviour to themselves and forgetting it’s a Saturday night entertainment show for the family that brings some glitter in to people’s and not professional dance competition. The pro really ought to be guided by the celeb on how hard to push. A good teacher learns how best some works/trains and then gets the best out of them - even if it means they are not going to make that far. Focus on the celeb and not the glitter ball - that way the celeb has a good time.
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I loved Oti, but I never felt like we got to see her softer side, she was always very fierce/feisty. That worked for the celebs she was given (4 reasonably young athletes, 2 actors with dance experience and the unexpectedly competitive Bill Bailey), but I'd have liked to have seen her chill a bit.
Agree, but my god was she hypnotic when she danced!
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Pleased for Gorka, i love the fact that he always try to give his less talented dance partners a good time. He always comes across as supportive to the other pros.
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Vito was asked yesterday if people back in Italy knew about Strictly. He told them that he went to the Ballando final and they all made a fuss, I just wish someone had taken a photo of Gio’s reaction to this 😂
There was a moment near the end when Milly Carlucci the host mentioned that Vito and Nikita were in the audience, I think. No mention of Gio but (a) he's not really known in Italy and (b) I think he'd legged it by then.

OMG this pic appeared on Twitter from last year’s tour of Vito and Nikita in the iconic orange shorts. Warning: NSFW (if you work in a convent)


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The BBC have countered Amanda's supposed allegations:

"A source told the Mail: 'Amanda's reason for quitting Strictly was an entirely different one to her PTSD.

'She told production of a totally different medical condition and they [were] hugely supportive of her and did all they could to help.

'Nobody seems to quite understand what is going on here.'"

Seems she asked for the tapes before Christmas

Ohhh more drama unfolds. I'm not sure how a dance show that she was on that long can give her PTSD? Unless something extremely bad has happened? However if they were always being recorded then I can't imagine Gio would openly treat her badly.

I don't know its all just so odd
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Eh? From the brief section I watched, he was dishing ‘ochos’ out like caramelos!
I can't get over him giving an 8 to a jive that was worse than the one he did with Nikita 😂 I would barely have even known it was supposed to be a jive, I swear there wasn't a single kick in it. And he gave the ringer who was the best by a wide margin the same score?!

Can't blame him for having lost his mind by that point though, at nearly 3 hours and still not halfway through.

The other judges: Going batshit crazy
Gorka: Disassociating

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