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I don't want to be that person, but the more I see everyone is just so so upset and it was definitely an injustice. They were better than Emma and Aljaz and when people like Alex, Mike and Chris are still in it's a bit rubbish really.
I’ve been watching Strictly since it first started. There are always shocks and good ones that go out while crap ones have stayed in. But I have never in all the years of watching seen the professional dancer cry when voted out. They normally hold it together and console their celebrity partner.
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Chatty Member
But Danny had dance training? ) I don't think this should have disqualed him in the eyes of voters, but....) Amazingly, so far, it seems Kelvin has not received such training. which must mean he is a stand out to win, if he carries o

And when you compare (the older) Kelvin;s physique with Sug';s, you realise even more how Sugg is winging it all the time.

I am not saying Sugg could have achieved Kelvin's physique if Sugg had applied himself overtly the last 9 months, but I think he could have done a lot more to condition himself than he has. I pity those who are paying to watch JOANNE on tour. For me, it is a piss-take.

In Sugg;s shoes, I would try to sign up Kelvin now to dance with DB on tour, while Kelvin remains comparatively cheap.

I accept this reduces the Sugg role on tour to gurning and happy, clappy waves at the audience, but honestly, if you cannot project your singing voice, or dance competently, what else is there left to do, other than to be a stage hand?
Joe and Dianne are doing a dancing tour ? is that just aimed at his tween fans as surely nobody else would want to watch that ! Id much rather get tickets to Gorka and Karen's tour
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Am I the only one who thought Kevin was a better partner than Neil? Lol
It's so funny because I have never liked Kevin very much-thought he has always been a bit overrated. However after seeing Alex and Neil I am practically begging Kevin back! I don't know why I just can't stand Neil 😂 and that's saying something coming from me who's doesn't like Kevin!!
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Has anyone noticed the Chinese woman, I think she's one of the spare professionals, that's literally ALWAYS standing in the front when Claudia is speaking to the competitors after they just danced and are waiting to be scored ...... Its hilarious.... We play Where's wally..... But instead it's where the woman..... Shes a proper poser..... I have no idea who she is but I'm certain she's being lined up for next year!! Question is who's getting the boot??
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That as well 😂😂 they’ve ruined strictly for me, I’ve watched it for years and this year was the first time I thought, do I really want to watch this again.
It’s losing its touch. It was way better a few years ago. I miss Len. Proper traditional ballroom and Latin dancing
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I can't seem to be able to vote tonight, keeps saying that it's not open and then if I refresh it says it's closed. Thought Karim was fantastic. It's got to be Chris at this point, surely.
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VIP Member
I think Emma and Chris will be in the dance off next week - with Chris leaving (mainly so they have a female celeb in the final).

I think someone whose name begins with a K will win :ROFLMAO:
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I kinda want Emma and Anton to win but only because after all these years Anton deserves it!
I keep seeing this sentiment, but Emma is not a dancer worthy of the win? Anton is also bad at latin dances- her cha cha last night was overmarked to hell even though she made a ton of mistakes- the judges were clearly trying to influence the final three.

The final is going to be pretty boring now, it's obvious Kelvin is gonna be the winner.
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Honestly, Strictly this year is a complete joke, the scoring is all over the place, the songs being used are dire.

At least this week they went back to basics with the pro number and it was it was a proper dance and not an over produced car crash like in previous weeks. The dancers have so much stage presence and are able to captivate an audience, that the all the CGI, over the top props and special effects which have been used this series, like in movie week takes away from the performance.

Also, after seeing Dianne and Giovanni as leads, I do not understand why Janette and Alijaz are leads in the majority of dances. They are amazing dancers, but they do not possess the stage presence of Dianne and Giovanni.

People may not like Dianne & Gio, but there is no denying they owned the stage in that number and they completely captivated the audience. I just think Janette and Alijaz shouldn't be centre stage so often, especially when other pros are clearly better performers.
Completely agree, I LOVED Sunday's pro dance-my favourite so far-because it was good choreo, good music and good leads. There were some annoying camera tricks when it started spinning but overall it was so much better than past weeks and I agree that Dianne and Giovanni need more leads in comparison to others.
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i agree - I don't really mind at all about past dance experience. i like watching great performances. Every year there's a gripe about someone. Debbie Mcgee got a lot of flack because was a trained ballerina. But for me that didn't detract from my enjoyment of watching her and she did some phenomenal routines.

My main focus with Karen this series is her hair !! She appears to have gone for the lesbian biker undercut look !! Its a bold move !
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I have been suicidal in the past so feel I can say this, although I don't wish to offend. For me, I do think it's the wrong way to go about it because I think of the lasting effects on the train drivers and the potentially life-changing things that people on the trains could be missing due to delays: funerals, hospital appointments, important job interviews that could lead to someone else getting depression when they remain unemployed. However, I don't blame the suicidal people themselves, rather the lack of mental health support as well as that I feel there should be a way for people to be euthanized painlessly if that's what they really want. We don't choose to be born, forcing people to stay alive doesn't make any sense to me either.

I definitely made similarly ignorant comments when I was Saffron's age and probably older too so I don't hold it against her. I'm pretty sure she's learned her lesson, unlike Kelvin who will probably win this show.
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I'm not reading spoilers: Mike overmarked; Dev looked like he was walking the dance through; Michelle is a show woman and Saffron is yawn. This feels like an "Aston" week, where someone decent will go due to BBC manipulation.
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Chatty Member
Saffron did a live stream after the show begging fans to vote, i dont think its very fair as none of the others will be doing that to 1million plus followers
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Surely it’s a generation thing though? He’s the same as my Nan. She’s never eaten curry or Chinese or a burger. That stuff just didn’t used to be around when she was younger. That out of date viewpoint will just die with that generation.
Yeah, it’s like I know a woman in her 80’s, nice woman, but she refers to non-white people as “coloured”, not in a racist meaning, but in the way that a lot of people of that generation did, because that’s what they did.
Len has no excuse though. He has been globetrotting with dance. He behaves more like my late f-i-law who would be over 100 now if alive, who never touched curry in Ceylon (as then was) nor Greek food in Crete - nor Arabic cuisine in Aden - but that was WWII, FFS - 74 years ago.
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