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I think they've decided that Liam can fend for himself most of the time because he's the child who causes them the least hassle. Utterly ridiculous what I'm reading on here. Surely both households could've managed with an online shop this week considering the circumstances.
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Beggars belief

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Latest vlog 😳 absolutely shocking… Liam calls Chloe a Stupid F-ing little girl 😠 both Rach and Steve say nothing!!! Then Liam hits her 😯 but she hit first so it’s ok?!
Then they get Liam a squid game mask for trick or treating and Chloe sings the song from one of the scenes? Surely they haven’t let her watch it?? No wonder comments are turned off…. I think it’s about time he turns off his camera too before social services watch!!

edit ! Video has now gone!!! 🤔 Oops Steve it was seen 👀
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Steve should not be worrying about teaching Lacey how to mop the floor as part of 'Life skills'. He should be focusing on all the life skills she is missing out on not being in school.

They talk about how going shopping is a massive life skill but who actually cares? She is 11 years old! The only thing Steve does is go shopping so of course he is going to make it just as important for Lacey. It's not like they are a healthy family who are teaching her about healthy eating and trying new foods and teaching her to cook, they live on rubbish.

Instead of going shopping every Wednesday they could get an online delivery and go to a soft play, swimming, library, museum or any other activity or club. That would be so much more beneficial than walking around the shops bored and miserable.

They should be focusing on getting her out of the house as much as possible and joining home school groups.

Building friendships is so important and I think its really sad that Lacey isn't given the opportunity to make any.
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few mins into latest video, had turn of cos he’s boiling my piss!!
moaning cos he’s had no sleep- probably cos he sits doing sod all day in day out
moaning cos rach back at work so he has chloe and lacey home- then points out how naughty chloe is
then says “she’s not naughty she’s just demanding “ yes steve she is demanding!! she’s demanding your attention, put your phone down and give her the attention a 5yr old needs!!
agghhh 🤯🤬🤯
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I don't know what Steve is talking about saying Lacey doesn't do school work on shop day. She doesn't do school work on any day of the week.
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he adores the family he lives with . I don’t think he has ever shown the same love to his other daughter or her picture would be at least up in the living room with all his other kids .
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Is home schooling regulated at all? If so, won’t they basically fail Steve and Rache in all areas as there isn’t an adequate situation going on at home?
I'm in Scotland, so not entirely sure of the rules in England. My son is home educated, it's not regulated as such, but I do have to submit an annual report of what we've covered in the last year and what our plans are for the coming year. But it doesn't have to be extremely detailed or anything. You have to show you're giving your child an education appropriate for their needs and ability. You can get a Return to School Order if they aren't satisfied, but I've never known anyone personally who's had that, so not sure how bad you'd need to be for that to happen. I think that's also mostly used where there's concerns in general for a child other than just education.

As expected Lacey's homeschool was a pathetic excuse for education. If he was home schooling Chloe, he'd be doing not too bad, even then it wouldn't be enough quantity wise, but ability wise it would be. Lacey is almost 12, she's not being given enough work or even the right work. He claims she struggles taking stuff in and has forgotten a lot over the summer, well if you know this, why let her do nothing but sit on her laptop playing roblox all summer! She's not even being taught anything, nobody sits with her and explains anything or find methods that work so no wonder she's not taking it in. You could maybe give them a bit more slack if they where working on her anxiety with the aim of getting her back into school but they're not even doing that. Give him some credit though - he took her out the front door today to get a leaf! 🤣 A better option would have been taking her on a walk somewhere and collected leaves at the same time.

I genuinely don't think Lacey's 4 day school week adds up to even 1 school day length that Laim does. I think she does about 1.5hrs a day, 4 days a week because for some reason Lacey's education isn't as important as going shopping and they couldn't possibly do any school work after being at the shops! 🙄
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In today’s vlog he said how they had thought about going to the seaside at the weekend but it didn’t happen, then said he was glad anyway as it tends to be busy over bank holiday weekend! Such a shame for the kids, he’s said many times they like the seaside so I’m sure they would have loved it. They just never do anything, I’ve never seen anything like it!

I know nobody is perfect but their laziness is on another level. With the exception of that 1 week holiday, they’ve done nothing with the kids this summer, no parks or anything.

No doubt Steve is going to start going on at Liam asking if he’s nervous about a million times about starting high school.
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Also, Why do the price tags get left on all the gifts? As far as I’m aware Santa doesn’t have a contract with bnm.
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This is the second time Steve has cancelled Tiny coming to visit last minute. It’s probably annoying being messed around like that. Maybe that was partly the reason they broke up. Maybe Tiny has realised long distance at a young age isn’t for him. Sad for Sophie as she obviously really liked him. Steve shouldn’t have really mentioned it in the vlog about Sophie being sad and trying to be all cryptic with “you’ve still got mum and dad” and then maybe people wouldn’t be speculating in the comments. However Sophie edited that vlog and left it in so she must be ok with it being included.
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Chatty Member
He definitely doesn’t realise how lucky/easy he has it. Being a parent is a full time job I’m not denying that but there are plenty of families who have to have both parents working or a single parent working full time in order to survive day to day. Plus it seems like when the kids get back from school in the evening he seems to go to bed before they even do? And when it’s the holidays he seems like he can’t wait for them to go back to school to “get a break”.
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I cant believe that Liam was given the responsibility of taking Chloe Trick or treating.

I know that they probably only went around where they live, however Liam is only 11 years old and Chloe is 5!

We have all seen Liam when he is out and about shopping and he does have a tendency to wonder and rush off ahead, just like we saw in there holiday vlogs. You also have to take into consideration there behaviour in the house. We have seen him both swear at Chloe and hit her this week. How do Steve and Rachel know that they wont start fighting outside? How do they know that they are going to be safe crossing the roads?

If they went Trick or Treating as a family or even if one parent went, perhaps Lacey and Sophie would have actually gone. Chloe came home very quiet and they just assumed that she was cold. How do they know that she wasn't actually sacred by the other children's masks or decorations? If they would have gone they could have actually brought her home if she was getting cold and reassured her if she needed it.

They put no effort into Halloween just like we knew they wouldn't.

I feel so sorry for Chloe, she should have been happy when she came home but she wasn't.
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So sad he's genuinely ruining Lacey's life by turning her into a dependent recluse. He had good intentions taking her out of primary school right at the end but this non-existent homeschooling is an absolute joke.
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They're literally the Royle family. They all sit on their arses watching telly and their devices while Rache the skivvy goes out to work and ends up doing the majority of the housework too.
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It’s really upsetting how half arsed they are with poor Chloe. Hopefully they are doing a little party for her, invite a few school friends for tea or something. Which has made me realise that the kids never ever go to kids parties 😞 School discos etc. oh dear.
They never ever invite friends round for dinner or anything. Never a single party for the kids. How hard is it to make a 'pass the parcel' and a bit of a spread for a few kids? They always have more than enough money for xmas so they can't complain that they can't afford to do something cheap for the bdays. I know Lacey has always struggled with socialising but the others haven't. The amount of childhood memories these kids just won't be able to relate to in the future because their parents just didn't put any effort into making childhood a special time.
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Completely agree with what everyone has already said. From the last vlog, it really seems like Steve (and Rache) take no responsibility for the way Chloe is, of course she thinks she's one of the big ones, she knows no different as that's how she gets treated. She doesn't have an earlier bed time, she does no age appropriate activities and basically does what she wants! I'm honestly baffled at what they expect to happen when they put in no effort. It's the fact he moans about it but doesn't make any changes. Taking her tablet away probably didn't work as the light is still on and everyone is still being noisy. The parents aren't actually preparing her for bedtime and helping her settle (which they should have been doing years ago and not starting at age 5, almost 6). Taking her tablet away isn't going to be a magic solution, she's so over stimulated at bedtime it's no wonder she can't sleep. She's had a tablet from such a young age. I just went back and checked and she got a tablet of her own for Christmas in 2017 when she was 2, and only just tuned 2 as well as her birthday is in November.

Also, I can't believe they have cousins round the corner and spend no time with them?? That seems odd to me given it seems everything is fine between them all. But Steve said about Liam meeting up with his cousin and getting to know each other since they'll be going to the same school.
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I can't believe that Steves response to Chloe crying on the floor saying Lacey had hit her was to go and ask Lacey if she was okay!

Chloe is a 5 year old little girl who needed a cuddle and reassurance which she didn't get because Lacey was clearly having a strop yet again and Steve wont tell her off because they don't want to deal with her behaviour. He put Lacey above Chloe when she was the one who hit her. He showed Chloe that he only cares about Lacey's feelings and not hers. Which is wrong!

This is the problem. Chloe is being treated like one of the older children so they all think that they can hit her and call her names, yes I know that Chloe does the same to them but she is 5!

Nobody in that house should be treating her like that, they should all know better; they are literally twice the size of her!

They need to put something in place in order to deal with Lacey's behaviour. Perhaps limiting time on devices because she cant just go around being aggressive towards Chloe. She dictates the mood of the house because she is always in a strop, they need to deal with that not just allow her to lash out.
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I notice he can’t stand any more criticism, hence the comments being turned off. Apparently anyone giving a negative comment is an idiot. No Steve you’re the idiot. A fucking bone idle, whining, useless, selfish idiot, and that includes your brain dead wife. Can’t even take your little girl trick or treating. Shame on you! It’s like Groundhog Day in your house. Lie in bed moaning, get up moaning, check the weather, go to the shops, cook crap meals for the kids, ignore their needs, run to mummy’s house and so on and so on.
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I have said this before Rach seems to do an awful lot in-between and after work. While Steve is there all day and does very little. The times when they do a big clean is aways when Rach is there.
He literally sits and waits on her coming home before he starts . I think the only thing he does himself all the time is the ironing . We all know how much he moans about that as well. Ive seen him say on vlogs before I will hang the washing out for Rach. As though its her job to do .
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