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Chatty Member
Yeah those fake tears were for his loss of earnings and come down from the class A’s that he can no longer fund..he is up shit creek financially as nobody will work with him after this. He has zero empathy for his victims, he is a very sick/manipulative/abusive manchild and needs strong people round him to tell him he’s a first class knobber!!

It's disgusting he's done a suicide attention seeking post then gone quiet for days. He should either post don't worry I'm fine or his family should post to say he's dead. Not acceptable behaviour either way but I'm certain he's fine and a vile human being who would do anything.
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My friend lives there and says they always lie about the temp so the slave workers have to keep working. I wouldnt believe anything regarding the numbers.
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I'm new to this thread after reading what happened with Georgia harrison. Out of interest, I've gone back to watch celebs go dating and I can't believe what a vile, misogynistic creature he is. Why are tv shows giving this abomination of a man air time? The way he speaks about and treats women is disgusting and you can tell nadia the dating agent is so done with his shit. Hopefully this will be the end of his 'career' I just worry how many women he has damaged so far. Utterly despicable.
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Chatty Member
He has to be paying for them - she looked so embarrassed of him in that video.
Imagine going out for a meal and listening to him putting on a performance for everybody the dickhead. He definitely is bipolar or has adhd for him to behave like that in public and think it is totally acceptable ... coupled with the white stuff 👀
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I'm glad most of the people on this thread believes it is bullshit, also looking at it, he's goes something about them trying too give him medication but he won't take it lol, so he's saying he's acting like this because he won't take his medication, shut the fuck up you must of practised this little Oscar Nomination since you came too Dubai🙄🙄
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The 100k has absolutely killed me, if he had that kind of money why would he be begging for his insta back 😩😂😂😂 dying
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Chatty Member
Let's hope whatever it is actually sticks, wasn't he arrested last summer and bailed after some kind of assault on the blonde girl after she went to some other blokes house?
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VIP Member
You can't say say that on here according too a lot of people on this thread lol if u say one bad thing about Georgia everyone takes a fit so your better off not too lol, I know the feeling😅👏🏼
Yeah this is a Stephen Bear thread though 🤔 you’re more than welcome to go start a Georgia Harrison thread if you please 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
He is constantly getting in trouble in Dubai. Several times now he has filmed authorities telling him not to do something.

he will eventually get arrested, and frankly he deserves it. He is so disrespectful.
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obviously I don't want any girl to suffer because of him but I do kind of hope he posts something bad or incriminating. The whole suicide stuff was so obviously bullshit with the way he's acting now. No doubt at all now he has NPD.
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Well-known member
That grim face he makes and the way he touches his face thinking he has people fooled, wish I could come out of his phone screen and smack him ahhhhh hate that smelly dirty scruff ball
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Well-known member
I know I shouldn't say this but ah well who gives a flying shit because its fake and for attention anyway but the more I look at that video it makes me cringe so hard, he reminds me of the drunk Uncle after nicking the last of the alcohol at the Christmas party🤣🤣

And BTW I have sympathy for suicidal people as I have been there myself but I know this is fake and how disgusting he is too mock someone taking their life so I don't give a shit for any sensitive snowflakes taking this bad🤣🤣
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VIP Member
Honestly I wish it was as simple of being advised no contact meant no contact. It isn’t as easy as that, I’ve dealt with many many cases of DV which have been at all different stages of investigation/scheduled for court where as police we have advised don’t contact the person but occasions arise where they do for whatever reason - whether it’s to reconcile, to speak about the kids, to check they’re ok after a claimed/real suicide attempt, to argue.
guess which reason is the most common after the kids? Yep, a suicidal threat. The amount of times I’ve heard “well he/she told me he/she was going to kill themselves & I wasn’t sure if he/she was lying so I couldn’t not reply/answer the calls”.
you may be frustrated by this as an onlooker & struggle to understand it but at the end of the day, you’re dealing with humans in emotionally charged situations that are often vulnerable. People even go against restraining orders THEY have requested to have contact for reasons they think are okay (usually involving children) it’s not as black & white as it’s been reported so you have no contact.

shes been left thinking the guy tried to kill himself as a direct result of her reporting him to the police. You’d have to be a heartless person to not feel that at all on your conscience & not reach out.
you also forget there a probably 1000s of messages being received about what he’s doing, what he’s posting etc it’s very difficult to shut all that off when you’re torn thinking is he really this bad mentally or is he making it up? Have I caused this? You question absolutely everything about yourself when dealing with a narcissist including your judgement & how you view situations. This is a massive example of that being put in the public eye.
You have summed up what I was trying to say much better than I could.
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