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This is something she’s seen someone else post now using this for attention… I doubt anyone phoned social services on her! And again why she Not calling out the three woman from Aberdeen, hippie mum is saying to thousands she’s a shit mum and letting strange men near her kids and staff os saying nothing. But crying about anonymous accounts lol
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She's really wound me up with her suicide video, I've been MIA the last day from commenting really as I've been to see the crisis team as my mental health has really taken a bad turn🤢
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Going back to healthy eating and the gym!! Why???? Thought she loves her body, she’s the happiest she’s ever been with her body??? Plus dieting and gym triggers her eating disorder… oh and rylan loves every bit of her body to!!!!
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She'll be seething this morning at Half Assed hippy and her hot hubby, then She'll meet with Aimless and her new MAN and she's parading about her wee little tikes boyfriend with his sippie cup of rose wine. I've got a childfree date day and if crabbit chops orders a rose wine I'll pour it on him.
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Who do u mean luv
Sorry I've just realised what u meant. I don't think it's vav or her minions either I think they hate vav just as much as anyone 😊
I agree, I think what’s hard is us on Tattle are used to Tattle rules and being and remaining anonymous is very important. That’s how when requests for emails etc come about, it doesn’t sit right with people. Maybe we’ve been too harsh, I’m all for anyone taking down Vavron, so I apologise if they’ve took my comments the wrong way. It really would be a lot easier if the threads were opened to newcomers.
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I have such empathy for anyone struggling with their mental health I’m sure everyone has had a taste of mental health issues in one way or another be that grieving or post natal depression/anxiety or minor/major depression so I always have empathy because nobody can help how they feel.
The problem I have with Steph is that she has been acting smug threatening to send her minions on people that don’t like her and then glorifying it with a video and music like she is the internet police cleaning out her haters. The thing is those haters also have responsibilities and jobs ( which Steph threatened) she doesn’t have a corner on the market and she gave zero shits for their mental health so how can she expect empathy when she gives none ?
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Absolute dirt from her talking and comparing herself to suicide. Just goes to show the depths she will go to.
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Just cannot WAIT for the inevitable videos of healthy eating and getting back to the gym because of that big humongous fat arse, hashtag couplefitnessgoals, it's coming....happy with her size my fucking hole. She'll be on that plane tae Turkey and drinking her meals through a straw by Christmas the way she's going.
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Well we’ve now got the blackmailing, if you don’t stop my children will end up without a mum.
She’s scared, it’s all crashing down, own your mistakes Steph, and apologise to those you’ve shit on.
She’s soooo manipulative it’s unbelievable. So she outs people on insta, makes up fake questions so she can have a pop at ranting ma and hippie mam again on insta, likes messsages saying nasty things about them and if anyone retaliates back then she pulls the sympathy card. She’s needing bloody help! Baring in mind she’s very clever to gaslight these lassies on insta which she’s got a small following and not on tik tok cause her tik tok huns won’t see what she’s writing or saying and feel sorry for her. God she’s a master manipulator that one
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what a great night they are having sitting on a tiktok live, that box looks like a barrel of laughs….shock horror Rylan has became friendly with a group of guys in the next box 😂 would rather sit with them than her 😏
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That video of Max has just broken my heart
What sick vile mother would do that to their child
Using him to gain sympathy
Really upset me
He looks so sad 😞
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Start of eating video " I'm gona phone them they forgot to give me a fork" half way thru the video "oh my god id never phone and make someone bring me a fork all the way up" fuck up fud face aye ye would 🙄
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Remember you are a fantastic mammy, people aspire to be a mammy like you ❤
Awww thanks evie ma luv that's so kind. I'm doing the best I can. Av had a shitty few days tbh my disability has been kicking my ass but my kids come first so got no choice but to carry on 🙂
I'm pretty sure she done the same last week put up a greetin post then next thing Rylan appeared and stayed a few days. Fkn disgusting if he runs to her he's got a daughter he should be spending time with not being at stafs beck and call!!
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Her latest story. She looks like a Yes 🤣🤣 that’s your problem ya big fat slag, saying yes and spreading your legs to anyone with an off shore bag. #stepdadnumber9
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Apologies, I’m new to this thread, who is Roma?
An annoying cunt from Falkirk. Just sells stuff and screams made up lies and scenarios into the camera. Her content is incredibly boring. Her son has a fridge in his room. That’s about as exciting as it gets.
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Steph stop the Pinterest quotes it doesn’t make you a nice person and excuse your dickish behaviour

Also no one wants what you have doll. NO ONE IS JEALOUS….. FACT


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Oh, there's big Beefy all of a sudden thinking twice about what she shares on line cos of her 'ADHD' and her bliddy impulsiveness. Bit fucking late for that hen. And an eating disorder? Where'd that come fae, that's a new one? Don't recall her ever having one of those, I could be wrong....Shame she didn't apply that logic to introducing a guy she's known five minutes to her kids, swanning about her home in his wee River Island boxers pleating her hair eh? Get fucked Staf.
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That arse is expanding by the day. Mad Heather probably can’t believe her luck that her gay son has managed to find another beard. I do believe Vav genuinely puts on a great show, and will have them all reeled in about what a victim she is. They’ll learn the hard way.
On the subject of people phoning SS, I’ve always said that’s way too far, I’ve said it about other threads aswell. I honestly and truly do not give one single fuck about Vavs kids. She’s choosing to exploit them and highlight their needs and bratty behaviour on her own…she’s choosing to fuck them up which amuses me more than anything. Stepdad number nine for aren’t we Lils. Her kids, her choice. She comes from a long line of shit mothers but as long as she chooses to put them online people will talk about them and that’s on her.
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