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Well-known member
For this intake I have received 3 emails. The initial email on Saturday, yesterday it was an email saying she hasn’t seen my name in her sign ups yet then today she is still waiting for me.
I have received all of these same emails. I clicked on the questionnaire link just to see how far I could go before payment. $794 per 13 week block. I have also just downloaded the ChatGPT app, so I’ll input my data there to cut out the middle-Loaf and save $794 😂
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Why did she keep shoving her hand/ring in front of the camera while eating the chicken, I got the joke the first time she did it then then kept doing it a thousand more times.
He health is wealth reels are always so fast and jerky, she doesn’t even finish her sentences half the time
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This girl posted not long ago that she wasn’t continuing as she couldn’t afford it anymore. She also lost under 10kg on Project Poo but just over 20kg overall since she started losing weight and Loaf is claiming the whole total. She’s the only one who posts in that group other than an occasional post here and there from someone just asking a basic question. Although with post approvals I assume there’s negative posts that don’t get approved.

I did wonder at the time when she gave her exit speech if Loaf would give her a free subscription in exchange for reviews and videos. I think Project Poo needs this girl as she’s the only one offering up any kind of inspiration to anyone. Can you imagine how manic Loaf would’ve been when seeing this girl wanted to cancel on her 😂
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Loaf, I doubt Michelle wanted you to share her personal health issues, full name, Instagram handle and profile pic. If you stopped going on benders, you wouldn’t get the shakes and maybe her details could’ve stayed hidden under your link.


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VIP Member
🤬 Fark off! Saying "I don't feel comfortable going to the Dr to get it looked at" yet you're comfortable to be near naked daily on insta?! You could be talking to impressionable young adults & you're saying shit like that. Grow up!
It's all just an excuse for why you have absolutely no social life. She's never mentioned this before even when carrying twins?!

Her little girl theatrics are disturbing. And nauseating. She’s really fucked in the head.

Then pretending that she’s bringing it up to be altruistic. “If my talking about this helps anyone else …” Helps them to do what? Ignore it and not see a doctor about it? You’re an example of what not to do, in every area of your twisted life.
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I lost brain cells listening to her last 10 stories go in circles when someone asked how to cut toxic people out. She literally did not answer the question in any way shape or form aside from eventually saying she doesn’t reply because she is toooooooo nice to tell someone to fuck off 🤣🤣 I’m sure loaf! What about all the threats you made to Andrew…. Yeh too nice to say much hey
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Chatty Member
The ever changing face of the breadstick .
Rough .
She is looking really dusty these days.
Those extensions are ratty & her skin looks dull.
She actually looks miserable.
It is completely ridiculous to me she’s trying to promote health is wealth.

🤷🏻‍♀️ You reap what you sow, get what you deserve, and karma is always going to get you.
Suck it Loaf, looks like your reckoning has arrived.
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Loafie Gweedlying

Chatty Member
Health is Wealth is over for this 30 days, that was quick! Time flies when I don’t watch a single one of her shaky clen videos! 😂
Her health is wealth was just ‘a day in the life of a social media crackhead’
‘Get ready with me to do random things whilst hitting the glass bbq’
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How can they have so much sickness? I have a toddler in daycare and we aren't even as sick as them. I think she convinces the girls they are sick so she can continue to play the victim in her narrative. It's literally every single weekend someone is sick
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Awww poor loaf was up til 6am ( time stamps to prove it ) 😂 putting together something special for us guys.

Lol let’s unpack the truth.
Loaf set an alarm to get up at 2.50am to record herself saying she has just finished work .
she realizes she is averaging 5 comments a post if she is lucky so is putting something really special together because she is sooooooo wanting to give back ( aka running out of options because she is not getting the money she needs to pay bills and live a lush lifestyle . The honey pot is drying up and she has nothing left )
She will open the waitlist to take on new project poo participants because the ones she has aren’t sticking around . Oh wait , it’s because she has had sooooooo soooo many DMS in relation to new spots so feels bad and will run a new intake. These spots will be limited guyzzz so if you get the email you need to submit details straight away otherwise you will miss out and she will try the next dimwit willing to pay her $700 for an AI generated plan .
Ok now she has the reason to whinge and complain all day that she is sooooooo tired because of ALL OF US , we are the reason she was up til 5:30am ,5:30-6:30ish …. Oh fuck it 8am she was up until.
Bravo 👏🏻 she wreaks of desperation

Money is drying up, she now rides her bike EVERYWHERE coz she can’t afford the running costs of her GSpot Wagon #PetrolGuzzler

Can’t afford heating .. Hoodies and Kids under blankets #TwinsAreAlwaysSick
Can’t afford to wash her hair at trendz #usesdryshampoo *the smell would be horrid

Can’t afford to feed the boys ( both have to work study train cook & clean) #MotherOfTheYear 👎🏼

Nath finally living his dream & best life away from his toxic ex wife #SmartMoveMate ✔

Nick made ‘homemade’ cookies & focaccia and delivered them to snake, so I assume they’re not living together? #RelationshipStatusOPEN 🚩

THE BOG is a shit app there is NO community #NameThemLoaf
So here we have snake trying to compete with the likes of EBT #SkyeW and so many Qualified Nutritionist on the gram #TheJigIsUp
Last but not least
Her YouTube views are LOW 👏🏻she’s practically begging people to 🔗 #ClickLinkHere to bump up the stats


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I’m absolutely blown away by her mistaking evaporated milk for condensed milk. Why would you even post it?! It would have been vile
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