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VIP Member
The vlog they uploaded last night was an interesting watch. The main thing I thought while watching it was how little concern they had for the situation they are currently in.

As they mentioned they have no jobs, no home and have a baby on the way. They mentioned how they would like to bring the new born baby back to their own home and hope to be in their own property by the end of June. Are they serious? The world won't be close to getting back to normal by that time and they are assuming they will be settled in a new home by then. By the looks of things they also have nothing bought for the baby, no crib, no pram, no anything. I assume by this point in a pregnancy most people would have their nursery ready. Dave seems more concerned about his home gym than having any sort of preparation done for his unborn child.

Either they are more prepared than they seem or they actually are as unprepared as they come across which is baffling.
I think they've always drifted through life without a care in the world. There's no planning or life goals. I guess her sister will loan her what baby will need?
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Chatty Member
Saw her excuse was that she was napping all day. Ffs. I’m at the end of my first trimester, and although every pregnancy is different I’ve allowed myself about 3 naps in 3 months. Mainly because I work full time, but also because I know napping will screw up my night sleep schedule. Even if I have a bad night’s sleep I’ll try not to nap as it’s a bad habit to get into. Then again what else does she have to do. Slum it round mummy’s house whilst Dave sits there in silence next to her, frightened to wake her.?She’s just a lazy f*ck.
Wow 3 naps? I've literally hit week 12 today and honestly feel pretty bad for thinking Sophie was lazy. My last 12 weeks have literally involved me working full time then sleeping as soon as I got home (apart the occasional break were I got to throw my guts up 😅). As you say every pregnancy is different but I'm really glad that you've been able to keep a fairly normal sleeping routine. Good luck with your pregnancy 😊
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Hopefully he's not doing that consistently in the same spot otherwise he's going to kill the grass. He's a joke. Really should be losing weight at this point if he's doing this everyday whilst calorie cutting. 🤣 But of course he wants to "bulk" instead. He needs a PT or a nutritionist pronto.
The grass has brown spots here and there.. maybe they were already there, but maybe not..
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I think she also ordered some expensive maternity clothes. One vlog she is saying it is too expensive and the next vlog she has a brand new maternity dress from asos
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Active member
I was allowed to film the heartbeat at my appointment last week, the midwife actually suggested I do it. Of course it was for my husband and family to hear it, I obviously wouldn’t broadcast it on YouTube.
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Chatty Member
She was but she was never Dave sized or anywhere near it. Dave was her first and only boyfriend which may explain why she thinks it's normal for a married couple to have never seen each other naked and conceived their baby with a turkey baster. It's all very odd.
I don’t know if this is a joke or I’ve completely missed something... someone explain please lol
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VIP Member
What, apart from when he's been seen literally eating two huge portions of takeaway katsu curry, a whole box of white Coco Pops in one sitting or his own bodyweight in "low calorie" ice-cream (thereby negating the low calorie bit). He eats a huge amount of food on camera so I can imagine it's even more off camera.
Just like everything else they’re not worried about this, surely Sophie doesn’t want to be left without the father of her child. Like surely this would be the kick you need to shift it so you can chase your child round the park and keep up
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VIP Member
Sophie is asking for any personal questions over on her Instagram. If anyone has anything they really need answers to now is the time. Whether she chooses to answer them or not who knows
I asked a couple. Tried to make them sound as polite as possible.
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VIP Member
Dave is desperate to give up his job as well, forget that they live with a full family he’s desperate to quit for Sophie Incase he infects her

yeah right Dave 🤣😂
So if neither Dave nor Sophie are working (and let's face it their YouTube income is likely to be unpredictable) are they just expecting to sponge off Mummy indefinitely? Does Mummy have an unlimited supply of money to support all these children and pets?
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Iconic Member
I use reusable nappies and it works best when you have enough to do a full wash of them so giving away half is so stupid.
The background lullaby music makes me laugh, so sweet and innocent and thoughtful 🤣🤣

Will mummy, the dogs, the teenage brother and sister be allowed any on the freebies soon, instead of rent maybe 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
She genuinely looks so unhealthy looking in the above video. Her skin looks sallow and pale and wrinkly. Surely With all this free time she should be making an effort to look after herself and her skin. Doesn’t look like it.
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