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She's deleted the pyramid scheme comment😂 Which it absolutely is. I mean, come on, her own consultant allowed her to become a consultant 3 or 4 weeks in to the plan! Says it all!
And it is restrictive. And she knows it, which is why her meals are all super zoomed in pictures so you cant tell how tiny the portion is.
Plus the fact she's lost fuck all IMO ,she's a crook of the highest order is our Donna it's all to fund her lifestyle which she can't do without ,she loves the high life ..
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im not a fan of Jane day, she bores me rigid but I do love how she calls a spade a spade, this is the vlog she calls a lot of the other SW vloggers out for doing ads, affiliate links and hauls etc, the comment sections is funny, scroll right down to see kate SW and Katy Jane having their say oh and girl friday too, its entertaining for sure ;)

I love her responses to all the comments !
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I said the very same on the last thread the snaggle tooth is so annoying you'd think she'd of got it sorted years ago her other teeth aren't that bad ..
I’d love sort out that tooth, piece of cotton tied round it, other end tied round a door handle and slam!!! good entertaining fun 👍
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I'm not Putin

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Another conmon trait is them having a bad week and “forgetting to film” love it when they even say its not cause it was a bad week then go on to say they didnt lose or maintained😂😂

with donna oh yh that comes across so bad she acts vunerable due to her MH but i dont think shes as niave as makes out
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Well-known member
Just a few things I’m puzzled about relating to Vicky Sams who insists on being referred to as Vicky Mouse...1) Is her her absent husband doing a 10 year stretch for bank robbery, he must be, that or he’s a secret lottery winner for her to be able to afford all the tat and sugar laden crap she compulsively buys? 2) does she have as many kids as the Radfords do, cos who else but that number of people could consume SO much food and drink? 3) Does she have a shipping container in her garden to house said children and obscene/vulgar amount of food and drink because with all the cheap & tacky Christmas decorations there isn’t any room for more than one person to inhabit the Santa’s Grotty she’s turned her house into? 4) How are she and her children not diabetic? 5) why does she insist on doing that creepy wave thing at the beginning & end of each vlog?
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Same, I can see it on Kate’s but not chins, ooh has something gone down between them two 🤔

I agree with what you say about her marrying him because she thought she couldn’t do any better, he seems such a creep. That’s so sad really, her self confidence must have been so low before she lost the weight. She’s bloody amazing having lost all that weight and kept it off!
Something must have Kate leaves comments about Jane up for days 🤣

Same, I can see it on Kate’s but not chins, ooh has something gone down between them two 🤔

I agree with what you say about her marrying him because she thought she couldn’t do any better, he seems such a creep. That’s so sad really, her self confidence must have been so low before she lost the weight. She’s bloody amazing having lost all that weight and kept it off!
I wonder why she stay with him.

I did something similar in my first marriage I was at the time a size 24 with no self esteem whatsoever and I married the first guy who asked and went on to have 2 children with him during my second pregnancy I received a phone call from a guy informing me my then husband was having an affair with his wife, turned out she had been one of many affairs needless to say he was out the door pretty sharp after that... I went on to lose 12 stone ( 24 if you count him ) 😉
You are amazing!
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I don't have an advent calendar. I'm just glad to have my health this year 🌈
But oh look, Piggy Mouse is showcasing her 5 🐷
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Omfg, just watched our Rach's video. Jesus, that woman has too much time on her hands and needs to grow the fuck up! Cringe fest at it's best! Bloody hell, well over the Christmas top 🙄
she's aged herself by years with the weight loss, she should have stopped half a stone ago, she looks haggard and drawn which then makes her look way older than she actually is. Who the hell weighs out 10g of chocolate balls for an "extra chocolatey fix"? and 10g of cheese on her wrap....bloody hell it must have been like playing hunt the cheese
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when she sprayed the worktops and just wiped the middle of them as so much clutter on the edges I was done, I thought the "before" was all the clutter and the after would have been tidied away, seems not
The only way that clutter could be moved is into a skip ,I couldn't live like that I love a good clean . Those hundreds of ornaments and DVD's she has must be thick with dust as it would take her years to go around them all ..I've seen less clutter on hoarding buried alive 😂
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I’ve never come across this woman before, I’m 4 minutes into the vlog above and My mind is blown.

how on earth can anybody live like that, it’s giving me a headache even seeing it.

does she have a husband and children??
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Chatty Member
Tily moaning that she can't get into the US to see lover boy... I've got a feeling this is all going to end in tears.
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So Tilly is going for dinner with her dad at the weekend. She has slimmed in to a beautiful pink dress but, wont wear it now because her and Hayden picked it together for her to wear at the airport when they first meet, and it "doesnt feel right" to wear it before then. What the hell is all that about?!? 🤔🤔🤷🏼‍♀️
Thought she had bought that dress months ago and slimmed into it. Hope she doesn't fly all the way to Texas it will be creased as fuck and bloody uncomfortable.
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That sweet buffet- Jesus I’m speechless. Where the hell does she store everything. They must have a storage hanger somewhere because she literally has a house full of tatt. I’ve only bought two small tree decorations this year. Two decorations. I treated myself to some from fortnum and mason. Yes pricey but less is more and I would rather have quality over tatt.
I honestly don't know where she would store everything .She put a Costco haul up and even more sweets and treats included in that ,I'm sure she's a very caring person she's deff a" giver" but lord that clutter would drive me insane.She's got hooks in the kitchen that she's piled stockings and decs on and there's just so much stuff you can't really tell what things are like they're piled on top of each other. I don't even know how she bakes or how they would fit round the table there's so much stuff everywhere including a Christmas tree at the side of the fridge...she really needs to curb her tatt addiction .I can't wait to see her upstairs tree and decs it wouldn't surprise me if she's got the bathroom decorated aswell.
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