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Why does the 3 month old get so much screen time? It just seems so unnecessary when at that age she’d be as happy watching Siobhan potter around or looking at a book or toy. For someone who tries to present herself as evidence-based there’s a bit of a disconnect as I’m pretty sure that all the advice is that screen time is negative at that age. Yeah I know it’s a bit mumsnetty, but also just consistent with her behaviour.
I've had 4 and they are older now so I didn't have smart phones/ social media to scroll but I do know that "sticking them in the jumparoo in front of the telly" is the calling card of every mother whose reached the point of wanting to scratch your eyes out with boredom.

Having small babies is rewarding, blah blah blah, but the days are incredibly long and incredibly boring. When I see her baby stuck in front of the TV like that I don't judge Shivvers (we've all done it) but I do have a little chuckle to myself because you can't flex your way out of such obvious painful boredom and loneliness.
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Still our fave tho.
No more Taylor Swift talk 😂 I'm sorry I mentioned it. It's nothing to do with Taylor, Siobhan just doesn't like her because it's edgy not to, she doesn't know how to have an opinion so she just goes with what's controversial!

The cream jumper and skirt look so weird on her 🥴 and the lil patent shoes. Looks like she borrowed someone's clothes.


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Like she said on some podcast that when Roisin was telling family she decided to say well so am I … talk about stealing thunder
It's crazy how she admits these things without realising how fucked up it all is.
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She woke up to this from the Heg (another dope - look at her caption) this morning, so loaded herself and Cauliflower into the car and drove in rush hour traffic to Malahide, before commencing her ‘walk’. Never underestimate how much of her content is directed as a flex back to her best/ worst frenemie.

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Agree! Two insufferable dopes trying to outdo each other. Heg always wanted the relationship and kid so Shiv tried to do that after Heg confided in her about her hopes with Jack. At the same time Shiv wants the relationship that Hegs has and Hegs knows it and babbles on like its the best thing ever.

They both DESPISE each other.

And the preaching about GAZA. Just fucking stop, the pair of ye.
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Why is everyone taking things so personal on here today.
This thread is about Siobhan. No one else.

The irony of posting on tattle telling people what they can and can't say.
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JP Bangers

Chatty Member
Look up the word flex in the dictionary and there’ll be a photo of this muppet - the massive BT bag slung casually over the shoulder, the Gucci scarf, the jockey’s boots and the gifted egg, all while posing in front of BT’s.

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She always thought mothers were pisstakers and making excuses because they have kids. "We all have the same 24 hours" I've never seen anyone as anti-women as Siobhan.

She looks down on them and it's the reason she only coaches women. She finds them much easier to manipulate for her cash cow scam than men. She actively goes out of her way to play on their emotions and hormones.

I'm a firm believer what goes around comes around. Karma is a fucking bitch!

She'll row back on everything she said and seek sympathy. But the receipts are there. Not a nice person.
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Don't understand how the sister puts up with her, she was hours pregnant and had to take the shine off Roisin's announcement - utter cunt.
I know!! In the video where siobh finds out roisin is pregnant, you can see the crisis on her face when she realises roisin is going to be centre of attention and anything siobh previously did is going to be shit in comparison to a baby / first grandchild. Little did Ned know he was going to become part of someone's twisted plan to compete with her sister.
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DM Me Hun

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I really don’t agree with the thinking that she in any way planned this baby.
For years she preached about how superior she was to everyone else, but especially those who had kids. The self righteousness and smugness was unbearable. She invented not having kids.
She also didn’t want a man, but we knew that was because she couldn’t get one.

hey ho one drunken night leads to an unplanned pregnancy. She herself said she was so nervous announcing it and was surprised by the good reaction. She knows she’s been a c*nt.

In her twisted “I’m smarter than everyone else” way, she concocted a half arsed plan to pretend that the pregnancy happened because of a change in her values. Like we aren’t clever enough to work out it came from a ONS. She was hoping the relationship would work out so she could continue with this narrative.

As much as it makes for an entertaining story, she didn’t plan this. She just tried to put a good face on it. Which I think it’s honestly much more tragic. Twat.
I don’t think she specifically set out that night planning to get pregnant and targeted Ned; however, I also don’t think it was an accident. We know there was a sense of urgency; she said herself that once she decided she wanted kids she was worried she’d left it too late. She also said she’d been on the dating scene in London, obviously with no luck, and we know she hasn’t had a relationship the entire time she’s been ‘insta famous’ (6/7 years ish), so it was unlikely she was going to get the traditional fall in love, marriage, babies in the time frame she wanted. Then she found out her sister was pregnant and you can practically see the colour drain from her face in the video. Then suddenly she’s pregnant a few weeks later and that’s an accident? Respectfully, we’ll have to agree to disagree.
Like I said, I don’t think this was something she meticulously planned and set out to do, but adding the other factors, I personally think she saw an opportunity that night and took a gamble.

Regarding her being nervous about telling people, she made her USP “I don’t want kids, I live differently” etc for years, without a hint of a man on the scene. I’d be pretty nervous about suddenly announcing a pregnancy out of the blue from a ONS on a family holiday too.
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Can she shut up about being a blue belt. She carries on like she’s a professional. She literally got it when she got knocked up and hasn’t practised or rolled or wtfe they do, as a blue belt. She thinks she is god of BJJ and now wants to do something to get women into it.

Couldn’t get a baby sitter. Shame, no Mam or Da and friends, or baby daddy to help out. Life’s a bitch when you’ve spent your life being a bitch and shitting on everyone else’s life style.

Welcome to Motherhood. It will be the unmaking of her.

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Typical Shivvers woman hating on Taylor Swift, it's almost 2024 Shiv we can celebrate Taylor Swift for her mammoth year AND still acknowledge the contribution of others and the atrocities that are occurring in the world. A novel concept for someone in their late teens perhaps but I thought a woman of 35 might have grasped.

She is so immature and the internalised misogyny is SO strong. If it was one of her stupid Formula 1 fellas would that be okay ?

obligatory picture of peanut to show she DOES still see her brother.

Back to Flyefit complaining as usual and still as shifty as ever looking around to see has anyone notice the celebrity 🥰🥰🥴🥴
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Honoured. My eyes are watering with emotion. My face is an emoji of same. I'm listening to Dermo, feeling like a champo 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺
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That insta post is infuriating. Not even 2 years ago she spouted that you have to prioritise time for exercise as a mother, as if it was an easy thing to do. Lol, karma is my boyfriend..
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