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Ned isn’t in a position to give any advice, he’s just some guy who made a deposit into Siobhan’s furnace 😜
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She's a tragic individual.

Wonder did she block off the day to wait for Sinead to come with her fucking sign so she can just rub it in her face that she is preggars.

She's actually full on tapped in my opinion - not well at all! She was jealous of what Sinead and Jack has, always putting herself between them, putting Sinead down on front of him and Diren. I'd say Sinead told her about her hopes for babies with Jack and health issues.

Everything Shiv is doing is to get at Sinead.
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I'm certain she is lying to Hegs, Becca etc that they have a full blown relationship.
A million percent this!

Also, there’s someone else walking in front of Fed (Fake Ned) so she could be 1) with a group of people but trying to make it look like a date, or 2) she’s there by herself but trying to make it look like a date…. Fucking loser either way 😂😂 I’d say she’s fuming Ned put up the picture clearly showing he wasn’t with her!
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Agree with earlier poster that she'll hit up Darragh for lifts!
I'm not saying she needs a car...but carting a baby on bus / luas is hard going.

And expecting people to give her lifts?! Fair enough for the first while, but that will grow tiresome...especially if she is relying on her parents to drop everything

If she borrowed her mother's car to go to Mayo, would it not have been a nice trip fir her mam & shivvers to do together? Seems a very odd relationship.

I think she'll head to Portugal once baby 6 months old & set up over there. She'll argue her child can grow up close to Roisins etc

I can't see her returning to Bali. If she does, she's even a bigger idiot!

Her rent is obscene. She'll regret pisfing away this money in years to come.
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Her relationship with food is so bad. Talking about ordering healthy food but regretting not ordering snacks. That's not the behaviour of someone who has a good relationship with food or her body
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Having a birthing partner that you hardly know is bad enough but this is worse. She is still in the phase of trying to impress him, looking cool, and getting him to like her. Imagine that pressure in the delivery room 🫣
I imagine visually it’ll be a bit like that Kerrigan’s bap she put on her stories today.
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So it was Leanne she met yesterday after Wellfest. What is it with the secrecy? Was she so desperate for us to think she was eating with Ned?

Again definitely not together or he would have joined her for brunch with Leanne and her husband.
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Does she have a choice putting him on birth certificate or not?
She doesn't have to put him on but he could bring her to court to insist - after he does a paternity test of course! I don't think she would leave him off it though.

According to Citizen's advice:

If the parents of a child are not married to each other, there is no presumption in law as to who the father of the child is, unless the father's name is on the birth certificate. However, having the father's name on the child's birth certificate does not give the father any legal rights in respect of their child.

For children born outside of marriage, only the mother has an automatic right to guardianship. (Even though a father's name may be registered on the child's birth certificate, this does not give him any guardianship rights in respect of his child).

You can apply for guardianship up until a child reaches 18 years of age. Guardianship ends when a child turns 18 unless a guardian dies or is removed before that.

There is also a section for "Parents of a donor-conceived child" which may or may not be relevant in this case😆😆😆
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“We’re like bump says hi” ….😑 sorry what would be the circumstances THEY would be together to be saying bump says hi to anyone?! 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ Like they don’t live together… so on the once a week meeting who would THEY be saying “bump says hi” to? That’s just a lie that THEY would ever be saying that? 😂 it doesn’t make logical sense. The only way it makes sense would be her texting him saying it. But she’s so determined to say WE that she made it sound untrue and ridiculous
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I can't believe she tried to filUm some random man to pass off as Ned. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
That was so pathetic and then posted a picture of her and Laura afterwards to save face.
The only filUm SOH and Ned have seen together on the big screen is the ultrasound scan
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I said movie but I can say film again, like film with an L - WTF is she on about?
Press, like we don’t know what a press is, she has educated all us thick Londoners.

I’ve had a few days off this dope as it’s been bliss! She is a fucking weapon.
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"it's stunning this part of the world"

No shit, you live in a stunning country that you constantly put down. There's more to Ireland than GCD and your shitty mobile home in Wexford. You NEVER showcase the positives of this country.

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I just don't understand though how she didn't come away inspired and grateful?

I work with a couple of charities ( I'm no martyr I just have time on my hands) and I never fail to come away uplifted and inspired by the amazing people I meet.
All she did was talk about her chips and how tired she was 😑
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Every new video is more and more of a clone of one of Sean Casey’s. It’s so embarrassing. And it’s not that she’s become self aware finally and realises that she should try have a bit of relatability and personality, it’s that she sees how well he’s doing and she’s following his template. I feel joy knowing how much she must hate trying to be likeable 😂 Too little too late Shiv!
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This! They are literally a 20 minute walk away.
I can safely assume they could have spared 30 minutes from preparing their wankerisms for the conference & met her. Loathe or loathe her, she did provide JS with accommodation & seemed to meet up with Diren in London.

It just shows the influencer friendships are so fake & simply a case of using each other to gain followers

She made her bed (literally)
Well yeh diren drooling all over Sean Casey with his 800k+ followers. Soooo shallow. So fake. But yeh you’d think they could invite her along to the conference even. I’d say she’s bad for their brand tho
It seems they were in town last night and out for dinner. She didn't get so much as text.

She now has to realise where she stands... If she shares Direns post thinking it's banter she's a dope. It's utter humiliation.
He shared it 5 hours ago so I think she’s feeling the burn. He clearly didn’t even message her Seperately after that. Savage
I do feel a bit bad for her knowing Diren didn’t get in touch. She was good enough for them when they wanted somewhere to stay in Bali and the odd occasion in London when JS wasn’t there. However, she shat all over Felicity after they broke up so guess it’s karma.

I think Diren would go but JS will have said he’s absolutely not meeting her and he can go himself. Diren would rather hang out with JS, understandably as it’s his best mate he never gets to see. JS is pretty honest, doesn’t do ads, has always said he wants a wife and family etc so i can totally understand him not being able to stand her lies and cringing at all the ads.

That message also shows you the type of shite she’ll be texting Ned when she’s annoyed at him too. 😬 😬
They owe her nothing. They stayed with her in Bali in 2018 ish. I was actually in Bali at the time. 5 years ago! She needs to let it go. They stayed with her so they could all tag each other and gain followers. And she was THRILLED. She was bragging to whoever would listen that they were coming and were staying with her. Accommodation in Bali back then was mad cheap. They didn’t save an awful lot of money staying with her. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. She needs to accept…. They’ve moved on. She hasn’t. They aren’t friends. They were only ever shallow Instagram tagging friends. But now she’s no longer useful because she’s fallen behind/not popular. She’s selling pillows and mattress toppers ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣
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Ah I know i love Mrs Makeup. Never met a woman like her for ambition and drive. I was just slagging in a funny sense ... she's always everywhere 💓
Ah I just know of her a little bit- I don’t follow her.
Sure to our Shiv - GCD is a hidden gem 😂😂.
“GCD is such a hidden gem in Dublin. Look at all these big multinationals that have only discovered it”
That’s like Claudine keane - she put up a post one time about how she loves finding hidden gems- and it was The Ivy in London 😂😂😂 thick!
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