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I'm delighted to see that Portugal has overcome the vegetable crisis of 2020 . That veg stall looked amazing ...then she goes home and cooks a boiled egg and dry toast 😂😂
On the batter the last 2 weeks drinking non stop, full size pizza around midnight last night and then more drinks.

Boiled eggs with dry toast for breakfast.

Her eating really is extremely disordered. Drunkorexic is the right word for her. Calories from booze don't count (in her head) but otherwise in a binge/restrict/overtrain cycle.
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Why does she never highlight her coaches. It would add so much more credibility.

Who the fuck is Caireann?

That email is beyond idiotic.
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There she is, complaining that it’s cold on her stomp of the streets. In Dublin. After coming from Bali. WHO KNEW. 😅
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Now lads, sorry now - but holy mother of divine Jaysis above.

She looks like someone you’d meet outside Lidl in Thomas Street askin you if he have a spare cigarette or a euro.
Actually no, I take that back - that’s offensive to those people.

Seriously though, if this is what the “healthy” lifestyle looks like - I’d rather smoke 50 a day, guzzling a bottle of whiskey with a kebab in my hand.
Her skin is like rubber, terrible complexion. Lips are as dry and unhealthy as Gandhis sandal, whyyyyyy would anyone buy into this one?!

she’s about as appealing as a two week holiday in Butlins


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She lives in a Bali bubble that very near bursts when she’s back in Ireland because no-one knows her or gives a shyte that she somehow managed to accrue 100k+ insta followers a million years ago & has been riding on the coattails of that for too long now.

It must be depressing to come back & see people from your old circle have moved on, grown up, have houses and careers and/or babies now, while you’re still arsing around third world countries with the instahuns lying to yourself about what it all represents.

I actually think the reason she can’t sit still in one place for too long (besides tax evasion) is because she’s running from herself. There’s some personal issues there that she’s masking with alcohol / social media / constantly hopping countries and it’s not until the $$$ runs out that she’ll grow up and maybe start to take personal responsibility for herself. Or not, some people spend their lives unable to face themselves.
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I honestly thought people were being unfair about the whole alcohol thing, but this trip has really made me see her problem for what it is. It is a problem.

That Evian video. There’s literal piss.
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To be honest in Bali I thought her drinking wasn’t really evidence of addiction but more a symptom of her gluttony and immaturity. But watching her behaviour over the past week it’s pretty clear she has a problem and is actively seeking out opportunities to drink excessively.

It’s recommended that women have no more than 14 units of alcohol a week. That’s a bottle of wine and a margarita. From what Shiv’s shown and told us over the past week I’d say she’s had well over 14 units most days. She’s had about 7 weeks of drinking in one. And of course that’s been supplemented by rich plane food and French food, Easter eggs, rocky road, 99’s, banshee bones and chicken fillet rolls.

I’m not surprised she doesn’t have a partner. Her one true love is alcohol.
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It's all very sad isn't it, the craic with Tattle comments aside.

That flight was taken to escape her home life in Swords, and allow herself to drink during the day without judgement, I've no doubt in my mind about that.

You'd hope someone in her corner would ask her is she okay, but I'm sure that would be met with extreme defensiveness.
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Back in the box room. Back at FlyeFit. She’ll have an epiphany and go back into recruitment before the month is out. #bossgirl
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That story should have been flagged with a TW/CW first off. Her following is majority female, and unfortunately the vast majority of us have most likely experienced some form of sexual assault/ sexual misconduct

I don't know how in the name of God her sister sticks her. She has repeatedly shit all over that area since she's landed in, to what I'm assuming, is completely free accommodation provided by her sister and family?

So what I've taken from Alvor is that the cafes are shite, no decent coffee, no decent gyms, and you will most likely be sexually harassed continually as a woman? Am I getting that all down Siobhan? Wow, well sign me up for a trip. I'll be running, not walking, to organise my boat trips and airport transfers with your sister and her families companies. 🙄

She's an absolute horror.
Whoever said she resents her sister and her life is bang on the money I'd say. Can't just be happy for someone else who has built a solid life and business in, what by all accounts, seems like a lovely, sunny part of the world. She has to find fault with everything.

I don't necessarily want to comment on her story about that incident, because it can come across like victim blaming. What I will say is, she had a duty there to note details of that car and call the police to report it.
An extreme incident like that lends itself to that man escalating things, until god forbid, a woman is physically assaulted.
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Masturbate Monday
Tommy Tank Tuesday
Wank Wednesday
Tug Thursday
Friction Friday
Cranking the Shank Saturday
Self-pleasure Sunday

Or if you’re Shiv-yawn, just your average week 😂
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A fucking air fryer. Seriously, I have one and it’s for the kids nuggets and chips really. It’s handy as an extra oven and it’s safe for them to use.
However, I would not miss it and I have an actual cooker so can use that as most of us do.
She doesn’t cook and can’t afford to eat out in Portugal daily so has to find some quick fix.
She is an absolute joke at this stage and the story today about the leering etc is just dreadful and horrible and an insult to people who have experienced sexual assault.
She compares the Furnace to the price of 2 G and Ts , coz she constantly thinks about alcohol.
Her client will never need another nutrition course, well that’s just a bad business model if it was even remotely true, you want repeat business but obviously she has nothing worth staying on for.
She is a horrible cunt. A sad, angry, frustrated Cunt who cannot be happy for anyone
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Sorry if I offend anyone, but I would be so embarrassed if I wore bright green tracksuit bottoms out to somewhere fancy in Paris.
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Has she turned the comments off?

What I find funny about Shiv is she made a holy show of herself yesterday, evidently pissed if her friends and and has absolutely nothing different about her today.

She doesn't lay low, keeps posting the same old mundane shit and keeps bullshitting to the world. Keeps being a horrible human.

She is on a different spectrum to most of us. There is an undiagnosed personality disorder there.

And she makes sure to post a collage of Paris, one that is entirely different to the reality of what it was. Her reality is so distorted.

Not even her new besto Laura liked it......... Hows that doghouse Shiv?
Poor Laura has probably been hauled before HR today because of Shiv. If you Google her, she's one of Aer Lingus leading ladies and has been to the fore of diversity and marketing campaigns.

Siobhan has dragged her down with her antics

If Siobhan was a decent influencer she would tap in and use really positive content around her friend who has achieved so much. These are the type of people she should be producing podcasts and content around. Not fraud influencers who don't know what they are at it fooking Bali!!

Shiv forgot to put an option C on her last story.

Her eyes are glazed, she's probably been in that room at the wine.
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