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And the message has the word Devine in it 😂 we see you Simone with your messages you send to yourself 😂
She probably put it in to throw us off as none of us could believe she learnt to spell it properly.
I see her posting a pic of her kid at a park after akl received another civil defense alert warning of extreme weather and to stay home. Great role modelling by Simone. Really using her position responsibly.
I reckon either Asher is being a terror with new baby and she's trynna tire him out or new baby is unsettled and screaming and she needs to get out the house...
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I came on to say exactly this.

She is allgedly besties with Mila and Mae, I'm pretty sure they live in the same suburb...go on playdates and she dropped off home baking when she had R...

why on EARTH does she now have a discount code for another candle brand!!!???

Same thing with her 'bestie' Meg - posted about Meg's journals once then shows herself filling out a completely different journal for Asher.


In contrast, I love how much Erin is babyproofing her home atm ❤ it IS hard being home by yourself with a rolling crawling little baby and I really take my hat off to her for doing the right thing.
Honestly I wasn’t a huge fan of Erin (awful memories of “hey hey here we go on the Erin Simpson Show” 😂) but she’s really grown on me since having her wee one. Same with Angel Heron. Yes they still do ads, but all seem more authentic than Simone’s. They show the highs and lows, but with the lows it doesn’t seem like they are doing it just for sympathy.
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Funny how she calls it trolling but we aren't actually sending any of these comments her way therefore not actually trolling her.
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Following on from the first summary

- 21 she got out of the toxic relationship, partied up a storm for two years

- had her WL surgery, was partying two days afterwards

- Was told to set herself up with a positive attitude to her weight loss otherwise the weight would come back on. Having had to borrow the $ from her Auntys as her parents weren't allowed to be guarantors, this gave her the impetus to succeed and not let them down.

- FB started as she wanted accountability. Weighed herself on the commercial scales at the jewellers where she worked, then cried for the rest of the afternoon. Then went live on FB sharing pictures etc then cried for three days, worried at what she had done

- Was the right time to start posting, no-one was into this really nitty gritty topic, followers increased hugely, esp after Huffington post mentions

- started being told she had taken the easy way out
- then she was told the pics were photoshopped. No it was her cellulite and saggy skin

- into body affirmations in a big way Dom asked for egs but she was cagey about sharing

Then influencing became real

- sent a packet of oat biscuits to promote, Aunty told her she should be charging after a company said her promo sold 180 of their t-shirts, and it started from there

- was stl nannying and doing her makeup, had met Trent who encouraged her to go full time. He'd cover the rent. She got two big jobs which meant she could go full time

- Trenti doesn't watch her stories
- it's a very viable career now
- she has a strict routine - exercise, work contacts, respond to messages 4-6 hours a day, doesn't look at other people's content

- met Trenti on tinder, told him she loved him after two wks, he says I really like you. They talked about this
- he's five years younger
- her biggest dream was to become a mother

- They have huge privilege, two huge salaries, no financial stresses, can afford day care and getting my nails done
- she's into gratitude in a big way, her parents instilled - she have goals and aspirations
- They have no worry about paying their mortgage
- she said if someone is constantly striving towards something more there is something missing, be grateful for what you have

Dom talked about obvious mental health issues in her family. She's never struggled with anxiety or depression, but has had very low points - when she went on a benefit after losing three nannying jobs, glossed over that with no real comments.

Talked about how she was thrown under the bus with the charity (never named) donations. Even when she was proved in the right her character
was still maligned
She refused to give up knowing who she was.

talked about keyboard warriors who wound never come directly up to her and say "you are a bixxh I don't like what you are wearing today".
she said her character is who she is, what you are. You can control that. Your reputation is out of your control. So she just lives her life to the best with good values.

talked about the Panadol complaint, was twisted to make it look like I promoted Panadol for mental health.

she's learnt to embrace her mistakes, makes me who I am today. Talked about how the need for AD or SPON on posts came from something she had done. It was all a witch hunt they needed to start with someone who was doing the most advertising and working with the most companies.

- works with ASA now, have a direct contact with them. Stemmed from her being pulled up for holding a mocktail whilst pregnant.

Then some questions sent in

Hate Watching - makes her accountable, holds her to a high standard, she checks her posts incase they could be misconstrued

Unrealistic expectations for post partum women - talks about her privilege, she makes parenting look good because it is the reality. Will never tailor my version to pander to someone else, she won't pretend.

talked about how brands message her with details when people contact them. She picks and chooses her alignment, some brands she won't go with

Toxic positivity - perfect son, child in daycare
Responded with she shared how he had a tummy bug, she shares the tricky parts. But she won't dwell on the shi##y things. She shares a lot of low points. She's naturally a positive person so focus on the good.
she's shared the tough points of motherhood. People want to see pages that uplift, inspire, give you a giggle. She'll cry on line.

talked about the woman whose husband was caught cheating. She won't show the public in the background of her stories, blurs them out, except on this occasion.

will be able to draw a line in the sand once the court case is over in April. Back to saying she can control her character, but not her reputation. The truth will always come out. I will always be relentlessly positive. And she won't go running with Dom, at least not for a year or maybe never.
Big red flag is she doesn’t look at the content of others - no wonder she is boring and stale. Last post had 14 comments and two were from bots. In contrast the relatable influencers who are getting work, partnerships etc have hundreds of comments, even with much smaller follower counts. She has no idea what a joke her feed has become and how the world of IG has moved on.
She’s backed herself into a corner, not stayed her her lane (don’t think she ever really had one) and is now a dated IG personality.
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I was induced first time and then went into spontaneous labour for my next child, I was unsure if I was actually contracting or having Braxton hicks. I got to the hospital in the nick of time 😅 Thick cunt I was 🤣
And don't forget the part where they had to rip her pants off when she felt like she needed to push like a tribal farm animal. Simmer down Simmo, so dramatic 🤣
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Wonder if she likes Winnie the Pooh, now just need Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore...

WTF is this monstrosity...
The pillows are halfway down the bed and the duvets turned over after them, isn't the point of a blanket/duvet to cover the sheets and bed. 🤔
Don't see the point in so many pillows to throw on the ground at night. I have 1 big one to lean against when reading in bed but that amount is odd. And yep the duvet rolled that far down makes the bed look like its not finished being made.
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Tall Tales

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Haven’t read all the comments in here yet!
Obs on utube.
Simmo is real life in this podcast

I could care less about her toes but she has a clear case of odema.

She looks more at the camera or away altogether than at Dom - that’s a sign of someone with the inability to be fully truthful.

Shes extremely uncomfortable when the camera pans on her and crosses her legs or fidgets.

I don’t think she knew it was going to be so fully on camera like it was. She sounded shocked at his new set up.
Her baggy top was to hide her real figure sane with the dark tights.
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Chatty Member
Imagine when Asher is 25 and if he brought home his little 15 year old Girlfriend in her St Cuths uniform. I wonder how Simone would act?

Asher: Oh no Mum she can’t stay for dinner, she has to go home and pack for school camp in the morning.
Simone: Oh that’s a shame love, your Dad is making his famous pasta. Here, give her this orchid from me.
Haha that's cute that you think Trent and the boys will still be living with her in 25 years...
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Would Paddy be interested though? I think if she was an actual celebrity something would have been done by now as it would be a good story but majority of NZ don't even know who she is.
No journalist would be interested. She’s not a celebrity and 99% of Kiwis don’t know who she is.

Or else it will end up 12 minutes long 😂
Dom is advertising it (with the unfiltered photo of her) ever few hours 🤣🤣
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Ok so who wants to take bets on whether S can do as she’s told and stay home today! Just read they’re asking people not to use the roads etc. I honestly think she hates being at home! I mean she went visiting yesterday, shouldn’t people be visiting her to meet baby….oh wait a minute they’re listening to advice and not going out lol 😆
She must be gutted! Asher was born in the midst of COVID and now she's being told to stay home again with this baby 🤣
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Commenting to show off my new well known member tag! I feel so incredible and stunning

Might go cry for two hours because I'm feeling so emotional 🥺 then put on a quick face and go watch my mate do a dj set at longroom
Don't forget to advertise 3 different activewear brands and show off your new $3900 Maori artwork before your bestie brings over dinner you devine human!
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That’s weird; I thought she’d never felt “down” or had mental health problems?
This relationship sounds awful, I’m pleased she was able to leave. Makes the WR donation issue is even worse in my view.
I'm sorry but what sort of 25 year old man would date a 15 year old?!?!?!
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Simmo is off to a first birthday party - will be able to sit down and have a catch up on tattle no doubt
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