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I watched the Mr Bates v The Post Office episodes this week, and the follow up documentary, it was heartbreaking. I was so angry seeing those decent people's lives destroyed. Whereas Simon's first thought appeared to be, I'll have a piece of that for my attention seeking on twitter. Vile individual
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Imagine how pissed you'd be if you were the person who ran the ECC social media accounts normally. Probably paid max £30k p/a doing it as part of other comms stuff and your employer bungs hundreds of thousands at some local "comedian".

If the work for Suffolk CC was of a similar nature then they got an absolute bargain for £25k (and really highlight that something went wrong in Essex)
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It is suggested that it was her local and there are pictures of her with the owners and also it is reported that she used to work there when she was younger. It is the only pub in Essex that was funded in this way
A pub is also a really inappropriate venue for a local authority to engage with vulnerable people, some of whom are likely to have issues with alcohol etc.
It has also continued to be used as a venue by Mid and South Essex ICS - where Kirsty went to work after leaving Essex County Council
We are almost at the end of the thread. time for some suggestions?
I am going to suggest strongly that it includes both his name but also that of Kirsty O'Callaghan. It helps with journalistic discoverability - and won't rely entirely upon titbits being picked up and posted elsewhere (something I have no probs with).
This story has more to give and it is essential that there are sufficient lines of enquiry to keep it going - in the MSM
What and who received funding from Mid and South Essex ICS is something that should also be subject to a FOI. The publication scheme there only lists payments above £25K
How about
Simon and Kirsty at the ECC, S.C.A.M.M.I.N.G?
(As a thread title suggestion)
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Folks - SH looks the way he looks, O'Callaghan looks the way she looks - let's keep this on the matter in hand: Competence, proberty and conduct. It's so close to being blown fully open and sympathies that might emerge for the state of main protaganist's mental health and all of that will only get in the way of what now needs to happen: a full invesitgation and accountability if wrong doing is revealed. Any personal consequences, in terms of how they feel about it all - or other people in the O'Callaghan circle beginning to fret- cannot be about people saying 'orrible things about them here, but only about people saying things here that shine a light on very serious questions to which there must be answers.
Hoping that doesn't sound sanctamonious - there's been enough of that from Harris over the years to last us all a lifetime!
It’s Tattle, not a solicitors office. What will happen will happen, I’m here for the humour and gossip 😂
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So he must be shagging Kirsty right? I mean no one puts their job in so much jeopardy for a random mate.
Fucking hell, you wouldn't touch that village idiot with someone else's fanny. Unless she's got a thing for men lacking in looks, intelligence or charm. Perhaps her criteria is "looks a bit like a boiled gorilla"...
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Honestly for £145k a year I’d personally knock on everyone’s door in Essex and say the “messaging” to their face

So I’m hoping we can look at the Equalities Impact assessment the Council carried out for this piece of work?
The immediate risks I see are the exclusion of anyone not on Facebook (broadly those under 30, those over 80) the assistive technology gaps (learning disability, blind) those who don’t read English (what is the diversity of first languages in Essex?) let alone he’s a Tory hating misogynistic fool.
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I would have thought he would have logged on and given some shite about "Making Mistakes" & "Try and be a better person" and his supporters would lap it up and he will try and carry on as nothing had happened. But obviously it seems he's guilty as sin
nope, he's proper shitting himself. this is not a mistake - he's had nigh on half a million pounds of public money for fuck all, whilst cry wanking about nigel farage. he's creamed the top off of all the GFM's he started and now he's been found out, and can't disprove it or call people trolls. a mealy mouthed response to this won't work. people will see past that in no time at all. he's finished - absolutely, well and truly finished and he knows it.
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Jelly Bean

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I was re reading the first thread about him and saw this from @CookieZippy (who was on to him years ago).
Was anything ever heard about again with this £91k for Ukrainian children?

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Jelly Bean

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He's not going to let it lie 😬


What I don't get with Fatty is he knew Tattle was on to him about the Essex stuff. Hence not mentioning how howibbly mean here was any more.
Yet he still persisted with his fundraising stunts opening himself up to questioning.
Did he think he was invincible? After Monroe?
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Blobby Harris is gonna be FEWMIN’ that 30p Lee, the BarryCliveKeith to end all BarryCliveKeiths, has shared that and HE CAN’T EVEN CLAP BACK WITH A RECYCLED “ZINGER”.

See I don’t even think he will be. Simon Harris isn’t bothered by Lee Anderson at all. He probably doesn’t even dislike him let alone hate him.
Lee Anderson, to Simon Harris, is someone he can take the piss out of on the internet, safe in the knowledge that Lee Anderson is widely disliked and most people would back SH.
SH wouldn’t even need to do any homework on LA to understand anything about him, it’s enough to use his name.
Simon Harris has NOTHING left now. He probably had a fairly empty life before his social media following; a few boring kids with a boring wife, sat in a rented house in suburbia. He was never the popular kid at school, a right old middle of the road Johnny.
Probably thinks the Red Hot Chilli Peppers are edgy.
He found a tribe of people online and got validated for the first time in his life and now that’s all gone. He’s back to nae pals and having to make conversations with his wife who not only doesn’t fancy him, she’s now ashamed.

Oh well
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I really don't buy the "oh his hearts in the right place, he's just disorganised"- how many times has he been "disorganised" with fundraisers he sets up and quickly moves on from? This is not Simon's first rodeo. And I will post this until I'm blue in the face, who does he think he is to invite non-charities to just tap him up for one of his 'microgrants' from money people have donated in good faith?

He knows exactly what he's doing, he's not a loveable oaf.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Comments under the Mail all agree.
Oh dear Si. Time for one of your famous pranks to lighten the mood.

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This morning I am tickled because it just occurred to me that "the payments were made to Simon Harris for expediency" is very close to

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Okay, so I promised to feed back. A tiny sip of tea but here it is for what it’s worth.
Source is involved with a community service and knows Simon vaguely as an acquaintance and has had some dealings with him. Source gets a tiny budget from ECC every year for their organisation community services which includes social media (less than £25k)

This person said that Simon is a nice guy, very good Intentions but is a loose cannon.
The amount he was paid by Essex County Council is phenomenally huge if it was just for social media.
SImon is an acquaintance of Kirsty O’Callaghan but very unlikely to be in a relationship with her. It’s more that they knew each other and whether or not there were any kickbacks for Kirsty in terms of awarding Simon the contracts. Plus the transparency of how decisions were made and if their friendship or whatever was declared up front.

Biggest anger locally is with Essex County Council rather than Simon as the money paid for social media output (if this is all it was for) is massive.

The GFM stuff may or may not be legit and Simon’s biggest issue here might be the looseness of his accounting. The person I spoke with says they don’t want to think that Simon has creamed any money off but it needs to be looked at, They think it may be a case of Simon impulsively acting without thinking and then not taking the right advice.

But who knows.
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