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Chatty Member
Her new grid post is just uncalled for. Especially all the talk about how Aisling's story impacted her.. the caption on her post saying "surviving is beautiful" - does she have a brain? What a self centered girl.
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Working with eco friendly protein bar brand “All Real” at the same time as Shein 😂
No consistency at all.
Fast fashion and eco friendly nutrition
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Jesus Christ on a bike, my eyes.
I love how she doesn’t read tattle but knows we beg for her to strap her breasts in properly.
Horrible looking
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Oh my god - clean?!!! Eh my house is probably less cluttered on a bad day. What ever OCD she has I don’t think it’s for tidiness… or cleanliness otherwise you could not just clean around random clutter, I couldn’t look at those open shelves like that & I’m very average normal amount of clean/tidy. She’s actually cracked god love her. Like OCD is debilitating & people struggle to function, it must drive people with actual OCD mad to look at her saying she has it. I love watching her all the same, it’s funny to watch just how out of touch with the reality she is, it’s like watching a child play house, it’s cute really… if she wasn’t in her 20s.
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My two cents here 👋🏻 A girl I know got talking to Shauntelle because they shared an ex who was crazy apparently. This girl acted like a friend to Shan but spread the rumour to me of money being spent inappropriately which I had never heard before and still don't know what to make of. That's how I found Shan.

The passive aggressive nature from questions a few weeks ago was a real turn off and just made me more curious. Just say your Dad is something you don't want to talk about and leave it at that, don't give me attitude for something I didn't realise was a touchy subject when everything else in your life is on the table. Also if someone mentioned something personal in her Q&A box like 'I have cancer too', a death/loss or something, she would never say 'Sorry to hear that' or 'I understand'. The conversation always reverts back to her but everything has been very Shan-focused for the past few years and still is whenever she gets sick again. Still, the lack of empathy concerns me...

She's not the worst and people here are really laying into her for things they don't understand or can't relate to. They see a snapshot of her life and make an assumption. Yes she struggles with her mental health, but yes she doesn't really help herself. She is irritating but so am I and you if we shared every detail of our lives online. I know no one asked her to share but no one asked you to watch. I understand her Instagram has grown from her YouTube vlogs so it's a natural progression, but I don't think she knows where to draw the line between what to post and not. She got too comfortable because on YouTube the interaction is very one sided so you can post whatever. But she seriously has an issue with food and that's something else that is concerning. I know she addressed it by talking about her OCD last night but it's something that should be dealt with in private. I found it very triggering and never knew when it was going to pop up in her stories. I found it strange when they'd do a food shop and she'd have to talk about everything to the camera before Leigh put it away. He must find that so strange considering he doesn't do social media (until now, probably not his idea). She also used to talk over him or talk louder whenever he spoke, that seemed off and made me think differently of her. I've seen the way she can change on camera. She'd also restart a video if he came in during the middle, or there'd be gaps in between. He seems like a sweet guy though and seems sweet to her.

Her posts during her Covid hospitalisation though were the worst, genuinely disgusting and in poor taste yet she gained so many followers at that time which was like a reinforcement. Her father in law had died, she was ill, but posting Boomerangs and making TikToks from the hospital room were so wrong on so many levels I can't even describe. It was like she milked it and I was surprised she was posting about travelling so often before that. I know at times it was for appointments but she did mix a lot (she got Covid from her father in law though, she didn't bring it in, just saying).

She is very immature but her brain tumour, which is still present, could be a factor. Plus her teenage years were very sheltered/taken away by cancer so there might be some regression there as she didn't have that time but yes she can act childish at times. But those people making really inappropriate remarks on her weight/appearance, what's your excuse? You're the kind of people that watch her just to hate/criticise. I found her annoying so I unfollowed, problem solved. I'm not a fellow big girl who feels empowered by her but I feel glad that she feels comfortable enough in her body to post pictures, especially bikini. I'm no where near her size and I don't do that. I'm not going to lie and say she looks amazing but she looks happy. That would not have been common a few years ago online. She knows she needs to lose weight to be healthy, not skinny, but she also should not be dealing that same dieting advice to you or me. Her obsession with tracking calories/numbers is something that needs to be discussed with a professional. I think she would benefit greatly from a counsellor. Her mam can't solve all her problems. I also wouldn't let my child post about weight loss online, that's obviously an issue that needs exploring not posting. It was like a cry for help... Some people are taking cheap shots at her appearance and that should not be on. Especially as there are more pressing issues with her and she has problems with her thyroid.

Her fast fashion habit is out of control. No one is telling her what to do but just genuinely it's an issue even if it was me. She could be supporting so many small businesses or at least not contributing to the pollution of the planet by buying into trends. That's not how you find your style by wearing what everyone else is wearing...

She's obviously very emotionally soft because she tends to over react to things but she is criticised for everything. Things I never even thought about! Such as Leigh not being at the baby's Christening and how much time she spends in Carlow or Wexford. It's not like she's a big star like Kim K or someone where it'd be vaguely interesting if there was a party and Kanye wasn't there (even then it's like who cares. You don't know the full story) - she's literally a 20 year old from Carlow! I understand how some people think she's too big for her boots but let her on, she is harmless. I don't think she's in any way inappropriately attached to her baby brother, someone here made a disgusting remark on that. She's obviously very maternal and may never have kids of her own - wouldn't you cherish every second of your new sibling, who almost didn't exist, being small? I don't follow the mam so can't make any comment, I just used to see what Shan posted.

Maybe finding this thread will be an eye opener for her and she can address privately some of the real issues. Shan, I'd say, work on yourself in private. Genuine privacy. Then you can come back mentally stronger. I know you like to post about 'real life' and stuff but there is a line and I don't think you know where it is yet. Plus there are some people that are nasty for the sake of it, don't give them fuel. I wish her all the best.
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It’s obviously working for them all or they wouldn’t be living together? Who knows what arrangement they have and Lees mam seems to love her and I don’t think anyone would let anyone take over or do anything if they weren’t happy with it to. Why feel sorry for them if they are all happy?
Sorry is your name Shauntelle by any chance? 🤥
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Yeah it’s not natural for a girl her age to be cooped in her bedroom all day trying to playhouse with her fiancé while living with the in-laws, who’s head would be right in that set up?! But she brought it on herself, so many more options for someone in her position. Like what does she even talk to Leigh about? What she ate all day???
Maybe an unpopular opinion here but I like Leigh he seems like a sweetheart and I’d imagine is very good to shauntelle
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It's actually really sad, lives in her bedroom, comes out to make meals and workout. With this lad just over a year, planning marriage and kids, really immature. I feel bad for her, it's like she's living in a dream world in her head, planning all these things, prob bored shitless in that bedroom. Annoys me when she's dishing out advice on relationships, like sit down, way too young and barely in the relationship a wet week. It's the way she talks about it though, like look Ive the best relationship so listen to me and you could be lucky enough to be a bit like me. I'm alright Shan, I live in the real world, got to know my husband before marrying him, and have been through real life events that shaped our relationship naturally. We didn't plan special date days every week to eat food, we just lived and loved and got here. It's called life.

I don't know about anyone else but if I was moving in with someone after 4 hours and getting engaged etc she'd tell me to cop the fcuk on. Her mother seemed to encourage it? I just think she's so young and vulnerable.
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I will always support and believe women but her post was in incredibly bad taste. She always makes everything about herself. And the pictures of her crying were completely unnecessary. I used to love her but she gets on my nerves the more I watch her
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A shower routine?!!
We all know how to have showers Shan, we have one in the mornings before we go to work for the day.
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How can you sit and home and chose not to work? Why would you want that for your life? No licence no job no house of your own but quite happy to get married and sponge off your MOL. The immaturity is unreal.. how are the social welfare not making her do a course or seek employment?
Very interesting tiktok if you search back through her posts - around January 2021. Basically how she plans on parenting. One of her promises is raising kids who will never be handed anything, they’ll have to work for it - give me strength!! Also no technology and plenty outdoors. This poor girl has absolutely zero cop on.


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I have never ever seen such a tone deaf woman child in my life. “I’ll show you surviving is beautiful” Jesus take the wheel under a post about a poor girl who was murdered. Shan just couldn’t let it be about anyone other than herself she couldn’t empathise and sympathise like the rest of the country no she had to make it all about herself what an awful personality she has.
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I cringe so hard! Showing her sexy time lingere and all last year 🤢 I just get the ick from their relationship!
I actually really like Leigh I think he comes across as a really nice guy, but I feel bad for him, she’s all about the show, even all their photos together are staged, there’s no genuine photos of them. And they’re all so cringey as well him trying to pick her up and all 🙈
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Also lads does it annoy anyone else how much she acts like her baby brother is her own child? 😅 I dunno if it’s just me but I get proper weird vibes when she’s holding him “oh my baby he’s so good” you’d swear she was about to whip it out and start breastfeeding him
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