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VIP Member
I dont think Lizzie could hold her own weight. unfortunately think it will be a while before shes pulling up and cruising
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Would I fuck be letting my 2yo play alone in the sitting room while I went back to bed! Unreal
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VIP Member
The audacity of her saying people having enough time to “troll her” with a child on the spectrum yet she has a child on the spectrum and spends all day everyday making shit tiktoks. Fuck off and get your eyelashes done ye clown. God she is ugly as sin.
the audacity of her to say go wash behind your ears but she gives stale piss vibes
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So if her surname is Williams is her son called Billy Williams???? that seems like an odd name to give your kid as Billy is actually short for William lol
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VIP Member
Since when does she have a dog? I don’t agree dogs should live outside. They need love and cuddles and a warm sofa 🤣
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Considering Shannon’s struggled with an eating disorder idk why she decided to come for that woman and her weight. No she shouldn’t have commented about the baby’s weight, just block and delete?

She makes herself look incredibly pathetic and infantile by coming onto tiktok and trying to drag people
I wouldn’t leave that kind of comment myself but the woman didn’t even say anything bad about Lizzie, it was aimed at Shannon? She said it’s unfair for her and that’s she’s overfed which technically is true 🤷‍♀️ I know kids all have different appetites but her size isn’t good, we never see her crawl and she’s like 10 months old already. She’s always strapped into something or just sat up doing nothing. She’ll no doubt burn it all off as she gets more mobile but as someone who’s worked with kids I can honestly say Lizzie is overweight for her age.

Plus she’s totally pot/kettle as she calls Lizzie fat herself then gets offended when someone else says it? Then attacks someone else for their weight when she struggles with eating disorders herself? The hypocrisy runs deep with her.

She should just stop monetising her children altogether as it’s perverted, anyone could be watching behind that screen and Lizzie cannot consent to that at all. I thought she’d have more respect for her children given all her “morals” about behaviour, marriage etc but clearly not. She needs to educate herself on the dangers of her children being online especially the way she dresses that poor wee girl. Her partner is allowed privacy but her kids aren’t? Of course not as they’re bringing in the cash 🤦‍♀️ Sickening
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Here for the gos!

Chatty Member
The child is porky, I know you shouldn’t say it but it’s true! Stop parading your kids on social media for content Shannon. She’s so easy to wind up it’s gas 🤣
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Do uno what I’m really surprised she doesn’t do those horrendous kid pageants. But in my opinion Lolly is abit unfortunate looking mouse is cute but built like an absolute tank. So maybe that’s why 🤷🏼‍♀️
she will love this comment ,I await the inevitable clapback
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I get that travellers like to dress their girls in pretty dresses on certain occasions but surely those girls would’ve been much better in some leggings and a hoodie. Who the hell wants to wear a puffy yellow dress and long wool coat with little white shoes to a fucking zoo? Shannon won’t have let Lilly have fun in case she gets dirty and lizzie can’t be comfy sat in the pushchair all day in that outfit either. She’s so selfish. It’s all about what she wants and what looks good to her rather than what’s best for her kids. See billy was dressed appropriately though
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VIP Member
what is she waffling on about now.People not getting paid as much as her 🤣🤣🤣love you look like you need a good scrub on the daily
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Chatty Member
How are those comments/likes/shares not enough of a wake up call for her? Complete strangers calling her daughter ‘lizzie mouse’ as if they know her. But then again, she doesn’t see anything wrong with it
“Shes dressed appropriately”
1.shes not 1 and in a 2 piece so practically underwear a person who isn’t attracted to kids yes it looks semi harmless but people who are attracted to kids don’t think the same way we do. It’s hard to watch people exploit their kids directly to pedos
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Well-known member
The baby is in size 8 pull up nappies. I mean im sorry but that is BIG their toddler pull ups. She's not even 1 years old.
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VIP Member
Actually no parents are very much entitled to respite and they need it to be able to actually care and looking after there children to their full potential haven't a disabled child isn't for the weak yes both of her are pretty low support needs but she's still entitled to respite. And all autistic individuals are so different you'll never ever come across 2 that are the same. I don't like shannon as much as the rest of you but I'll stand firm on that going away is her right her children will not suffer and infact will benefit them. If you don't have disabled children your self you have no right to speak on it
I have a child with severe learning difficulties and autism. For me it’s more that she’d been discussing Billy’s food refusal for some time on the lead up to the holiday, how he basically wasn’t eating anything, how frail he was and how worried she was about his physical and mental health. She gave the impression that the situation was very urgent. I don’t think you need to be a parent of a disabled child or even a parent at all to question why his parents would leave the country when he was that poorly. Personally, I’d have used the money to get my child help but I appreciate that’s my choice and not everyone has to feel the same.
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