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My friend used to work for a very upmarket beauty salon in Mayfair called Janette Ginnings. They had a few celeb clients like Britt Ekland, and also Sally Farmilo (who had an affair with Jeffrey Archer) And then there was Caprice Bourret. This was the early noughties, and Caprice had arrived in the UK from California in order to make a name for herself, and that meant going to any and every party going, as long as it meant her pic would get in the papers the next day. Well, my friend started to do her hair extensions (Great Lengths), and also her facials. My friend said that all Caprice would talk about was Rod Stewart, and how she could “get” him. But there was something “off” about her, something not quite right. Everything became clear when my friend went to Caprice’s house to do her hair for some premier she was attending that night. While Caprice was sorting her outfit out, my friend went to her kitchen for a drink, and there next to the fridge, was what looked like a passport, my friend being a tad nosey, had a quick peek - and nearly dropped his glass!!, because the passport WAS Caprice’s, but it said very clearly, that Caprice was Infact a MAN. My friend said after seeing that, everything fell into place, for instance, before Caprice got laser to permanently remove facial hair, my friend said sometimes doing her facials, he would see the beginnings of a 5o’clock shadow, she had hands like shovels, and her feet were HUGE. Caprice obvs had surgery in the U.S before she came here, but her passport had not been changed!! Apparently Rod Stewart dumped her after a few dates, rumour is that he found out her secret, and for whatever reason didn’t want to continue seeing her. My friend told me that when Caprice met Ty Comfort, he really wanted kids, and so a surrogate was used, and then the story Caprice put out, was that she fell pregnant naturally at the same time her surrogate was pregnant. That is the “official” story....However the REAL story was that they used 2 surrogates, but were very shocked when both fell pregnant as the second surrogate was basically a backup. So Caprice got one of those “moon bumps” and faked her pregnancy!! My friend also mentioned DOI, and wasn’t suprised by Caprice acting up and saying she was bullied by her pro partner. According to my friend, Caprice is extremely bad tempered, used to phone the paps whenever she was out, and got a junior sacked for getting a lunch order wrong. What a bitch!! 😂
This is the sort of gossip I come here for, I couldn't give a shit who you fancy, or have met??!!
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I wonder what happened to Jennifer (the one who looked a bit like Cheryl Cole) - both Dale and Stuart fancied her.
Does anyone remember Makosi? She was a beautiful girl, but sooo vain, and had a topless snog with another girl in the pool. Infact, was it Makosi who had sex in the house - and then needed a pregnancy test??!! Anyone else remember her??
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Some semi non dramatic tea about the mcfly boys and ex-girlfriends.

The first mcfly gig I ever went to was 2008. This was when dougie had a problem with alcohol. He was downing pints of cider all night long. My friend and I were in the section nearest to the stage at the side which at the time was where the mcfly family/friends also sat. Dougie was dating who is now Frankie Bridge from the Saturdays and oh my god, she was the biggest bitch I've ever met. Not once did she sing along or dance. My friend turned to her and said oh hi nice to meet you.. frankie turned to her, looked her up and down and scoffed. Nasty piece of work.

I've met mcfly twice and I can honestly say they are the 4 nicest guys you will ever meet. The first time I met them was at a special meet and greet at a raddison blu hotel. Dougie assumed that everyone had met him so he disappeared which made numerous girls around us cry. I was having a picture with harry when he said excuse me for a second, went and got the security to go drag dougie back out so everyone in the room could meet him. Couldn't apologise to everyone on dougies behalf enough. Danny was the sweetest member to meet. He's got an aura that just calms everyone down as soon as you're near him.

The second time was at a book signing. We had to wait at least half an hour over the time they were due to sign because an obviously drunk Danny must have needed to get his shit together 😂 they never rushed anyone though. Spent time talking to you even after they'd finished signing the book.

Just a little mention of Izzy's (Harry's wifes) brother Rupert. An absolute angel that lights up the entire room. Special mention to Emma Willis also. Sat a few seats away from her at a mcbusted concert. Super sweet and bopped along to all the songs.
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@TheJoanCollinsFanClub wow! Now that is proper gossip! Cannot stand caprice
I know someone who knew her back in the day and had a few ‘dates’ with her. He said they did alot of fondling and she was a real tease but he was never allowed to go lower than belly button level! Makes sense now! Mind you he said she was a nasty piece of work and incredibly vain.
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Not gossip as such but a cute story from Popbitch today about Adam Ant -

CP writes:
"I once wrote to Adam Ant when he split from the other 'Ants' to exclaim my disgust and disappointment. I expressed a hope that the remaining 'Ants' got their revenge on him. I was eight at the time.

"He wrote a very sweet letter back explaining that it was a harmonious split, enclosed a signed photo and hoped I liked his new solo single, Goodie Two Shoes. I didn't."
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Came for the comments

Chatty Member
So in quarantine I’ve been through all these threads and my fav celeb secret is that Anna wintour and Bob Marley have a secret son way before all the fame anyone else heard that quite extreme but I’d like to believe 🤣
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cmon you know that stories rubbish, I even posted her yearbook link that names her as a junior in the 88 book. oh and for extra info I went thru her FB friends list. And one of the other names mentioned in the link is her FB friend now. So she seems to know people from High school still
Ok, that’s fine.

Yes 🙌🏻
look, like a lot of people new and newish on here, we found a perfect forum to distract us from the abject horrors going on in our world right now.

We are here for the tea.

A nice bit of 'Caprice might have once had a cock' or 'Sir John Gielgud fancied a three ball with two handsome black blokes' or merely the angle of an elbow determining gender.... that kind of thing! Absolute chewing gum for the brain, keep us occupied and distracted from the very real, hugely scary or depressing Issues.

Jeepus, even Jamie Oliver and his 'too-big-tongue-for-his-own-gob is a welcome distraction!?

If I want real life discourse on politics, flu, sex trafficking etc I'll head to the real life boards!
Serious kiddas take a stroll over there! Wax lyrical about the referendum, sex trafficking, justification for a just war, Madeline McCann, the moral status of a pre-embryo in a secular society, whatever floats your boat and makes you cross... get your knickers in a twist to your hearts desire. Knock yourselves out!

But on Celeb goss? Nah smh.

Now @TheJoanCollinsFanClub any more steaming hot sugary tea to get us back on the straight and narrow of juicy goss (a tenuous grasp on truth not necessary 😉 ) ....
We're waiting patiently, honest ....
Ahh, Thankyou ❤ I must admit that I feel like everyone’s coming for me!! All I’m doing is telling my gossip and rumours!! I don’t want to see big pics of people I don’t know!!
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Beverley Macker

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I’m quite surprised at the people sticking up for Jim Carey on here, those text messages he sent that girl after giving her herpes were horrible, he’s scummy AF.
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A few more...
I’ve met Barbra Windsor many times, we both used the same hairdressers in Chiswick. She was so tiny, immaculate makeup, and that laugh!!! Obvs this was a good while ago, before she became ill, I believe the team at Lucinda Ellery visit her at home now. Also I met Duffy at the same hairdressers, she was lovely and happy to chat (and smoke outside the back with me!!). The staff there told me that there worst celeb client was Peaches Geldof, who used to scream at staff to get errands for her, used to sit with her dirty feet up on the tables, and one memorable occasion when Peaches fell asleep when her hair was being washed, and she wouldn’t wake up, so eventually they had to literally shake her to wake up because it was closing time, and she had the mother of all temper tantrums. She was barred from there after that performance!! Also she was well known for going for very long toilet breaks, and apparently came back very wired with white powder around her nostrils.!!
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oh no i'm English it's been shown over here on Sky etc I got hooked when it was on channel 5.
Much more glamourous & ott than Eastenders lol

If you have the Sony Channel on Freeview, they have it 9am weekdays x
Joey was in Days of our lives on Friends too😄 That's my reference cos I'm old!
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I've really got a mental image of this now. Piggy eyes, tongue lolling out, poking you with his fat little fingers. Shouting out 'happy days' at the end. I'll leave you to imagine the rest of it......
My friend used to work for a very upmarket beauty salon in Mayfair called Janette Ginnings. They had a few celeb clients like Britt Ekland, and also Sally Farmilo (who had an affair with Jeffrey Archer) And then there was Caprice Bourret. This was the early noughties, and Caprice had arrived in the UK from California in order to make a name for herself, and that meant going to any and every party going, as long as it meant her pic would get in the papers the next day. Well, my friend started to do her hair extensions (Great Lengths), and also her facials. My friend said that all Caprice would talk about was Rod Stewart, and how she could “get” him. But there was something “off” about her, something not quite right. Everything became clear when my friend went to Caprice’s house to do her hair for some premier she was attending that night. While Caprice was sorting her outfit out, my friend went to her kitchen for a drink, and there next to the fridge, was what looked like a passport, my friend being a tad nosey, had a quick peek - and nearly dropped his glass!!, because the passport WAS Caprice’s, but it said very clearly, that Caprice was Infact a MAN. My friend said after seeing that, everything fell into place, for instance, before Caprice got laser to permanently remove facial hair, my friend said sometimes doing her facials, he would see the beginnings of a 5o’clock shadow, she had hands like shovels, and her feet were HUGE. Caprice obvs had surgery in the U.S before she came here, but her passport had not been changed!! Apparently Rod Stewart dumped her after a few dates, rumour is that he found out her secret, and for whatever reason didn’t want to continue seeing her. My friend told me that when Caprice met Ty Comfort, he really wanted kids, and so a surrogate was used, and then the story Caprice put out, was that she fell pregnant naturally at the same time her surrogate was pregnant. That is the “official” story....However the REAL story was that they used 2 surrogates, but were very shocked when both fell pregnant as the second surrogate was basically a backup. So Caprice got one of those “moon bumps” and faked her pregnancy!! My friend also mentioned DOI, and wasn’t suprised by Caprice acting up and saying she was bullied by her pro partner. According to my friend, Caprice is extremely bad tempered, used to phone the paps whenever she was out, and got a junior sacked for getting a lunch order wrong. What a bitch!! 😂
I just had a quick scout around and there is very little information out there about Caprice and her life before she came to the UK. I always found it strange that she came and stayed here - because why? It doesn't really make sense. This is an article about her marrying some guy, scroll to the end for the quote from her mum, it's priceless when you read it within the context of this post 👌🏼

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Team JCM

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Ok, that’s fine.

Ahh, Thankyou ❤ I must admit that I feel like everyone’s coming for me!! All I’m doing is telling my gossip and rumours!! I don’t want to see big pics of people I don’t know!!
Don’t feel that way - sometimes on here I get the feeling of ‘virtual cliques ‘ but having mentioned it previously it’s stopped. No one usually gangs up on a user here. Most people are open to hearing out everyone’s views as scandalous or as sedate as they may be. People are generally courteous so don’t feel like you have to censor your views - that’s what Twitter is for ❤
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Chatty Member
Can we stop the victim blaming? Being over 16 doesn’t mean you’re suddenly immune to being groomed and exploited, which is exactly what happened to every single one of those girls. I’m quite disgusted at the turn this conversation has taken. People are almost excusing Epstein’s behaviour because the girls went back to him? Epstein was a scumbag who used his money and power to exploit hundreds of women and girls all over the world. Just because they looked happy in a couple of pics doesn’t mean anything. It’s called grooming for a reason and he preyed on girls from disadvantaged backgrounds which adds to their vulnerability. Sent people round high schools to ‘recruit’ them ffs. The first time they went to his place they didn’t know what to expect, he hired private investigators to threaten and stalk his victims if they spoke out. Being of a certain age doesn’t make you immune from certain types of abuse, r-kelly basically kept women prisoner in his mansion for years, they were mostly over 18 so technically adults Although the grooming started sooner, the parents couldn’t do shit to help them and he used this to his advantage. Heck, there was even one women speaking out on the r-kelly documentary who was older and even she suffered at his hands.

To say how can 17 year olds claim abuse because they went back to him just shows a complete lack of understanding of the situation these girls found themselves in. He was a powerful, manipulative rich man who could talk the talk AND walk the walk. He tricked teenage girls into thinking he loved them and he going to marry them so he could sexually exploit and abuse them and I can’t sit here and read comments implying they’re not really victims and not say anything, what’s been said about these victims is truly shameful.
Exactly, 17 year olds are still children in my eyes, Girls are not fitted with some magic switch which means on their 16 birthday they all of a sudden become capable of understanding situations and making sound decisions, any kind of sexual relations between a young girl and much older guy are extremely questionable especially when there’s money involved and an extreme imbalance of power, it’s exploitative and disgusting
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Team JCM

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Have we found out yet where that freak Jiz is hiding yet? Jiz-Laine Maxwell needs to face her victims, what a seedy, shady fuck she is.
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Met up with my neighbours nephew at Christmas time and he told me that his Mums friend (in her early 50’s) was having a full blown affair with Jamie Oliver! She lived over the road and would regularly see him arrive and leave the next morning! Was going on for years apparently and was an open secret on the estate.
Imagine those sausage fingers touching you. Eeeww 🤢
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Tell us more!
I didn’t work with his production company for long but I knew of two interns he’d had ‘relationships’ with who then got perm jobs. Before I got the job there it was common knowledge in the industry that he was a prolific shagger.

Christine Bleakley was the loveliest woman in the world. Would give the runners and assistants all the freebie and pr gifts That were sent to her to take home.
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