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I've just seen Amanda Holden on I can see your voice, we're waiting for Eurovision, wtf has happened to her face? She looks like a melted candle 🕯
She looks like a blood hound in a wind tunnel. Fucking state of her. Always crying and clapping like a distressed seal.
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House of Tea

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Diana was looking for love. She was looking in all the wrong places but still...a woman in her prime, lauded the world over as a great beauty, pushed aside from the get go for Camilla. Was she supposed to enter a nunnery after doing her duty and producing the heir and the spare?

She was a child when she was engaged to Charles. 19. Her mum had run off and her dad got married unexpectedly to Barbara Cartland’s daughter. She didn’t have a loving touchy feely relationship with her family as a foundation, and she was used as a brood mare by the royal family. She thought, in her childish naivety that Charles was going to give her the love and attention she craved. He was old before his time, and not interested in teenage things, plus had Camilla. Camilla had rejected him in favour of marrying her husband so he pined for Camilla throughout the marriage to D. She was massively rejected by him. He saw nothing wrong with having a mistress, the royal prerogative and al that.

I am not a massive Diana fan, certainly not a fan of her chasing after married men, but can see why she wanted attention and love. She would be 60 this year, strange to think of that!
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Stripper Vicar

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Do you guys remember when Jarvis Cocker mooned Earth song. It seems Michael Jackson falsely accused him of assaulting children and he was taken straight from the Brits to a police station! Bob Mortimer who is a trained lawyer went to get him out! AND David Bowie cleared his name!
This is the gossip i’m here for 🙌🏻
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I just think why is anyone having 5 or more children when the earth is literally dying? Sad
Totally agree. Its controversial but I don’t understand how in this day and age people have so many children without thought for how the planet can sustain them. We have a responsibility to exercise some self control. An instagrammer the other day with 4 kids when asked if want more said “we don’t feel done”. Well you might not be “done” mate but the planet is. Get a fucking grip what does “done” mean anyway. Exhausted? Broken? Just enjoy your healthy children and hope there is enough space and resources for them to have children of their own one day!
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Any tea on Graham Norton by any chance? I hope it's all good. He is the only chat show host I'll watch- seems super intelligent, genuinely considerate of others and actually funny without trying too hard. Hope nobody bursts my bubble
I’ve always knew I liked Graham Norton when they done something that cost quite a bit of money honouring him in Cork during the 2008 recession. His response was along the lines of “I appreciate it but couldn’t you of helped people out with that money?”
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Chatty Member
I'm quoting myself here, but someone has just told me that Louis Tomlinson's babymama actually set out to try and coax a baby out of Harry Styles but he was having none of it, he said he didn't do one nighters. Particularly with a girl carrying a positive ovulation stick ;)
But why are they having ons with girls without a condom? They cant be bothered to protect themselves so more fool them!
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Harry looks nothing like Hewitt and in fact is the double of his Grandfather Philip as a young man! The red hair comes from the Spencer side! How fucking nasty are the palace if they are going down this route?! Whatever their beef with H&M that would be a low blow even for them. But then I’d expect nothing else really. They’ve shown time and time again they are a spiteful, nasty bastards who will do anything to protect the monarchy and its reputation. Even harbouring pedophiles.
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Max Mosley has died and the DM’s breaking news banner is quite an intro to his life. Don’t think he really wanted to be remembered that way!

The article states that ‘He took the Sunday newspaper to court in 2008 and won a landmark privacy case having successfully sued the News of the World for claiming his five-hour bottom-spanking, whipping and fantasy session’.
Five hours?! Good God, his arse must have been sore!
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Chatty Member
Am I the only one who doesn’t think the Sean/Katya thing is that big a deal?
It wasn't that - it was the fact that he was a complete shit to his girlfriend and this was the icing on the cake. The day he got caught out snogging Katya was his girlfriend's birthday... so he was doubly a :poop:

(Also, he could be easily confused with Justin Lee Collins, who is a massively abusive arsehole: )
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House of Tea

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I was in the Marble Arch branch of M & S looking at the women’s shoes. I glanced up and caught the gaze of Nicki Chapman, who immediately gave me a look as if to say don’t you bother me. I never speak/stare at famous people, I am not interested, and it would take a greater “name” than her to make me change that. I just happened to glance at her like any other customer standing near me, mainly to check my bag was not in danger of being pickpocketed (which has been attempted several times in Oxford St). I felt like saying something along the lines of get over yourself love, you are not even the third wheel on that panel.

Not sure why she has become quite successful as a presenter. Vanilla, bland, a bit bovine.
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That horrible news for her. The only positive I can think of is that I was told that Thyroid Cancer (apart from one particular unpleasant type) is the one of the 'better' ones to have as it's one of the easiest to treat. It doesn't always need chemo, sometimes a thyroidectomy is enough. Although of course, that brings with it a lifetime of medication.
Poor thing, hopefully she will have a swift, uncomplicated recovery.
My mum has the bastard one where basically there are no survival figures after 5 years. They told her when she was diagnosed she had about ten months - she did bloody well and had nearly beaten the five years when she passed
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House of Tea

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I lost 2 stone and kept it off by taking a long term view. I knew I couldn’t go on a diet, too prescriptive for me, and all the diets I have been on did work, but when I started to eat “normally”, the weight crept back on. I knew I would only lose weight permanently if I tweaked my diet a bit. I wasn’t a one for breakfast, I used to force myself to eat it because we have been told we should eat it. If I ate breakfast it set in gear eating mode for me, it made me hungry. My natural way of eating is lunch and dinner, with the occasional treat and I embraced that. I don’t calorie count, instinctively I cut back the next day if my diet is a bit piggy the day before. No food is forbidden to me, it is just food.

Cutting out breakfast, and walking 4 miles a day (the oft mentioned 10,000 steps) worked for me, but slowly which is where the long term view comes in, it took me a year to lose that 2 stone. I am also middle aged, I was worried I was going to get that deflated balloon face because of quick weightloss. The slow weightloss meant that did not happen.

I eat the same food as my OH, eat the same treats but I am more mindful about what I am eating and why. I now know I am intermittent fasting (think it is 16:8) but didn’t know that when I started eating that way. Plus the 10,000 steps a day is a random figure that some people made up in Japan to flog a pedometer (I think that is what it was), but it gave me something to aim for.

I think sometimes you diet for an event, and you want to speed diet for that event. You need to change your mindset I think. Time is going to pass, and half a pound weight loss every week adds up over a year. Too slow for some but it worked for me. I lost weight for my health too. I was not ill but as you get older the health part overtakes the aesthetics, if you look good at target weight, that’s great, but health is wealth when you get older. As a bonus lots of little niggles cleared up, the aches and pains that I thought were set in for life.

Here endeth the lesson! Sorry to sound so preachy. I know how awful it feels sometimes to be carrying excess weight around, I did it for years. I felt reborn when I lost 2 stone, which isn’t even that much, but in terms of making me feel alive again, it felt like a mammoth weight off.
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Emma Stone named her baby Louise Jean McCary,which is a surprisingly normal and lovely name.
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If i told you …

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Totally agree about being the minor celebs who have ideas above their station.

I used to work as cabin crew and the A listers were generally lovely and then you'd get someone who'd been on Big Brother twenty years ago drop the "Do you know who I am?!"
No mate, haven't got a clue and neither has anyone else here.
Absolutely. The further down the food chain they are the further up their own arris they are! I’m lucky enough to live in an exclusive area of Cheshire. Lots of wags, soap stars etc. The rudest person I have come across was the girl who plays Izzy in coronation street. Because she is in a wheelchair she thinks she owns the pavements and shopping isles. The nicest person is Colleen Rooney. She is so friendly and chatty

I would dearly love for one of them to say ”Don’t you know who I am?” Because I would shout out that this, person doesn’t know who they are … can anyone help them 😂
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Chatty Member
Well I googled. I’ve just accepted now that I’ll never not look. It was just about worth it for the number of comedy pictures someone has created. LK head complete with very animated facial expressions obviously stuck on some porn snaps 😁

Ive designated a part of my brain for the things I google because of tattle. And I’ve accepted my fate.

I've also told my husband to delete my browser immediately when I die.
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Seann Lock is having panic attacks because he got pissed and kissed a married dancer in public?
Just as well he didn’t get an actual leg-over or else he’d have P.T.S.D for life. I hope all the servicemen and women who get both limbs blown off or the kids losing parents in Gaza feel suitably chastened.
Maybe we should all wear a little enamel badge of a comedian straddling an orange woman in support? Or have a minute’s silence in memory of his audiences reaction to his sets?

For Fucks Sake!

Re Naomi buying a sprog, or having her embryo toted by an impoverished woman etc, I hope she’s managed to overcome her “anger management issues” ie, “ being a Cnut” when you’re rich and famous,

*Not having a go at those who can’t carry a nipper, just narcissists who wait until they’re old to get one, like they’re a jacuzzi or something.
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