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But why are they having ons with girls without a condom? They cant be bothered to protect themselves so more fool them!
Exactly. If I was still of child-bearing age with limited morals and no ambition other than to be very very rich and a little bit famous, I'd shag my way through every celeb male I stumbled across and have as many babies as I could. Kerching!!

My husband has just read that over my shoulder and said 'what, you'd even shag Boris Johnson?' Er, no.

Luckily I am knocking on a bit now and my baby making days are over so male celebs the world over can breath a collective sigh of relief.
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These threads have ruined me

The baby was watching raa raa the noisy lion on cbeebies earlier and I couldn't get THAT Lorraine Kelly image out of my head 😂
I cannot find that pic of LK I’ve googled “Lorraine Kelly growler” “Lorraine Kelly hairy vagina” “Lorraine Kelly nudes” god help me if anyone checks my browser history especially as I found “Danielle Lloyd Pringles in vagina” 🤣🤣
Fuck reading that back I sound like a teenage boy not a woman in her 40’s 😩😂
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Anyone else secretly enjoying the hammering Amanda Holden is having today after her performance at Eurovision? Couldn’t happen to a nicer person….sorry, bad bitching done for the day! 🤣
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I may be in a minority but I have always liked Alan Carr and think him doing all these retro games shows on ITV show how good he is as a host. He doesn’t belittle the guests like Barrymore and manages to be funny and also friendly and interested in them rather than playing to the camera. He is one of those celebs I never want to read bad stuff about on here.
I miss his chat show, the guests weren't always as a-list as Graham Norton. But watching Americans get confused by bizarre British alcoholic beverages always amused me. And it was always good watching Alan getting drinker as the show went on. It was always a good show.
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Stripper Vicar

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How random - Martin Freeman having a go at Jim Carrey for his method acting in The Man in the Moon which was ages ago. Saying he was immature and should have been sacked. If Freeman was in that film I could understand it but he wasn't so it just seems really odd.
Freeman really seems a competely humourless luvvie who takes himself very seriously.
I fucking hate Martin Freeman. Smug smarmy twat
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Chatty Member
can't believe nobody,s called the now-disgraced chat show host ELLEN DISINGENUOUS as a nickname yet

her staff past and present must be glad the whole charade is over by next May



just to be clear on that

there are FAR BETTER far more tolerable gay and lesbian hosts than her and Phil Schofield who do not BS the public

all Dale Winton ever wanted to do was to entertain


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I thought this was the celeb gossip thread? Don't we have threads for the Royal family already?
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Michael Jackson accusing someone else of assaulting children must be the ironic thing ever. He makes me sick. I can’t believe his music is still played on the radio etc, he’s no different to Gary Glitter IMO and his music should be treated the same way.
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I had a spine chilling moment when a woman I knew told me, with a completely straight face, that she invited her abuser round to her safe house because she was ‘lonely’. Never mind that he came close to killing her before that, had to flee for her life & she spent months in temporary accommodation under she was housed at a safe distance over 200 miles away. She chose to have his child after he had beaten her & had coercive sex with her (yes, it is rape but she couldn’t hear that). She brought him right back into the heart of the family.

The thought that she might sit with her ‘difficult’ feelings, thank her lucky stars that she, & her two small children, were free to have a safe life & make new friends counted for nothing. Alas, she then went on to have another child with a different man who after a while beat her up. More police intervention, more social services involvement, another safe house & a huge amount of upset for three small children.

I now understand what Erin Pizzey meant when she stated that some women are equal partners in the abusive relationship. The tragedy is that children are brought up in this dysfunctional family dynamic.

What it is about having a child within a few months of a new relationship? Sealing the deal?
Is having a child so soon a form of commitment rather than a marriage as a statement & rite of passage?
Why when a woman barely knows the man does she make a commitment to him, by having a child, in no time at all?

I’m a card carrying social liberal, but life has shown me that I have grew up with rose tinted spex on & I find myself less tolerant as I see for myself the plight of children subject to the vagaries of selfish parenting & short term choices taken.

To get back on topic ... I give you Katie & Kerry.

This is the bit I struggled to get. She told me that she thought the new guy would be a good provider - as is her father -but she made that decision based on the flimsiest of evidence, mostly what he told her. That she should wait to get to know him better before bringing him into the home & meeting her children, let alone shag him, just did not register.

Back on topic - do some celebs & their quick-fire baby making set an example for others to follow or do they reflect society’s values in general?

According to Tom Bowers speaking on LBC this morning, Mosley paid five prostitutes to Nazi uniforms & speak German during the orgy.
Judge much? There's a lot more going on than 'she invited her abuser round to her safe house because she was ‘lonely’ '
what must have brought her to a point in her life that she would make this shattering decision rather than 'sit with her ‘difficult’ feelings, thank her lucky stars'.
Have you ever felt so desperate, worthless and alone that you would choose to be in a situation or with a person who could feasibly kill you?
How many addicts and vulnerable people are damaged partly because they *can't* sit with their difficult feelings?
Why do people repeatedly turn to drugs and alcohol when those difficult feelings come up?
Or turn to self harm, shopping, gambling, dangerous situations or binge eating?
Why does someone who's been repeatedly abused seek out the abuse again and again? Why are there patterns to destructive behaviour?
Rose tinted specs and a Liberal attitude are fine but they are not getting to the root of any of the issues.
In order to help the children we have to help the parents.
The services who support dv victims are very limited, these people need as much input as someone in rehab but there just aren't enough resources and until the root cause is treated people will return again and again to what hurts them. Its familiarity which is perversely comfortable. They feel its all they're worth, it's all they understand or they believe this time it will be different. They have nobody else to support them.
And a million other reasons why

I recommend Gabor Mate as a starting point if you want to learn more about how to compassionately support people with trauma and self destructive behaviours.

Eta : Reading this kind of thing could be enough to send women back to the person who hurts them, thinking everyone thinks bad of them.
it's very easy for an abuser and groomer to reassure that person that he is on their side and the only one who really understands etc. It's not crystal clear
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To add to my Nicki Chapman story, I also saw the so called fashion expert from Lorraine (don’t know his name but he arselicks Lorraine and looks a bit ferrety) in a Oxford St department store in the women’s clothes section. I looked at him because it registered that there was a bloke (although you don’t like to presume these days) rifling through the racks. He gave me that don’t bother me look as well. I would rather eat my left arm mate. It’s the minor celebs that are the ones who big themselves up.
Totally agree about being the minor celebs who have ideas above their station.

I used to work as cabin crew and the A listers were generally lovely and then you'd get someone who'd been on Big Brother twenty years ago drop the "Do you know who I am?!"
No mate, haven't got a clue and neither has anyone else here.
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I wonder if she has adopted. Just something about the wording of her announcement, 'A beautiful little blessing has chosen me to be her mother'.

Maybe I am reading more into it, but good for her either way.
Lets hope the baby has massive tantrums and throws things like mobile phones at her. Karma baby😎
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Stripper Vicar

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I love Alan Carr, he is fun & witty without being a bitch.

I also love Graham Norton, his commentry during during Eurovision is💯
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He is the classic midlife crisis in motion...

View attachment 581189

ETA I haven't seen the article regarding his comments on Jim Carrey. But I have read more than a few times over the years that Jim Carrey is a nasty piece of work. The way he treated Cathriona White after he gave her herpes and Jenny McCarthy has hinted that he emotionally abused her.
My husband always calls him "The Rubberfaced Comedian Jim Carrey" whenever he sees anything with him in 😆
He looks like he’s going to help out with the Brownies.
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Freeman is a bell end, and that's all you need to know. How he got to be famous in the first place is a mystery. I suppose he is a sex symbol but only to underage girls who have never had sex and when they do, it will be to basement creepers.
Sex Symbol!? He looks like Louis Walsh had a makeover.
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Harry looks nothing like Hewitt and in fact is the double of his Grandfather Philip as a young man! The red hair comes from the Spencer side! How fucking nasty are the palace if they are going down this route?! Whatever their beef with H&M that would be a low blow even for them. But then I’d expect nothing else really. They’ve shown time and time again they are a spiteful, nasty bastards who will do anything to protect the monarchy and its reputation. Even harbouring pedophiles.
That kind of shit proves Harry was right to leave. I don't get the hate for him and Megan, maybe its because I come from a toxic family myself but I understand why he felt he needed to move to the other side of the world and start over.
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House of Tea

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Alan Carr just radiates good cheer for me. He enlivens the most banal exchange with humour, and it’s not base humour either, he’s quick witted and clever. I am sure he has had his sadnesses but he laughs it off. His podcasts are quite funny, the ones where he takes celebs on their favourite holiday. I listen to them on my morning walk, and look like a loon as I laugh my head off.
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Naomi Campbell becoming a mother pisses me off. Aside from the obvious anger issues, the bitch is too old to be a first time mother. You may not look it, BUT YOU ARE 50 NOT 25! :rolleyes: Sure she will have help, but when the kid is 20 she will be 70. She thanks science for allowing her to have a child at her age, but what about the child you are bringing into the world? Selfish bint! :mad:
Genuine question but do you feel the same about 50 year old men having children? Whilst she may be too old in your book to have a child, at least she has money and the child is likely to want for nothing. She may be an awful woman to other people but there is nothing to say she would not love and nurture her own child.
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Peter Kay disappeared because he’s been ill with leukaemia. We’ve talked about it a lot on these threads, it’s well known in the industry but the press respect his wishes to keep it private. He’s really not a well man at all. The press do drop hints occasionally, but are otherwise compliant. Probably because he’s never been much of a media whore like a lot of other celebs.
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