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VIP Member
And me.

He’s been ‘resting’ for the last six months near enough because Eastenders stopped filming before the other soaps did. Either he’s unwell or he’s done something he shouldn’t.

People on Twitter are speculating about him doing Strictly but Eastenders have never given cast members time off to do it before.
EastEnders normally massively reduces the filming for people doing Strictly if not letting them off for the time completely. They do accommodate it to some extent at least.

He did also lose a massive amount of weight a year or two ago I'm sure, said he'd taken up running with a son of something, but then I assume he piled it back on after a marathon or something.
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Well-known member
Guys, any tea on Henry Cavill? I know there are many rumours about him being into underage girls, but I also heard many that he’s gay and closet case.
Wasn’t one of his most recent girlfriends only 19? Obvs not underage but a lot younger than him!
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Although in his podcasts it’s obvious he’s tight as fuck. Can’t stand tight wads.

Jesus I despair! Fucking honey? There's nowt wrong with plain old Fairy and water - adding honey just makes you a twat!
And possibly a target for pests? Hopefully the washing up liquid would keep away bugs and flies? Who knows.Maybe she added some random ingredient so as not to be pulled up on plagiarism.
a very fine cook of my acquaintance noticed in one of Nigellas recipes she’d used a really old BBC GoodFood recipe, and added a tablespoon of something irrelevant!

Surprised my James Corden gossip from way back in SCG thread 17 hasn't gained more traction :)

'James Corden - Now, this didn't happen to me but I trust the person who told me. Quite a few years ago on a film, everyone was on a break and they had some fun catering in as a reward to the crew, candy floss etc. One guy had a toffee apple in his hand and was talking to another crew member, without a word Corden walked straight between them and as he passed SLAPPED the toffee apple out of the guys hand and onto the floor. Corden kept walking and never looked back. Crew members shocked into silence. Haha, awful!'

Think the film was the Gulliver's Travels remake with Jack Black.
ld love to meet this knob and him try that on me!
he really is vile.

Lee Mack pulled the old “Do you not know who I am” line with my cousin who was working at a festival because he wanted some kind of special parking privilege
I see my instincts were right about him; he’s got a very puffed up vibe about him, like he would be very snarky all he time.

I read earlier this year that she had a super injunction out, she allegedly wants to spill the beanz in her own time.

When nothing came out about it, I disregarded it, now this.

(no smoke without fire sorta smiley) ...

I loved that site. It used to be taken down a lot so he was touching a nerve somewhere. He was out of the loop for ages and then started up again with a private site you had to sign up to. I passed on that ...
Thouhg tbf when it came to Saville everyone had heard of something!
Even the Lizard King David Ikewrote about that years ago, and he thinks the world is run by shape-shifting lizards.

Lee Mack pulled the old “Do you not know who I am” line with my cousin who was working at a festival because he wanted some kind of special parking privilege
I see my instincts were right about him; he’s got a very puffed up vibe about him, like he would be very snarky all he time.

He and gervais don’t really speak any more I think
Do you know why?
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
Does your friend who worked on 'Footballers Wives' have any tea on Laila Rouass? She seems to keep a low profile now that she has been engaged to Ronnie O'Sullivan for years, although they never seem to be getting round to marrying.

You are right about fax machines. I am even surprised when I see all-in-one printers currently on sale which have a fax included.
Hahaha someone asked me about a fax machine yesterday, I nearly embarrassed myself and said that we have a printer/scanner 😂
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New member
Yeah, the more I’ve thought about it, it definitely looks like it was Jennifer and Johnny. Also, you mentioned that she had her nose surgery in the early 80’s, but wasn’t with Johnny until 87’, but the blind is alluding to Johnny being the one who convinced her to have it after “wearing her down” with constant digs about her looks..
ETA: I wonder if his relationship with Kate Moss overlapped his one with Jennifer?
agreed. they are like a celeb couple you want to see :D
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There is a sort of male equivalent to Karen - gammon. Both are shorthand to get people to shut up. I hate them both.
True, but Karen personalises abuse, you can’t address someone as gammon to the same effect, if you know what I mean? I e never seen ok gammon, although it’s obviously abusive. O.k, Karen, is coming from a place that says I know how old you are, Middle Ages or older is pitiful and invalid. I am personally shaming you. gammon is more racist and classist I suppose? Tending to ageist but not overtly.
With regard to Louis Theroux- somebody earlier listed his school mates. Shane MacGowan also went to the same school bizarrely. It is Westminster School.
That is interesting, how funny.
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Miss Demeanour

Chatty Member
Ha! For those that asked once a good many years ago i was at a wedding at Silverstone and there were rumours that Top Gear were also there filming....anyway after a few glasses of fizz i was coming back from the ladies and saw a gaggle of people separate and little old Richard Hammond my (slightly boozy please remember) mind i was thinking 'say something different, say something cool!' and as he came up to pass me i came out with "Hello Richard Hammond - can i lick your face?" The poor man visibly shuddered and understandably mumbled something about preferring it if i didn't and scurried away in fear 🙈🙈🙈
Literally about a month later he had that really bad high speed crash that nearly killed him and i got a text from my brother saying 'Richard Hammond still trying to get away from you licking his face?!?' 😅😅😅
I have a couple more similar stories - all with the general theme of me saying something stoopid - my other half always says i shouldn't be allowed near anyone slightly famous as i malfunction and to be fair he is annoyingly right hahaha 🤷‍♀️😂
An excellent first time entry into the thread. More please. 😆

Bit late to the party but has anyone seen The Boyband Con: The Lou Pearlman Story? Just finished it and was so shocked at Aaron Carters defence of him? I definitely think some kind of abuse went on there, it was disturbing to watch his denial and reaction 😐 Not going lie I did spend most of my time swooning over AJ... I used to be a Brian girl back in the day but AJ now is 😍😍

Anyone have more BSB or NSync gossip?
Where can I watch this please?


Chatty Member
I agree, when I think of the storylines of all her books now I’m revolted, they all follow a similar vein. I was a teenager at the time of reading her books like Dangerous Lady, they were all the rage with my peers at the time, we thought they were great as they covered sex and violence and some of the characters were our age?!??!!! Now as an adult and mother I’m horrified.

These were outlets for her fantasies imo, really disturbing. Once I saw a mention of it on here about potential abuse on her part I thought this made sense.


VIP Member

I think it’s Ed Sheeran!! Anyone?
Would they not say "married"? Not a BG reader so I probs know f.a!