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No it doesn't. Although seeing as she's used the alphabet soup of the QIA+ which tends to just mean spicy straight boys who like to wear nail varnish it's probably to be taken with a pinch of salt anyway.
she's mentioned in the past one of her kids is non binary, surprised she hasn't gone on about it more for cheap content
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Check out Caffy Hanks selfie of the 11th April if you wanna know where your nans sausage dog draught excluders have got to. Absolutely grotesque. But all part of being a Proper Scouse Woman ™️ apparently. Also tweeting a pic of your grandads funeral programme? Absolute trash.
Jesus I've just had a look! 😳 why do they all try and tweet as if they are thick ket wig lads? So cringey.
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It's irritating af that Scouse Ma tries to shore up her little grift with side characters like her own mother. Who isn't called Jean. Her opinions aren't any more insightful, funny or share worthy than anyone elses just cos you came out of her Elle.
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Love how a few people pulled her up in their comments under a snide clip of Ant McPartlin at the Coronation- as soon as people said it might be his ADHD meds affecting his facial expressions, she was all oh yes, I have ADHD myself, wasn't having a dig at him. Well what did she post it for then? 🤔
I missed that. Of course she's Queen of ADHD now she's had it for 3 minutes. If u can get to your mid 40s functioning in the world without knowing you had it maybe you don't and you're just a needy bandwagon hopping twat.

She's just posted a pic of her meds on her ShesDeadSoosan account aswell. I've never seen anyone but teen girls do that sort of dramatic attention seeking shout out. What's the excuse at 44? Clout chasing crank.
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See she's playing her expected broken record today, "I hate the monarchy, men are b*ld, you're a bootlicker" - imagine basing your whole personality on it. Good for the scouse twitter points though isn't it?
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The Ma has retweeted Pete Prices statement about some abuse he got at the races. Which would all be very nice if she wasn't 1 of his tormentors for years who helped normalise the idea that needling him is some sort of funny regional sport. Quite why repeatedly giving grief to a pensioner is supposed to be on brand Peak Fun Scouser I've never been able to figure out. Here's just 1 example of the hypocritical Miss Piggy.
I would have bet my house on her weighing in on this. I've seen the clip from the weekend and while I'm not Pete Prices biggest fan by any stretch, it was horrible to watch-some little rat who sounded like his balls hadn't dropped, hiding behind his phone shrieking "lizard" about 20 times as Pete is walking away from the situation. And you're right, it was all these horrible "ubes scouse" accounts like hers that started it all. There's a few blokes who are as bad, we should lump them all in this thread to be honest
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The ma has retweeted a comment stating taking photos of people without their consent is a hard no. Fuck me, I must have hallucinated the past 10 years of her account where she's distributed humiliating photos and videos of people, many of whom will be vulnerable or suffering addictions for the lols and likes and most importantly the pounds. Am sure they all consented to be laughing stocks immortalised on the web. Hypocritical hag.
When she'd done just that about 4 tweets earlier, but just for laffs hun xoxo
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Don't reckon for a second the ma donates to these constant begging bowl tweets, just RTs them for the kudos.

Caffy got her Bratwurst lips dissolved yesterday but there's been no Beggy Mitchell selfie so presumably it wasn't a success. This is the woman who saw fit to slap a selfie alongside a post about her kid going missing. Shit lips must be more serious than a possibly abducted child.
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I'm sure Elle Edwards and Olivia Pratt Korbels mums would find her fuckin hysterical.
That's exactly what I was thinking earlier, watching Elle's dad on the news, and it's just a cheap punchline for the tone deaf b*tch. Genuinely angry at this.
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In Caffy Hank news, her gob has now taken on such dinghy-like proportions it was last seen rocking up on a beach in Dover carrying two dozen Algerians.

And an ex has sent her nudes to her grandad (presumably not the 1 whose funeral programme she tweeted). Seriously though, that is revolting and abusive and a crime and I hope to God she tells the bizzies and not just twitter.
The Ma is regularly retweeting her Rammed Prinny night adverts with the important addition of some pictures from 2006 of the tiny handful of velour trackie clad weirdos who used to go out in rollers. Maybe that 17 years out of date joke will shift some of those higher tier tickets.
Caffy is a bad catfish…them lips and teef 🤮
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The ma says she's getting hot an bothered staring at mens dicks in their shorts. Guarantee if a man tweeted about looking at womens crotches in their warm weather clobber she'd be the 1st to quote tweet it trying to set her audience on them. Creepy old pervs who should've turned it in years ago come in both sexes ma.
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Do they make much money or get many freebies off these pages? Don’t get the point of them. If they’re online a lot, there’s other ways they could probably make more money surely?
Caffy promotes an edibles page and blinds. Strange combo. Not sure how much she'd make from that but shes got even more followers on Insta and got the ads in bio there too so it must be monetized. Scouse Ma does a lot more with the hosting nights, I'm guessing there's a proper wage from hers.
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Totally agree with you. She's the same as Steph in that respect- can't afford to offend any group as it might affect her earning some coin from them at one of her oh so hilarious "scouse prin" nights out. She'll call any bloke in a frock gorgeous if she thinks she'll make money out of it
That's exactly it. Follow the money. Always
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The ma has put a short video of her daughter up on ShesDeadSoosan. I cannot believe anyone is still stupid enough to do this on an unlocked account. Next bit behind spoiler cos it's really nasty subject matter.
A proportion of CSA videos on the dark web are deepfake manipulation of perfectly innocent photos and videos parents have publicly posted. Please please don't post your kids on an unlocked public account.
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Caff would be fuming if someone filmed her kid an put it on social media. We know this because it's the exact words she's used to quote tweet a video of someone else's kid that she's put all over social media. Thick as a boxing day turd this one.
Her lack of self awareness is quite stunning isn't it? Maybe she should lay off the edibles she shills in her bio
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VIP Member
No it doesn't. Although seeing as she's used the alphabet soup of the QIA+ which tends to just mean spicy straight boys who like to wear nail varnish it's probably to be taken with a pinch of salt anyway.

Her account is dull af lately. Just undeclared ads for I Stay Liverpool (note to self never to use them) and retweets of her clique. Her follower count seems to have stalled for months, hopefully the decline of twitter or X or whatever that goggly eyed space boy is calling it now will shrink her audience further. She didn't have much to say about her Scouse Prin night so it must have sunk faster than her neighbours hearts when they hear 'IYA QUEEEEEENNN'.


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Someone has called Caff a Scouse Tory for having a cleaner. She's jobless and got the time to get lashes and those £2.50 manicures done so they probably have a point. Get your marigolds on you lazy bitch!
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