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12lbs down in 3 weeks. The only side effect I’m struggling with is the insomnia. I feel so tired all the time - but also have loads of energy. It’s really strange. Even went for a run this morning which is unheard of for me. I feel like I could fall asleep any minute but also like I’ve just downed a monster and eaten a bag of sweets 😂

I also find I’m gagging a lot, even though I don’t feel sick often and I’ve only been sick once (which didn’t actually make me gag beforehand?!). Does anyone else find that? I can just be talking to someone or eating something and find I gag out of nowhere.
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I had to restart - last Friday I went down with a terrible sore throat and cold and all I could manage to eat was ice cream. Shivers, hot flushes etc, didn’t feel like injecting myself daily.

What would happen if I went up to 1.3mg straight away? I’m not going to do it, it’s mainly curiosity. They say if you miss 3 days you need to start at the bottom, just curious as to why.
Guessing symptoms would just be worse as haven’t built up the resilience yet?
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Hey, 👋🏼clearly I’ve approached this with blinkers on!
I thought I had to stick with the one place that approved me for Sax - bit like a repeat prescription, and apply again once I’d nearly run out but appears not. Can you apply to multiple places wherever there is the deal on… ? 🙄:unsure:
Absolutely. I’ve used boots, Asda and simple online pharmacy depending on where the best deal has been.
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Well-known member
Up your dose to 1.2, 0.6 is a really low dose . I have been on 1.2 for a couple weeks and don’t feel
Hungry still . I’ll up it when hunger kicks in again , listening to my body . Don’t be disheartened, you’re early on ❤ You’ve got this ❤
Thank you so much ☺Xx
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I ordered an extra 5 saxenda pens yesterday to account for the post Christmas rush and to make the most of the Black Friday offers! I should hopefully have enough now to see me through to my goal weight
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Active member
Hi everyone, I really want to try Saxenda but I’m in Ireland and it’s quite expensive. I am not even sure if the doc will prescribe it anytime I ask for help with my weight I am told walk more. I am also petrified that when I stop all the weight will go back on. I find it hard to loose weight and I probably couldn’t afford it for the rest of my life I am only 25. I put on weight so easy but find it impossible to loose. Iv tried slimming world and all them and get so close to a stone then I seem to stop loosing or I gain again. I have an appointment Monday with the doc and want them to take me seriously this time but I don’t think they will, a part of me thinks il put on all the weight again when I stop so what’s the point wasting all that money ?
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Chatty Member
I’ve spoken to my GP as I have a health condition that I wanted to be sure wouldn’t be impacted when I started. They’ve been supportive. I’ve had a couple of extra blood tests but all come out perfect. I’m currently not very well (chest infection that won’t shift after flu in December) so I’ve been recently and we’ve discussed it again and they did bloods again. I monitor my heart rate and blood pressure myself anyway because of my condition. The only thing they wanted to make me aware of was blood sugars so I bought myself a monitor and if I’m feeling crappy I check them to make sure it’s not that.
They didn’t try to put me off at any point.
That's good to hear! Thank you for sharing your experience, and I hope your chest infection clears up soon and you're feeling better!

I spoke to my gp, (1st conversation was awful. Phone call with a male locum doctor who just said "no, you're not diabetic ".)
2nd time was a face to face with one of the practice doctors. She was amazing!! Said it was approved for weight loss by the GMC but the PCT was not releasing funding so she couldn't prescribe it - if that changes she would be happy to. Sent me for full blood tests so she could keep an eye on me and then referred me back to weight management clinic "just incase". 😊
Thank you for sharing your experience with me! I'm glad to hear you got to speak to someone more supportive, I was worried that your first experience would be the shared one but it's good to hear you both had such a supportive experiences. I've already ordered the pen so maybe if I just lead with that and insist I intend to use it, and would just like to get some support on keeping an eye on my health, my doctor may be more amenable? I'll see anyhow!
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Chatty Member
I’m literally 1 point away from coming out of the obese catogory after 4 weeks on saxenda. Does anyone know if I will be made to stop when this happens? (I buy mine from boots online pharmacy) or does it go off your starting weight?
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VIP Member
Anyone else feel pretty down on Saxenda? I’m trying to work out if my low moods are the sax or just the fact life is pretty crap at the moment (as in cost of living, government crap and some work stress). Really don’t want to stop Sax as it is working but also wondering if I’m making my life more mentally difficult by sticking with it
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VIP Member
Hi everyone, I really want to try Saxenda but I’m in Ireland and it’s quite expensive. I am not even sure if the doc will prescribe it anytime I ask for help with my weight I am told walk more. I am also petrified that when I stop all the weight will go back on. I find it hard to loose weight and I probably couldn’t afford it for the rest of my life I am only 25. I put on weight so easy but find it impossible to loose. Iv tried slimming world and all them and get so close to a stone then I seem to stop loosing or I gain again. I have an appointment Monday with the doc and want them to take me seriously this time but I don’t think they will, a part of me thinks il put on all the weight again when I stop so what’s the point wasting all that money ?
I think that’s a totally valid concern and certainly something I’m a bit worried about too. I’m just hoping if I’ve spent all this money and hopefully got to a weight I’m happy with that’ll give me the motivation to put in the work to keep the weight off. It is expensive but I’m hopeful I can stay on a lower dose as long as possible it’ll work out cheaper. I tried to work it out and I think if I stay on 0.6 then one pen would last 30 days or 1.2 would last 15 days. One or two pens a month is worth it in my opinion as I would spend more than that on slimming clubs, special “diet” food such as protein shakes and probably takeaways when I inevitably fell off the wagon! Try to be very assertive with your doctor and use some of the terminology, I think they take us more seriously when we know more than them about a specific topic. Saying that I haven’t even contacted my doctor about it as I can never even get through on the telephone let alone get an appointment!
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So I’m back on Saxenda after about a month or so off as it made me SO sick. I posted on the previous thread about the sickness, vomiting, headaches etc etc that forced me to stop….
Well this time around it has been a lot better !
Just under two weeks in and I’ve lost 5lbs. Happy with this as I want the weight loss to be slow and steady.

I’m really interested to hear from people who have stopped Saxenda after losing the weight. Was there any weight gain/side effects/hunger pangs/cravings ?

Also any advice for constipation ?! Sorry TMI but its got me this time😳
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VIP Member
Welcome back. It’s good to hear you didn’t gain when you stopped, even though you didn’t lose either. Did your diet change? Appetite increase?

I’ve got 10 pens left and I know I should stop after that as I have lost a lot now and hurtling towards my target size, but I’m really worried about it. Already contemplating ordering another set of pens just so they’re there. So really interested to hear how your 2 months off it went.
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Chatty Member
I might be being really stupid but going to ask

I was doing well , then stopped, doing well then stopped. Started again as the last pen finished.
Once I get to 3.0 on a pen and it runs out, on the new pen am I meant to be starting a new pen still in 3.0 or back to 0.6 and up again? Apologies if I’m being really thick
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Chatty Member
Hey! Sorry if this has been asked.
I went privately to see about my weight and been told it’s mainly due to my pcos being insulin resistance. The dr wants me to loose a lot of weight before we look into other things. I am also desperately wanting a child but have to do IVF and I need to loose weight for that.
The dr offered me a prescription and I’m just to get in touch with him. Is it cheaper to do this route or am I as well doing the online pharmacies? Sorry I have been researching it so much my head has gone to mush lol
The reason I’m on saxenda is so we can have IVF and I didn’t want weight loss surgery, here to be support whenever you need 🖤
I get my pen from simple pharmacy.

Took a break for a month only gained 3lb, back on it tomorrow!
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So does any one stay on a lower dose ? I’ve been at 1.8 for ages. Every time I go up to 2.4 (and have tried to do it slowly by clicks too) I am so so sick.

Also wish I hadn’t joined a FB Saxenda group. It’s just posts about people losing 8lb first week, followed by 5, etc. I’m losing a steady 2lb a week so very happy with that, but have to admit I’m a bit jealous 😬 any loss is amazing for me but I’m just like, HOW !?
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