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VIP Member
Quoting myself like a fanny but which providers ship same day? Going to need to order elsewhere today.
You could try Oushk Pharmacy. I haven't received my MJ yet. Because Royal Mail have been completely useless, not the pharmacy's fault at all. Their customer service has been faultless.

My parcel has been showing as 'Pending' with royal mail since last Weds. I emailed the pharmacy to let them know. They said the pen should be ok due to the packaging they use but would arrange a video consultation to check it if I wasn't sure. Pen still didn't arrive, so I emailed Sunday evening, they rang me within minutes to discuss a replacement. We decided to see if it arrived yesterday, it didn't. I emailed, again they rang me within minutes and will dispatch a replacement today via DPD.



Chatty Member
Are you eating enough fibre? I have flax seed in my overnight oats to increase my fibre as i don't eat enough veg.
Yes I eat a large proportion of fruit and veg in my diet, but I think overall as I haven’t eaten much food in general in the last couple of days maybe it isn’t enough. I’m actually not sure how to get enough fibre, protein, vitamins, etc when you can’t manage to eat much! I guess it’ll be a balancing act to figure it out.


Active member
I did my second MJ 2.5 on wed and woke up at 4am this morning with explosive 💩 😭 was on the toilet for 30 minutes 😭 I am also struggling to find anything I want to eat. People might think injections are the easy way but they really are not for most of us getting side effects. on a happier note I did a sneaky weigh this morning and am 3kg down and can see it in my face finally ☺
Hope you’re feeling better soon, I wonder if it was something you ate that didn’t agree with you x


VIP Member
Ugh now have Asda asking me for photos. Which is fine I haven’t sent or said anything misleading but I’m just worried that they’re going to say no now I’m out of the obese category but now on the maintenance dose to try and get it down further as I’m still not in the healthy bmi. Annoying.
This happened to me and it really stressed me out . They’ve only just approved me today and my injection day is Saturday ☹ So I’m late to inject . Really not impressed with them and they have all over their page how busy they are ….yet creating more work by these checks ? I was a lot bigger when I started and I’m still big , I have been on it 6 months or so and no will in the world would I be too skinny not to have it . I was well into obese category at the start . Sent my pics last week and only been approved today and no dispatch yet from them ☹ I feel your frustration !
Funnily enough I’ve just done the same thing! Going to try Wegovy. The photos were mortifying. Not only my fat toes but looking at how ill and unhealthy I look.

Also the yoga pants I was wearing are going straight in the bin. They looked awful!
were you expecting to send a photo? Because i definitely wasn’t.
I was going to wear leggings but they hold me in 🤣 I thought I better expose the old barrel belly. 😩😩😩


Chatty Member
Well this is annoying. I received my 1st MJ order today from Numan and there are no needles. I wanted to start straight away as I can’t store the pen in my fridge without getting a family lecture and now since I can’t start it, I’m going to have to store it in a cupboard which probably isn’t wise in this heat! Did anyone else get an order with absolutely everything included - down to the sharpies bin and not get the needles?


Chatty Member
Help! I’ve decided to start Mounjaro and started my application on Friday with Med express. I need to submit a photo but I don’t expect to be refused as my BMI is 35 and I have no other health problems or take any medication.
My problem is probably trivial and I’m overthinking it so reaching out to people who are on it for their advice. I’d decided I was doing it but was going to start first week of August when I get back from holiday. Then last week I had a major wobble and thought sod it let’s start now, hence I started the process.
But now I can’t decide what to do

Start asap - pro’s, could actually lose a bit of weight before holiday and could help limit the usual massive weight gain. Cons, I’m worried about side effects while away, the extra faff of taking it with me. I don’t actually want to be a misery on holiday and while I’m not an alcoholic I do enjoy a beer and few wines every day, hence the usual massive weight gains!

Start when I get back - pro’s, holiday is done so won’t have to worry about side effects as much. Cons, I go mental on holiday and actually if I lost 7lb before holiday I’d feel in control.

Having seen it written down I’m basically worrying about the side effects and just wish I could guarantee that I would get off lightly.

Your experience would be appreciated


New member
The risk as far as I'm aware with gliclazide is lows. I'm with Voy for my MJ as couldn't get through NHS and on sitagliptin, metformin, glimepiride and dapagliflozin and told them about all those. Maybe if you can do a consultation over the phone to discuss with someone you can find a provider as the online forms are just gliclazide = no.

I'm hoping my nurse will re-refer me to get this on prescription as it's so expensive but honestly life changing for my diabetes. I was constantly above target due to my diet but since taking the MJ have been 80% in range with nothing over 13mmol for weeks whereas before I'd have dawn phenomenon higher than that.
Thanks so much for responding. Do you mind me asking about your experience of them not prescribing it on the nhs? I’m running away with the idea they’ll definitely prescribe it, my bmi is 36.5 and my diabetes hasn’t been well controlled for a while now - your results on MJ sound great! But I’ve received a DESMOND referral in the post yesterday ( I told them I’d already done it and that wasn’t the problem, the binge eating it) and that did make me wonder maybe they won’t go down the MJ route first.


Chatty Member
So after receiving my MJ without the needles from Numan on Wednesday and raising it with them straight away I STILL haven’t been sent any. 😡

I am determined to start today with it being Monday, 1st of the month blah blah so can anyone advise on what needles I should get and from where? Can you even buy needles over the counter?

Also - interested to know what I should expect initially. I know everyone reacts differently but in general. I’m thinking of doing the 8 week blood sugar diet while I’m on MJ but not sure if I’m pressuring myself. Do you all mostly eat what you used to but just less of it?


Chatty Member
Took my first Mounjaro last Friday and for the last couple of days have had a persistent niggly pain in my left side, quite low down. I’m fairly sure it’s trapped wind or similar but is there anything concerning I should be worried about?


VIP Member
Is it med express that lets you carry on until a BMI of 23? I’m sure I read one pharmacy does x
Boots have told me they will supply me until I reach a BMI of 23 or my goal weight (presumably whichever comes first?). If you message Medexpress I am sure they could confirm for you what their cut off is!
I am in week 13 of taking mounjaro and have lost 2 stone. Today I have had stomach cramps and bad sulphur burps, have had no side effects whatsoever up until now, just wondering if this has happened to anyone else?
Congrats on your weight loss! I wonder if maybe you ate something new/unusual that you'd not yet eaten since trying the med? I hope the side effects go away quickly!


VIP Member
Do I need to store my pen in the fridge all the time? It says keep refrigerated but also says it’s fine out the fridge for 30 days so I’m like which is it lol.

Did my first jab earlier and put pen back in the fridge is that ok?