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Be creative

Active member
Hey all! I’m on 0.25 weygovi and so far (second week on it) I haven’t really felt very much change at all, but that’s expected I think at this early stage. However, I did want to do Mounjaro but I read from ZAVA which is where I buy it that if you take oral contraceptive it’s recommended not to as it affects the pill from working properly. Is everyone that’s taking MJ not on the pill?


Chatty Member
Hmmm I’m on day 4 of week 3 of MJ and I have been quite hungry this morning and thinking about food. I had been considering doing another month on the starting dose but if this carries on I think I’ll go up to 5mg.


VIP Member
I take supplements but those are more to do with supporting my body as I’m coming into peri menopause and I was taking them before Wegovy. I take balance tonic from Rheal and I also take their greens drink too. I take cod liver oil and vit d3000 oral spray and then a magnesium glycinate tablet before bed. I take a spoon of collagen in my morning coffee which is the only new thing I introduced when I started Wegovy and that is to try and minimise the ‘Ozempic face’ as I lose weight
I have been debating collagen but know nothing about it. Any recommendations for what to buy?


Well-known member
Are you eating enough fibre? I have flax seed in my overnight oats to increase my fibre as i don't eat enough veg.


Active member
Still waiting for my Asda order it says “pending” I submitted 2 photos and not heard a thing since but have paid. Hoping this is just a bank holiday delay? :(
Nearing the end of week 6 on 2.5mg, and I'm thinking I should've moved up - oops.
Old habits are slipping back in, and I'm definitely snacking more - it is TOTM so could be that.
Weight has been up and down, but still overall 13lb down... Debating whether to try 3.75 by counting the clicks; has anyone does this?


Chatty Member
Ooh I’m really hungry today 🙁 I’m scared to eat much for fear of triggering bad side effects. I definitely had decent appetite suppression yesterday and the day before, so not sure what’s happening.


New member
Thanks so much for that - it’s great to get someone else’s experience with it.

I’ve done a consultation with pharmacy4u - I told them about the diabetes but I’ve said I’m on dapaglovin as the glic is a direct no when I’ve read - I’ve only just switched back to the glic whilst waiting for my referral and it doesn’t do much in terms of sugar control for me, so I won’t take it whilst using MJ if I’m approved for it. I’m hoping the MJ control my bloods better along with being able to eat better and I’ll monitor myself twice a day to make sure no hypos.

I figure my health is getting so damaged at the minute that I need to take some control back.

Fingers crossed they approve me.

Also with pharmacy2u they’ve currently got a code for new patients - VLS6HH - I got my first month for £140

I asked to be referred to the hospital for oz/mj last summer, and my gp nurse was supportive. when i saw the hospital nurse she told me the consultant said there was no stock of injectables (to be fair at the time it was when there were lots of shortages reported) and that insulin was my only option which I declined due to risk of losing my driving licence.

I'm hoping now I know there's not a shortage of MJ cause I can get it online as soon as I can get referred back to the consultant I can argue the point, and also demonstrate the benefits I've seen so far.

I've done the Expert course rather than desmond and been through adult weight management a few years ago which was helping but I moved house to a different board so got taken off it.

Be firm with them you want to address your blood sugar and your weight so mounjaro or ozempic would serve the purpose better than insulin and probably be preventative of complications in the long run as well as benefitting your mental health.


Well-known member
Hi again.
After a ropey few days last week I took my 2nd 0.6 dose on Saturday night. I had weighed on the morning and was down 3lb which I am pleased about. I did get higher losses on Sax initially though.
Yesterday I felt nauseous and absolutely exhausted. Struggled to get up this morning after 10 hours sleep!
I’m definitely noticing reduced appetite and feel fuller much quicker but the nausea persists.
Im hoping things settle down nausea wise, it’s like morning sickness all over again!
Week 3 of mounjaro and I’ve had the eggy burps, vomiting and the shits ( not ideal at the same time 😂. Appetite has really been suppressed and can only eat maybe a third of what I had eaten before! Got on the scales today and I’ve lost half a stone - good but I’m not sure how much that’s been from side effects or genuine loss yet but it’s a loss! So taking the small win 🏆
I made sure I got in a supply of Imodium, psyllium husk capsules, gaviscon and paracetamol just in case my GI tract decides to go a bit off piste…… so far only needed the gaviscon, and think I had some Imodium once or twice in the first few weeks but nothing major, also if I feel constipated I’ll take a psyllium capsule (half a dose) just to see if any effect. Last thing I want is to move things too much in the other direction!!!


VIP Member
For those who have ordered with Simple Online Pharmacy (Mounjaro), when it arrived could you tell what it was? E.g.wrapped in cool bags? I thought it would have been dispatched yesterday and I'd receive it today however it's arriving tomorrow and possibly will be hubby who receives it and he doesn't know I'm on it
Yes it comes all padded out and cling filmed, it’s clear its a cold package

Salted Caramel

VIP Member
Well this is annoying. I received my 1st MJ order today from Numan and there are no needles. I wanted to start straight away as I can’t store the pen in my fridge without getting a family lecture and now since I can’t start it, I’m going to have to store it in a cupboard which probably isn’t wise in this heat! Did anyone else get an order with absolutely everything included - down to the sharpies bin and not get the needles?
My latest pen from MedExpress came without needles this week. I emailed them and they sent needles next day delivery. Contact Numan ASAP.


Well-known member
Really annoyed with Medexpress, asked to delay dispatch until the 1st and it’s now just not been sent out and I’m worried by the time it does I’ll be not at home again 🙄

New member
Hi everyone!

i'm new to this thread so apologies if this has already been covered in any of the previous threads! But does anyone take the injections where they've previously had acute pancreatitis? I had it 2 years ago and had to have my gallbladder out as a result, and I've never been so ill in my life.

I've tried looking online and I know that pancreatitis can be one of the symptoms of Wegovy and Mounjaro, but was wondering if anyone has had any experience with taking them where they've suffered from the condition previously?

I'm debating getting the injections but I'm a bit appreheny about it atm. Any guidance would be much appreciated ☺


Active member
Coming towards the end of week 1.
I weigh on Saturday morning and take my MJ on Saturday night.

it’s week 1, but I’m already thinking of my next pen. I will probably go up to 5 even if 2.5 works as I’ve seen a few people stick to 2.5 and wish they’d went up. But when you order new pens do you have to keep submitting new full length body pics (med express)
I’m also going to try get the 5th dose out of this pen. Will report back Saturday after I weigh myself

I feel so much more energised! But the food noise is coming back. I’ve thought about chocolate all day yesterday
That’s great!! Well done!!

I’ve just injected my second MJ. I did it in the evening last week and was going to do the same again today but I’ve done it early as the food noise today has been crazy.

Question - will the same dose work more each week as it accumulates in your body, or does it ‘run out’ after a week and each time you inject it’s basically like introducing it anew, and the only time it might ‘work more’ is going up a dose?
Thank you!

I think for me, it might be a bit of a placebo but knowing that Friday is my injection day does feel like I’m topping up and realigning my goals for the week to be honest. I know that the studies showed that a lot of people didn’t actually see any results until 5 and 7.5 so I do feel to an extent 2.5 has been a lot on willpower for me. I also haven’t had lots of the side effects people have spoken about like feeling sick etc so I think I have had to really think hard about what I’ve been eating. I’m not sure what the actual answer is but certainly mentally I have seen it as a top up but I think the idea is that it accumulates!