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Active member
Wegovy people, how long did you stay at 1mg. I’m halfway through my first month and it’s working well, finally seeing the scales go down. Thinking I should stay on this to keep the cost down but also worried of committing to another month of 1mg only to find it’s not enough as my body adjusts and I end up really hungry on it 🤔
I stayed on it for 2 months but I regretted it as about a week into the 2nd month I was starving!


Active member
Week 3 weigh in and I have lost 2.2lbs and so total loss on MJ is 12.5lbs!

This week has been a bit challenging because we had to eat out on Saturday Sunday and Monday!!! I made sure I made good choices on those days though and really made up for it the rest of the week so I’m happy with that. Going to really push to get to a stone this week and my 5mg is coming today for me to start next Friday. This week I have an evening away and a wedding to contend with but I’m going to do whatever I can to make good choices this week. I am definitely ready to move up to 5 though I haven’t bothered with the bonus dose.
Do you mind me asking what your bmi is? I’m also on week 3 of MJ and only lost like 5lbs I feel so demotivated


Chatty Member
My period is late. My periods are never late and I’ve NEVER had a missed period before
This. For the first time ever in my life my period came 8 days late.
negative? Or could mounjaro have affected my period? Why is it so late when I am always regular?
It's definitely MJ. I am on wegovy though. I freaked out that whole 8 days. And same with you all symptoms were there, and yep my partner as well thinks it smells a bit different than usual
I had a meal out yesterday with my family, hadn't eaten all day so thought I'd be ok, got home, OH had got us pudding the have at home. Could only manage half !! Sticky Toffee Pudding with custard, I never leave any left usually but I just couldn't eat, I felt so sick. I'm amazed at how this is working. I'm only on Day 5 of Week 1. I don't care if I don't loose weight quickly, this is fantastic. Just the ability to be in a calorie deficit without my body craving for any food, or me emptying the fridge over the course of an evening.
What injection are you taking? Thanks
Hi, I am just about to put my order through with Mediexpress - if it doesn’t get approved will I get my money back?
Also, what do they check to why it approved ? Thanks
Hi, I am just about to put my order through with Mediexpress - if it doesn’t get approved will I get my money back?
Also, what do they check to why it approved ? Thanks
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Chatty Member
I started the same day and if anything my skin is slightly better. Could your period be coming?

Day 5 guys and I felt sooooo good. Noticed that ive not felt as in control or full after eating today.
When I came out of the gym I ended up stopping for fuel and caved into food noise. I ended up demolishing a full box of fingers before I got home. Trying to not let this little binge get me down but I think this means on week 5 I really need to be on 5mg. I did feel a little full whilst I was binging but not enough to stop me in my tracks like previous days! Tell me I'm not the only one who has had one of these little hiccups!
No, I'm peri menopausal, I haven't had a period since December.. My skins usually bang on. So this blotchy business is a bit odd.
But I'll power on. I'll sort the rubbish skin out when I'm slim. 😂


Chatty Member
I’m on week 3 day 5 of MJ 2.5. Until yesterday the only side effects were some reflux and sulphur burps. But since yesterday, omg the diarrhoea 🫣😩 it’s been constant. I am taking Imodium as otherwise I don’t think I’d have been able to leave the house. I’ve just received the 5ml pen today too but wish I’d waited a couple more days before ordering to see if the diarrhoea eases off. I dread to think what it will be like on the higher dose.


VIP Member
What injection are you taking? Thanks
Hi, I am just about to put my order through with Mediexpress - if it doesn’t get approved will I get my money back?
Also, what do they check to why it approved ? Thanks
Hi, I am just about to put my order through with Mediexpress - if it doesn’t get approved will I get my money back?
Also, what do they check to why it approved ? Thanks
It is generally based on BMI, what it your BMI?
Anyone else finding the MJ pen way harder to use then the Wegovy 🤣 I did third MJ dose tonight & when I took it out 5 second after the dose counter going back to zero it shot loads of liquid into the air 😵💫 no idea if I got the full dose or not.


Active member
Looking for advice on whether I should increase my Mounjaro dose or stay at 2.5.

I'm due to inject my third dose of MJ tomorrow, at which point I can order my next pen. Really don't know whether to stay at this dose or move up.

I've had few side effects, all very manageable. Positive effects great as well, but I do notice them tailing off at the end of the week - and I think I've noticed that more on my second week than the first. If I could have the effect I'm getting in the first half of the week to last, I don't think I'd need to increase dose.....but I'm a bit worried about committing to another 6 weeks at 2.5 tomorrow, after I've only been taking it for 2 weeks. I guess that's quite a long time for my body to get used to it so it stops being so effective. I don't want to be wishing I'd gone up a dose 3 weeks from now, but equally I'm worried about the side effects suddenly hitting me if I do go up.

Any thoughts anyone? Has anyone stayed on the lowest dose of MJ for a second month?


Active member
Hi guys, I’m currently in my 4th week of wegovy and thinking of switching over to mounjaro, does anyone know which dosage is equivalent to 1mg upwards on mounjaro? Thanks ☺


VIP Member
I'm two days on from my third Wegovy shot and no difference yet. I have probably lost a pound or two as I have moderated my eating habits (cut down snacking) as I know we are supposed to do that anyway but I'd love to feel that radical cut in appetite that others are experiencing. I hope it will come soon.


VIP Member
How are people finding Ozempic? Onto my second month of 1mg and the sickness on day 2 is off the scale.


saxenda stopped working for me. I took a break, gained a bit but not much and then went on ozempic and was best thing ever for me. Was also nice not injecting daily
Had you any loss with it? If you don't mind me asking how did you realise it stopped working and how long did it take to realise it? Thanks.