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First week done!

Down 6lb which is great, and I've restarted couch 2 5k and ran 3 times this week so feeling very goooooooooood.

No side effects, other than it takes me AGES to decide what I actually fancy to eat when I'm put on the spot. Day after dose was the strongest suppression for me, I couldn't finish anything which was a very odd sensation for a piggie like me!

Second dose this evening. 🤞🏻
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I’m actually new to this thread but came on to see what other people are losing and I’m seeing 7lbs etc for the first week which is making me wonder why I’m not seeing the same. I also thought I’d lose the most in my first week tbh and I’m barely even eating so surely I should be losing more 😭😭😭
I would try not to compare yourself to anyone else! Try and reframe your thinking - firstly, you're on a new healthier eating plan and that's great for your health, and secondly you're 3lbs down from where you were a week ago, and that's a great start!

I had small losses on the low doses of Wegovy but am now at 60 lbs lost and counting. It's not been linear - I've had plateaus and weeks with small losses but steadily it's dropped down and in the process I've been able to reframe my relationship with food and emotional eating (which was my big issue).
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The idea isn’t that you don’t eat on this, it’s not medicated starvation. The idea is you stay fuller for longer and reduce your calorie in take.
I'm so glad you've said this, I've seen so many posts (mostly fb tbf) with people bragging how few calories they're eating or complaining that they've had 3 meals a day. It's really quite worrying. These medications should be used as a tool to eat in a calorie deficit not a starvation method. I'm on 3 meals a day, an afternoon snack and around 2000 calories and its working a dream so far.
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After around 4 months on Wegovy and 3lbs total weight loss, I’ve decided to stop.

I know I’m around the level where I should start to see some benefit (1mg) but a few niggling side effects and the tiredness tells me I could be one of the people this doesn't work for.
I might try mounjaro next but need a break right now- my craving for unhealthy foods has been awful, even on wegovy.
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I’m two weeks into MJ and have lost half a stone. This is incredible!! I’ve been eating the Same meals but eating much less at many of them and have more of less cut our snacking, especially solo and in the evening. I feel so much less hungry than normal! Side effects have been really minimal, bit of a gripey tummy, little bit windy but that’s about it. I can see how this could be addictive. I only planned to do it for a couple of months to lose weight before and after a big holiday. However my BMI was 34 at starting so will have to consider if I want to take it longer term!
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Went up to 1mg wegovy on Sunday. I was so nervous but it’s been brilliant! Finally feel like I’m in the zone, massively reduced appetite and when I eat I’m choosing much healthier options. Had a lovely salad for dinner and then went for a walk with my son. My craving for wine has disappeared too (that went from the very first injection of 0.25 to be fair). Feel great! So happy ☺
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First week on 5mg of Mounjaro... total loss so far is 11lbs which I know I should be happy with but I did expect a bit more as I do have quite a lot to lose. Slow and steady wins the race I guess! :)
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If anyone listens to Podcasts great episode from Diary of a CEO (normally not that keen on him) but some of his guests are good and this interview is all about Ozempic from an expert on the matter Johann Hari. Don’t be put off by the title, he gives a very balanced argument for both sides and it was very interesting!
That sounds interesting. I note he’s written a book about his 3 stone weight loss on Ozempic.
I would highly recommend The Docs Who Lift podcast. They discuss all the latest research, tackle and acknowledge head on any reported risks or side effects (especially stuff reported in the media who of course we all know are so unbiased and like to stir) with honesty and balance. Personally, I am headed for stroke, heart attack, diabetes if I don’t sort myself out so I’m willing to take MJ to help me get to a healthy weight and maybe I’ll always be on a maintenance dose, I just don’t know. My mum had all those things and I’ve become so depressed and honestly suicidal at the thought of my weight getting out of control that I must do something. I’ve lost just under 9 lbs in a month and I’m already feeling much better and I’m eating so well. No brainier for me.
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I'm with Dolly bird on the confidence. I was really going into myself, not mixing. I felt that if out with dh people would wonder why he was with me as he is slim and trim where as I felt awful. Now I know that was a stupid feeling as we are together a life time and I'm far from a teenager but I felt that sh*t abut myself. The weight was also really affecting my digestion, terrible heartburn as I'd say all the fat was around my organs and putting a physical pressure on their function. Pains in hips and kneews. That all stopped thankfully.
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Not sure if this is aimed at me 😊 I completely understand this, but if I could reduce my calorie intake and sustain it without help from medication I’d have done it years ago. If the medication doesn’t suppress my appetite or make me feel fuller then why am I paying hundreds of pounds for it?
This wasn’t aimed at anyone but there are so many people who are saying (for example) I took my injection 1 hours ago and I haven’t noticed a reduction in my appetite.

This is not an instant fix. The first few pens are purely to get you used to the medication. Some people see no results until about week 12, others see if from week 1.

You have to give it a chance, trust the process and stop comparing yourself to other people.

The guidelines are, if you have lost a minimum of 5% of your starting weight in the first 12 weeks, it’s working. How on early can you know from week 1 or 2 if it’s going to work.

As with most things, 12 weeks is a good review point.

Were all here because the usual stuff hasn’t worked but none of us are going to wake up as a size 10 tomorrow. I expect to be on this for at least another 6-9 months.
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11lbs off on MJ in 2 weeks so I guess I'm one of the people it works for from the outset. Very happy. Waistbands feel looser.
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I just thought I’d post a wee bit about my Mounjaro journey in case it helps anyone.
I had very few side effects for the 1st 8 weeks on 2.5 and 5mg. The only things I noticed were my skin broke out, I’m getting large boils in random places and had the feeling of my skin crawling now and again. I’m also freezing all the time and having cold sweats.
I’ve moved up to 7.5mg and it’s been horrible if I’m honest. 3 day migraine but seem to be getting past the worst of it now…hoping next week will be better.
I’ve lost 1 stone 10lbs in 9 weeks, part of me thought it would be more but seeing it written down it’s pretty amazing. The food noise is still there to an extent but it’s making working through my binge eating much easier. I’ve found I’m too wiped out to do much exercise but trying to slowly work up to more.
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Hi all
I’ve given into the fact I just cannot lose this weight with no help. I have been refered to our nhs weight management service but there’s a two year wait. I’ve ordered my first Mounjaro and will be taking it tomorrow. Hoping to lose at least a stone in 7 weeks is that doable? I’m a big lass
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I read these storys and I’ve never been so happy for so many strangers on the internet ☺
I know. I feel the same. This has literally changed my life. I feel so sad my mum wasn’t able to have this stuff all those years ago. I’ve spoken to others who feel the same. But we sort of whisper amongst ourselves because we are a bit scared others might have preconceptions and try to dissuade / judge us. When people start noticing my weight loss I will be honest with them that’s for sure.
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After weeks of umming and ahhing I took the plunge and ordered Mounjaro from MedExpress last week and it arrived today.
I figured it pays for itself with the amount I usually spend on food/snacks/wine so I’m really hoping it works!
Great service from MedExpress, they sent the sharps bin, wipes and needles in the package too.

First injection done about an hour ago. Feeling fine, perhaps a bit nauseous but I might be making that up because it’s on my mind 😂

I’ll try and update in here how I get on as I’m not bothering to tell anyone in my real life!
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First 7 days on MJ, due my 2nd dose tonight and woke up this morning actually feeling hungry for the first time so clearly it has been working in that respect. I've resisted jumping on the scales until later too. I don't think I'm drinking enough water and am not sure that I'm making all the right kind of food choices necessarily but I didn't get this size overnight so I know it will take a while to retrain my brain. Hope everyone is having a good week, especially those at the end of week 1.
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I just don’t enjoy alcohol anymore since being on Wegovy . Had a cocktail few weeks ago and it just didn’t hit the spot like it used too . I agree on the lower food bills too . I am not buying any snacks or expensive food shops anymore . So the cost balances out for me . So happy to see you all doing well on this , cheering you all on ❤
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Hello all
I've had my first jab, the needle is tiny and I didn't feel a thing, probably because my stomach is so fatty.
Touch wood, I am.not feeling sick
One of my queries was mentioned up thread by @youcalledmyclientawhat regarding an interaction with the mirena, this will be my biggest fear, I can't go back to the awfulness of heavy periods again, so will again will wait and see.
This is a truly wonderful thread, if you have a question, there is a good chance someone else has had the same one too and can help
It's so nice to all be on the journey together
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My first injection was 16/2/24.

Happy to post a photo of my current weight if that would make you better satisfied?

I was massively bloated, retaining a lot of fluid and as I said the first 2 stone dropped off very quickly. I'm also staying very active and eating well (admittedly at the beginning I found eating very difficult at all). I also had a very bad week when I started 1mg where I couldn't keep anything down and lost a lot of weight then.

Sorry its working well for me I don't really know what to tell you...
Working well for me too. I just find it mind blowing that someone can lose 4 stone in two months..... Like how are you still healthy? Have you not felt exhausted? And how's your skin?
Oh and definitely don't post pics, don't want to compromise your security #iykyk
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The only thing you really need to prep is ensure you have supplements, something to help with constipation and a bottle to carry round as you will always be thirsty.

I started 17th February. I’m down 2 stone from 14 to 12.
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