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Somerset girl

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Am almost under 12 stone for the first time in 5 years. In two months I've lost almost a stone and a half. Even when I've had slight gains, it's only taken a day or two to melt back off. I'd definitely recommend buying your next dose a good week before you need it though as this time has been a panic finding somewhere with stock and getting it approved. I'm on the tablet version of ozempic (rybelsus).
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Finally out of a plateau I think. Been hovering around 18.8 for 4 weeks and woke up to 18.6 today 😀 still a long way to go but it’s boosted my confidence as I’ve been extra low mood for a couple of weeks due to work.
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Forgot to update on here at the weekend but I weighed myself and I lost 6 LBS last week!!! It was my 1st week on 0.5mg. I am actually in awe as I genuinely didn’t feel like I ‘tried’ at all. Also I felt like I was making zero progress for the first few weeks so this is such a nice boost 🥰
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Sorry, don't want to be *that person*, and I don't know how tall you are, but eating anything below 1400 ish cals is really not good or sustainable. I know we all want to lose weight, but 1100-1200 is SO low and can damage long-term results and metabolism. This will be why you're feeling weak x
No sorry this is shit advice…. Do people who get weight loss surgery and can only eat around 600 calories have metabolism problems? No they don’t, they lose half their body weight in a matter of months!

Please do not listen to this 😂

1200 calories is very sustainable on ozempic! Some days I’ve only hit 1000 and I’m full. Plus tracking everything I eat to ensure I hit my protein, etc.
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Oh gosh, tbh for me the money is the least important thing when it comes to whether or not to tell my partner.. Obviously I'm frustrated that obesity is still seen in such a way that people are having to pay out of pocket for prescription medication when this is clearly a health related matter, but personally I can afford it and would prioritise it about a lot else if I had to, like hair, nails, new clothes, meals out etc. Its that important and fundamental to my life experience - people treat you differently when you're thinner and I want to live life feeling confident and being able to do whatever I want to do without feeling like my weight is holding me back. Honestly a lot of it might even be internalised, in that how I feel about myself impacts how I perceive how others see me, and how I experience life.

I can see a time where I will tell him in terms wanting him to know my medical history in case of emergency, but I still have concerns about him thinking im being ridiculous, trying to take a short cut and/or unwilling to just do the hard work (again)

My issues with food are mostly that I love it and am always hungry, always open to seconds, so I'm excited to take something that will as others have said here "quiet the food noise". I eat a lot of heathy, home cooked food but I do like to dine out and socialise and my body just doesn't seem to regulate my weight, I pretty much always could have more food, so I'm hopeful and optimistic that by medicating myself, I can just have what other people have which is a life not always thinking about food/weight.
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I had my weigh after my first week on Ozempic yesterday and I’m 5lbs down. I’m still in awe of the difference with my attitude. I went for lunch with a friend and I ordered a panini and a brownie. I ate half the panini and had a bite of the brownie, just didn’t want any more!

Has anyone else noticed an improvement in their skin? Mines clear and looks healthy for the first time in ages.
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Chatty Member
Weighed in again this morning and I’m now 5kgs down since the day I started taking Rybelsus on 6 May. I have been calorie counting but feel like I’ve not really had to try too hard. Feeling chuffed! Another 10kg to go
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I've lost a staggering 4kgs on my first week of Semaglutide tablets. The affect on me has been extraordinary. I can take or leave food, I dont' have the constant need to snack or plan every second of the day food wise. I've beeb tracking my calories and I've been averaging between 1100 and 1400 each day. Some days I've felt a little weak like I need some food, then I have something. But otherwise have kept to 2 meals (lunch and dinner; I can happily skip breakfast). Feel like I've found the magic answer. I feel like I've been reset, to how my mind and brain should be - are 'normal' people like this, without all the constant food noise? What has happened to make that my default? I'm thinking about starting some other CBT soon to address my issues with food otherwise I'm concerned when I stop taking the tablets after I've reached my desired weight, I'll struggle with putting it back on again. Food for thought... (haha)
That’s amazing well done
I’m in my first week (injections) and the most noticeable difference is not being obsessed by food all day. I do want to eat, and I do but then I am full and walk away. I can finally concentrate at work far more easily
I am also worried about why I am constantly obsessed by food
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So I've hit my goal from when I started in Feb. I didn't have a huge amount to lose but I was pre diabetic, struggling with alcohol and with a very very high fat % for my BMI. I'm not too sure what to do now. I'm on 1mg of Ozempic and I don't want all that food/alcohol noise back, but if I continue on the dose I'll be hitting underweight in a month or 2. Anyone else hit their goal yet and what did you do?
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Currently 7 months pregnant and wanting go stock some Ozempic for when baby is born so I can give myself a boost as I've always struggled with losing baby weight and I have a huge appetite. Can anyone recommend where they have got it from recently as a new customer?
There are stock issues for people already on it, we can’t get new scripts to keep going. I don’t really approve of stock piling it for the future tbh but it’s up to you 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m not sure it’s a great idea post birth, it’s likely going to make you feel rough, nauseous and sick when you need to recover and heal. Maybe see how you feel after birth then decide? You can’t take it while breastfeeding either
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No sorry this is shit advice…. Do people who get weight loss surgery and can only eat around 600 calories have metabolism problems? No they don’t, they lose half their body weight in a matter of months!

Please do not listen to this 😂

1200 calories is very sustainable on ozempic! Some days I’ve only hit 1000 and I’m full. Plus tracking everything I eat to ensure I hit my protein, etc.
That's a different situation and even then the restriction can cause problems later including weight gain, same with yo yo dieting.

People who've had surgery need to take vitamins for the rest of their life because the restriction doesn't enable them to meet their needs.

It wasn't shit advice. It was understanding metabolism changes and set points.
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Well-known member
Started my saxenda journey today 🙂 very excited. I felt so scared doing my first injection but it was absolutely fine. Just hope I don’t get any side effects! If anyone has any advice they think may be helpful for me I am all ears ❤
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I do tell my partner everything. He’s been the one picking up shitty cheap Facebook exercise equipment for me, then hauling it back into the shed over the years, then eventually down the dump when it’s gone rusty 🤣🤣

He’s the one who eats my plain boring diet dinners with me and listens to me moaning about having a tummy ache. I tell him everything (even if he doesn’t want to know it 🤣) he just thinks I’m a wanky knob for spending this amount of money and he hasn’t yet seen results so he’s all sceptical. He also doesn’t take paracetamol and prefers to suffer like a martyr 🤣 so he’s not keen on putting chemicals in your body but I explained to him I don’t want to die of diabetes or heart disease so he supports what I want to do 🥰

My partner doesn’t care if I am fat or not either - he even finds my granny pants sexy
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Have you all told your partners you’re taking it?
I haven’t, he’s never been obese before and has a good relationship with food so wouldn’t understand why I’m willing to spend so much and medicate myself and I think he would worry about me.
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Why wouldn’t you tell your husband/partner. It’s a drug which can have serious side effects. There would be 🚩 in my marriage if I couldn’t share such information with my husband.
I wouldn't call it a red flag to have a secret. Some women really internalise how weight gain makes them feel and maybe they want to see how they get on before opening themselves up to it more. Now tbh I'm pretty open with my dh. In fairness he seen me poop giving birth to his child so there are not many boundaries left after that and we are together so long maybe we need new things to talk about.
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I’m so angry… Courtney Black has done a video on Instagram slating ozempic and I’ve never read such bullshit nonsense comments in my life!

She’s saying food is to be enjoyed and if you allow yourself what you want in your calorie allowance you can lose weight. Simple.

Except it’s not fucking simple for some people. She had the opposite type of eating disorder to us - she starved herself. How could she possibly understand?

Plus anyone who challenges her she’s being so rude in her replies. What an arsehole
courtney does this, she picks something popular and gets on her high horse. She’s losing money by the day and try’s to get views up so more people subscribe to her app which is awful. The other day she was skating Pilates and how it’s a waste of money… a week later she was recording herself at a reformer class.
Keep doing what you’re doing ladies and our journeys on sax/oz whatever will be happy and healthy 💖
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First month completed on Ozempic and I’ve lost 11lbs. Admittedly most of that was in the first week and then 1lb losses for the remaining weeks but it’s going in the right direction. I’ve never been a 1lb loss a week woman, because I’m so all or nothing. Either bingeing or restricting; losing half a stone in a week or gaining it back. So the fact this is helping me maintain some kind of normality with my eating is a miracle. Looking forward to the increased dose this week of 0.5 as the appetite suppression did wear off towards the end of the month for me. Hoping for another half a stone this month!
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