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So I am 10 stone, a perfectly happy weight for me- dress size 10-12. Lost 2 stone on Ozempic and am desperate not to put it back on. Can’t really afford Ozempic long term but hate that the food noise has returned. I’ve never been obese so I guess I’m one of those unpopular recreational users. I hear that MySimba is loads cheaper so thought I’d give it a go. £115 for 5 weeks (MySimba) compared to £200 a month(Ozempic). Barg.

So, they ask for a photo of your ID (drivers license etc.) and your feet on a scale showing your weight. That’s ok, I think, I’m a woman of creative means. I need to be 5 stone heavier to qualify 😬

10 mins later I’ve grabbed some bricks from our garage (leftover DIY project) and have popped them in a rucksack. I’m impressed with my ingenuity tbh. I pop the bag on my back, but unfortunately bricks do not weigh as much as I had envisaged. So there I am with a rucksack of bricks on my back, still only weighing 12 stone, which is NOT ENOUGH. I can’t fit more bricks in the back. And I’m exhausted.

Husband comes home, pops upstairs, and stands in doorway of our bedroom as I’m on my scales, rucksack full of bricks on my back (sweating from carrying them upstairs…should have thought that through, but bonus have probs lost 3llb from the exertion). He says “Anything I should know?”

I explain, and although he tells me (as he always does) that I’m just perfect how I am he also suggests that there is a much smarter way to approach the problem.

So there we find ourselves, a combined age of more than 90, me standing on the scales, him clinging to me from behind with his foot on the back of the scale with half his weight, us both giggling. And voila….I manage to get the magic photo of my two feet, my drivers license, and the scales showing 15 stone.

Don’t do this at home kids. I’ve hurt my back with the fucking bricks and I’m self-medicating with chocolate, the irony of which is not lost on me 🤪😭

I’ve told the husband we can never split up. He knows too much. I’d have to kill him. Probably with one of those bricks.
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Pat MyCock

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Just wanted to share my journey.

I am a chronic binge eater. I will eat and eat until I feel sick. I did sometimes make myself throw up, but I just felt more disgusting if I did that. I have no off switch when it comes to food. I obsess over it 24/7. I have been on every diet going, but after a few days i would just binge harder. I hated the way I looked. I am 45 years old. I was a skinny teenager and skinny in my 20's as i was so active. I got married when I was 35 and slowly my weight crept up. My husband and I slowly put on so much weight we looked awful We stopped having sex years ago.

In January we both started on Sax. I was 16 stone, size 20/22, he was 19 stone. For me, it worked instantly. I stopped obsessing about food. When I did eat it was very healthy, because I wanted to eat healthy food. I was on Max 1,300 calories per day. I started walking, I enjoyed it! I lost a stone in 4 weeks. I was still a size 20 but my clothes were MUCH looser. It took a bit longer for it to kick in for my husband. I switched to Ozempic in March because it was cheaper. My husband still had a few Sax pens left. I have now stopped weighing myself as I was getting obsessed with the scales so now I am just going by clothes size. I am a very happy 14/16. I know I can walk into any shop & either of those sizes will fit and I am SO happy with that. I now fit into primark - that seems a weird goal, but none of my clothes fit so i need cheaper clothes. I am loving H&M, Boohoo and ASOS as I no longer need the curve version. We haven't had a single takeaway this year, but this money is relpaced by the injections.

Ozempic is really difficult to get, so I take a shot every other week (used to be once a week). My husband takes Sax every other day. We now even have sex, a lot! We are so much more confident, we feel like newlyweds. I know this journey will never stop, as food addiction is real, but we never, ever want to get that fat again. My husband has lost 4 stone and is now an XL in most clothes.

We had no side effects. I don't know how long we can stay on these for, I know not forever, but at some point we will stop. And if I feel the problems creeping in again maybe we can start it up again.

The Sax we got from Boots (loads of points) and Ozempic I bought online from Mayfair weightloss. They had v low stock so you might need to keep checking.

Feel free to ask any questions.
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4lbs off this week, that’s now 18lbs since starting ozempic at the end of March. Just over 80 since I started Saxenda 😱 crazy!
4lbs to go to be in the ‘normal’ bmi range.
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One of the biggest things for me recently has been not worrying about the scales and focusing on the other parts of my weight loss journey.

This time last year I went on holiday and I could only just squeeze the belt around me on the plane, and that was if I tucked it under my stomach and breathed in (probably should have asked for a belt extender but I was so embarrassed I squeezed myself in).
I’ve just been on a plane again today and not only does the belt now fit comfortably, I have all this excess at the end. It reaches the end of my knee if that’s not clear on top of my dress 😂

Saxenda, and now ozempic, has completely changed my life. I will forever be grateful to the ladies who posted on thread 1 who I followed for months before giving it a go myself.


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Well I finally reached my original goal, I’m 6 stone down in total (4 stone using saxenda), my bmi is still overweight but gone from 43 to 28. It’s taken me a long time and I’ve had periods of a few months where I’ve not taken sax and managed to maintain the weight loss. I will say saxenda only worked amazing for me for the first 10 weeks, I couldn’t eat a lot at all. It stopped having much affect and my loss stalled so I came off and have done this a few times, the suppression has never been the same as when I started. It much more willpower now but the jabs just make it easier to make good decisions I don’t get that overwhelming need to binge although I can still eat big portions it keeps me full for longer. I’d love to lose another 2 stone but I’ll see how things go as I’m much happier now and no longer embarrassed to leave the house. People that are only losing 1-2lb a week don’t be disheartened I’ve lost slowly but over time it really adds up, I’ve lost 17 inches from my waist since my biggest!
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I’m so angry… Courtney Black has done a video on Instagram slating ozempic and I’ve never read such bullshit nonsense comments in my life!

She’s saying food is to be enjoyed and if you allow yourself what you want in your calorie allowance you can lose weight. Simple.

Except it’s not fucking simple for some people. She had the opposite type of eating disorder to us - she starved herself. How could she possibly understand?

Plus anyone who challenges her she’s being so rude in her replies. What an arsehole
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I’ve been a bit fed up this week, and haven’t been eating well at all - I can eat full sized meals easily, though wouldn’t say I’ve actually been hungry. I’ve had bread, cheese, chips, crisps, cakes, chocolate (all the good C foods!). Not anywhere near what I’d have before, but could feel control slipping a bit, and expected a gain. BUT, I’ve lost 2.4lb !

So, I’m spurred on to stick at it. Even if I’m feeling like the Sax isn’t doing much good, it’s certainly not doing any harm, and the thought of the money spent on it stops me giving up. Plus it’s eleven weeks till I go on holiday.

I don’t take photos or measurements, but I do a scan every two weeks on MeThreeSixty. I hope me completely mortifying myself here gives someone some encouragement (this is not quite two stone down, only another seven to go :cry: Front view on I don’t look any different!) :


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Weighed this morning and I’ve lost 10lb in total in 3 weeks 🎉

I honestly could rave about Ozempic all day!
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These weight loss drugs really are a last resort tbh. I also get asked by people with a healthy BMI about losing weight and honestly it will take far longer than you expect, it’s not a quick solution and you would do better to count calories if you are trying to lose 10lbs. I am trying to lose another 60lbs+ which is a long slog and no small feat, which is why I need some assistance to do it, as in reality it could take me 6-12 months or more to lose it and it’s a long term situation. It’s taken me 5 weeks to even begin to build up ozempic into my system and I’ve lost 11lb but I am much larger than you so it will initially fall off faster so when you see overweight people posting big losses it’s just how it naturally works as we are already larger, with more water weight - most average weight people wouldn’t drop 11lbs in 5 weeks as they don’t have the fat/water to lose. It also costs my body more to move around than yours so I will be burning more at my BMR and a calorie deficit will work more easily until I reach a lower weight and losses will become harder and harder.
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I just need a little rant with people who might understand!!!!! 😠

I buy my Saxenda from boots chemist - I do this because I wanted to get started and I knew I would have a long wait seeing if I could get it on the NHS (I live in Wales and Gp’s in my area don’t prescribe, it has to be done through the weight management service). I had a letter today to say they won’t prescribe for me because I don’t meet the NICE criteria. I am 5ft 5 and I weighed, at the time of being referred 100kg (on the nose!) clearly overweight with a BMI well over what is needed to buy Saxenda. I only asked my Gp about getting it on the NHS because I am a high tax payer and I get nothing back and don’t use any other services. I will of course continue to pay for my prescription because I am able and happy too but some can’t do this and they don’t stand a chance with a system like this. It takes a lot to admit you have an issue with your weight and knock backs like this will be the end for some people. It makes me sad I won’t lie 😔
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I have been in some photos this week. One I thought oh I thought I was slimmer. The other was in a group and I was like wow I'm tiny. (well as tiny as I've ever been). But its lovely to get into photos without cringing.

The husband reckons the new body is like having a new gf without the risk.

And the good news is I eccked 6 weeks out of my pen having the fear that I couldn't get the next and its ordered and available. The shortages are giving me anxiety.

I watched one of my guilty pleasures my 600 lbs life. I cannot understand why these drugs are not being used to help people more. I know its tv but telling people who are obese to follow this plan before they get the surgery is so counter productive. It made me angry to watch another struggle so much with food addiction.

For any slow loosers out there keep going. Last year I was on the cusp of booking turkey for weight loss surgery. I happened to hear a podcast with the clinic I use and its changed how I feel about myself in such positive terms. I had a doctor check up and for the first time ever no tut tut at the scales and bmi was given a green light.

I just wish I'd known about it sooner. I have probably like so many here had a life time of disordered eating, weight loss clubs and probably some unhealthy borderline eating disorder behaviour. I abused laxatives as a foil to binging for years. So glad to say that has stopped now since I started ozempic.
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I feel so proud of you ❤

What kind of reactions have you had? All good I hope!
Yes all good! I haven’t told anyone about the jabs so most people just ask how I’ve done it. I’ve been asked if I’d had a gastric band. Mostly people just tell me how much happier and healthier I look 😊 and when I show them the before photo I think they’re really shocked because they forget how big I was before.

I’ve lost the same weight as my 2 little nephews weigh combined and when I picked them up the other day it really shocked me to think I used to carry that weight around 24/7.
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Shock horror this morning I weigh 10 stone 1lb. Down 3 lbs in last 3 weeks after a very long stall. 53 lbs - 27% starting weight lost. I think I was 12 last time I was this weight. Never in adult life. However I am wrecked - literally dragging myself around at the moment. Roll on hollybops. Badly needed. I will be 2 stone down from my summer hols last year. I need a completely new wardrobe too.
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I’m three weeks into Rybelsus. I’m not weighing because I can become a slave to the scales and I don’t want it to be about my weight but how I feel.

i could almost cry with what a relief it is to not be obsessed with food and drink. I always thought there was something wrong with me because I was such a greedy little glutton and all
my friends had self control but I just needed that switch flicking and rybelsus has done it.

My puffy face is much less puffy so I’m feeling great 😊
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Somerset girl

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Today I've lost a stone since starting rybelsus on the 13th April. Since going onto the proper dose on about the 10th May I've noticed the weight just dropping off me. Even this weekend when I ate out and had a few glasses of wine I've still lost 1lb. Weekends previously were my nemesis and I'd put on at least 2lb of what I'd I'd lost Mon-Fri.

My next big milestone is to get under 12 stone (am currently 12.5) which I haven't been since having my youngest 5 years ago!
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Being able to wear a nice bra and knickers after wearing size 20 (sometimes 22) apple catchers makes me feel SEXEH! :ROFLMAO:
Honestly this was a massive change for me too. I went from feeling like a blimp in my giant size 22 pants and not being arsed about sex to being thrown around daily in my skimpy size 10/12’s 😂 i even sent my bf an underwear pic last week because my confidence in that department is through the roof. My sex life has never been better, thanks to Saxenda and ozempic 😂
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Ah brill, thanks. Blimey I only need 2 lol…..what am I gonna do with 98 random needles 🤭😂
Quoting myself because my (hilarious 🙄) husband has helpfully suggested that I retain the spare 98 needles and prod myself with one every time I fancy scoffing a cake. Apparently it might be as effective as Ozempic, and cheaper.

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Chatty Member
I've lost a staggering 4kgs on my first week of Semaglutide tablets. The affect on me has been extraordinary. I can take or leave food, I dont' have the constant need to snack or plan every second of the day food wise. I've beeb tracking my calories and I've been averaging between 1100 and 1400 each day. Some days I've felt a little weak like I need some food, then I have something. But otherwise have kept to 2 meals (lunch and dinner; I can happily skip breakfast). Feel like I've found the magic answer. I feel like I've been reset, to how my mind and brain should be - are 'normal' people like this, without all the constant food noise? What has happened to make that my default? I'm thinking about starting some other CBT soon to address my issues with food otherwise I'm concerned when I stop taking the tablets after I've reached my desired weight, I'll struggle with putting it back on again. Food for thought... (haha)
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Somerset girl

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I've finally got under 12 stone this weekend after a couple of weeks of hovering around the stone mark. I haven't been this weight since pre-children (8 years ago!). Only 11 lb to go to my target of 11 stone. I was 13. 5 stone when I started on 15 April. I can't believe it after years of various diets.
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Brian Butterfield

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No sorry this is shit advice…. Do people who get weight loss surgery and can only eat around 600 calories have metabolism problems? No they don’t, they lose half their body weight in a matter of months!

Please do not listen to this 😂

1200 calories is very sustainable on ozempic! Some days I’ve only hit 1000 and I’m full. Plus tracking everything I eat to ensure I hit my protein, etc.
I’m just thinking long term. 1200 may be easy when you have the help of ozempic or similar. But if you’re not on it for life, 1200 calories a day is neither healthy or realistically sustainable. If it were, none of us would be needing to go down medicating ourselves to lose weight.

There’s no need to be aggressive. I thought this was meant to be a supportive group?
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