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Considering Wegovy is just Ozempic rebranded and actually the exact same drug available at a higher dose, could those already on the maximum dose of Ozempic not technically continue to increase to the Wegovy maximum dose of 2.4 safely, by just taking 2.4mg worth of Ozempic? In theory?

Obviously won’t matter once Wegovy is available but I’m just curious, been thinking it for a while so wondered if anyone knew the answer😂
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Could I ask what everyone’s plan is while taking it? Like will you take it until you get to your desired weight or keep going? I’ve been watching lots of YouTube videos and lots of the American ladies are saying they’ll be having to take it for the foreseeable future to make sure the weight stays off? I really want to try it but k don’t want to pay £150 odd a month for the next 5 years of my life or so
I certainly can’t afford to maybe I will go down to 0.6 for a while and try to get my head around eating less. I’m hoping I’ll need fewer calories and my stomach won’t want as much by then too. I think a lot of the Americans get it on insurance and don’t have to pay as much ’out of pocket’ as they say
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Thank you 😊 I’ve got a few weeks of Saxenda left but then probably going to switch. I’m worried about forgetting to inject weekly though
Sure there is something similar on Android but you could set an alarm for say 6pm and label it ‘Injection’ and set it to be repeated every Friday for example.
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Where are people ordering ozempic? It doesn’t seem to be as easily available as Saxenda
I’ve just ordered from myBMI and got a discount so first pen is £130. Discount code is Starter35
I am so excited to start! Feel like I need fancy scales now that link to an app or something but sure my bog standard ones will do me fine
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Four weeks today for me, and I think I’ve lost 12lb now. I’m not very good at tracking food, but I have been using Noom to keep a rough count of calories (you get a year free with Saxenda, but I think have to put in a US postcode - 90210 works!) I find it easiest for me to do a rough kind of intermittent fasting - I’m happy at the moment with just lunch and dinner. Sometimes a biscuit in the afternoon, sometimes a coffee in the morning, sometimes a scoop of ice cream or strawberries after dinner, but not often. I’m still waiting for the fullness thing, its more like I just ‘go off’ eating halfway through a meal sometimes. I don’t think there’s any ‘one way’ it works for everyone.

I would also like to know how everyone else is doing!?
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You’re very welcome! Saxenda has changed my life so I’m happy to share knowledge and help anywhere I can 😊

You also get advantage card points with boots doctor orders so after a few orders with them you’d have enough points for a little treat 😁 I usually stick to Asda because of the convenience of having it delivered (with Royal Mail so it generally comes first thing with the postman). And they do send out 10/20% discount codes occasionally. Their messaging service is awful though.
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I've been taking saxenda for nearly a week did anyone find they had eggy burps? I don't eat eggs so it really is odd.
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Thank you ❤
Okay so I think I’m going to have to seriously think about stopping it… I will talk to my GP though. I was enjoying having the appetite of a “normal” person though!
Sorry you are feeling like this, have a word with your GP and see what they come back with, they will give you the best advice. If they don't know you are on Saxenda they should not judge you, I am sure they are seeing lots of people who are taking it and not getting it through them, they should be glad people are trying to help themselves get in better health. No weight loss method is worth feeling like that though so I don't blame you thinking about stopping it. For what it's worth I have tried various diets, and for me personally it is the not eating enough and the running on empty that really screw's me up mentally, maybe you are not eating enough, sorry if that sounds daft but I know it can really effect my moods when I am really restricting my calories, take care and I hope you sort it out.
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I’ve bitten the bullet and ordered ozempic. On holiday and I hate how I look. I’ve always been up and down with my weight but as I’ve gotten older. Getting the weight off isn’t as easy as it used be.
Looking forward to getting started!
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First week back. Dropped. .5 lbs. Considering I am down over 25% original weight I'll be interested ti see how I get on after a month off due to supply. Was out out last night. Lovely meal but wore spanx and felt awful. Spanx are the enemy.
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Hey everyone, I’m a long time lurker on Tattle but never commented on anything before… just enjoy reading people having the same opinion as me on a lot of stuff! but I would really appreciate some advice/experience.
I’ve been using Saxenda for 6 weeks now, and it’s definitely helped with managing my appetite. I haven’t really had too many bad side effects, a bit of nausea when I go up a dose, but not bad enough to consider stopping it.
However my mental health has taken a huge dip. I have BPD so I don’t know if this is just “me”, but in the back on my mind I feel like this has happened since starting Saxenda.
I was going to try and ride it out but I ended up in A&E last night and I don’t know what to do.
Has anyone else felt any influence on their mental health whilst using Saxenda?
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I’ve not heard that it affects absorption? I take the pill and medication for my heart and no online prescriber or my GP has said it make affect it. I’d be especially worried if it may affect the pill 😂 don’t wanna be spending all this money to lose my belly if the pill might fail and make it grow again 🤣
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I’d get new scales too. At least then you’ll know more accurately rather than trying to do maths every time you weigh.
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First time poster I bought a Saxenda pen via Asda pharmacy yesterday & arrived this morning. Going to have my first dose tonight. I have PCOS & it’s been such a struggle to shift any weight I’m also a mum & can’t blame the extra baby weight as my youngest will be 6 next week! It’s so expensive though & hoping I’ll be able to power through before Wegovy is available as it’s rumoured to be a bit cheaper! I’d like to experience 1 hot girl Summer as I’m sick of the fat girl Summers I’ve been having all my life! I’d be over the moon if I lost 3 stone.
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What’s the 💩 horror stories I keep hearing? Will I need to wear a pad 😭😭😭 I need to shift weight before my wedding in October and the 💩 stories putting me off taking it 🤣
Same (and unfortunately I abused laxatives for years). Took my ozempic journey to stop that destructive cycle and thankfully a year in no longer take them.

Glittery I think you've made a good decision. How much weight do you have to use. I had considered travelling to Turkey but didn't. Probably could do with a mummy makeover now but I hate pain more then I hate my awful apron jelly belly
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If you’re not obese then you don’t need a drug which is to tackle obesity.
So the moment that your bmi is no longer in the obese category you’re supposed to stop taking it? I suppose you’d recommend I go back to diet and exercise which CLEARLY has never worked for me before despite years of trying. If I had been successful before I wouldn’t be taking this in the first place. I’m still overweight and unhealthy and this is the only tool I’ve found that’s ever worked for me. What a ridiculous thing to say.
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For me I can arrange a collection through the local council on their website but every council is different. I haven’t tried it out yet as im going to wait til I’m done and have (presumably) 2 full boxes collected at the same time but it seems pretty straight forward on my councils website. If I wanted I could just dispose of it through our waste collection at work tbh as we do have the option to add a sharps bin/medical waste collection to our normal controlled waste collection (sanitary bins etc) but I’ll do it properly through the council when the time comes. If I run in to any issues I can do it through work though.

Saxenda slows down your gastric emptying so your stomach is literally just full (and you’ll poo a lot less. Don’t be worried by that!) so you simply don’t have room for as much food. I believe ozempic works by stimulating the hormone that makes you feel full. It also helps your body release more insulin although I don’t know how that helps weight loss.
Regarding what to eat I literally eat whatever I fancy. I eat so little that it doesn’t matter whether I have a salad or a burger. I rarely reach my daily calorie limit. Today for example I had porridge with a banana and spoonful of Nutella swirled in for brunch as I was craving something sweet, a chicken burger this afternoon because I was out and then I’ve just had half a hot cross bun because I couldn’t manage the whole thing. I’m stuffed from that but under 1300 calories for the day. I don’t often feel really hungry but if I do I’ll eat anything because 9 times out of 10 I only manage a small portion. I make sure I drink plenty of water which helps with feeling full and keeping things moving.
I find when I’m actually hungry if i go shopping for food I’ll buy a load of crap as old habits tell me that’s what I want, but it just sits in the cupboards. I have about 10 boxes of cereal untouched, packets of biscuits, bags of crisps etc that I’ve bought when I’ve shopped while hungry but by the time I’ve got home either the feeling has passed or something like a boiled egg sorts me out for hours. The little pots in the Tesco meal deal with 2 boiled eggs in keeps me full all day so I always pick up one of those to munch in the car before I get home with my haul of junk food then I don’t touch it. Every now and then I bag up all the crap I’ve bought and stick it in the food bank 😊
Like @Ollies01 if i go shopping when I’m not hungry I have literally no interest in food. I could walk around the entire supermarket and look at every product and come out with nothing more than a bottle of water. It’s the same when I go out for food, unless I’m ravenous I could look at the menu for ages and nothing grabs my fancy, I have to force myself to choose and then I rarely finish what I’ve ordered. Whereas before I’d be eenie meenie minie mo’ing to decide between 3 starters, 2 mains and the 4 desserts that took my fancy 😁
That’s amazing thanks so much. I’m going to order one pen this morning from Asda only one as I’m a bit worried I’ll not like it it doesn’t take much to make me feel unwell so I’ll see how I go and if it’s ok order a bigger box.
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