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I’ve just bit the bullet and had my order confirmed with my juniper. Slightly apprehensive about the price but if this lets me get my eating habits under control then I need to at least give it a try
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Rather than buying clothes new because they won’t fit for very long you could try buying on Vinted and then reselling on there when you shrink out of it? That’s what I’ve been doing 😁
oh I’m so much worse than that, I buy clothes in like size 10 or 12 as motivation - all whilst continuously getting fatter. I never actually buy anything in a size 16 (what size I am) it’s a problem!
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As well as cravings disappearing, there are things that I used to absolutely love that I don’t like the taste of now.

Pate is one of them. I could happily eat a few slices of toast and pate before. The pate I bought over Xmas was binned eventually.

M&S ready made prawn cocktails. I’d eat these as a snack between meals, they taste bitter to me now.

Crisps I can take or leave.

Everything that I don’t make myself tastes too salty.
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I took orlistat prescribed to me many years ago. Awful stuff. As well as the orange, oily poo it gave me joint pain and dandruff!!
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Thyroid cancer is a risk of course and I suppose for me it means that only people who are obese or severely overweight with health issues should be taking it. It's not something people with a stone or two to lose should be risking in my view.
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Don’t beat yourself up! I have crisps and a sandwich some days at work for convenience. And chocolate is essential when getting your period.
I really try not to restrict foods I enjoy. If I stuck to salad, brown rice and lean meat/fish every day I know I’d get fed up and have a massive binge. But if I allow myself crisps or chocolate as part of normal every day eating when I fancy them I think I’m more likely to stick to healthier eating long term and less likely to reach for all the “bad” foods I’ve avoided when I move to maintenance. If the chocolate and crisps are within or close to your calorie allowance then it doesn’t really matter if you had 500 calories of dairy milk or 500 calories of chicken and brown rice, it’s still 500 calories. So don’t feel bad 😊

Currently eating a bag of mini maryland cookies in the bath as I’ve also got my period 🤣
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fuck me lads I took two TWO tablets after I posted on Wednesday I haven’t taken anymore as I haven’t really got the right food in etc I shit oil today 🤣
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Yep :) Remember code FRIEND50 and you’ll get £50 off your first order.
One of the questions was where did you hear about the company ….. Tattle wasn’t an option 😂
Well thank you for that code. I’ve just ordered it !! Was out walking my dog and went through the questionnaire and was literally at the payment page when I came back to Tattle to have a read and saw the comment about the code !! Thank you @reCAPTCHA so much !! I just hope when you come off it your tastes go back to normal. I don’t want to destroy my love of good and tasty food long term. I realise you need to build a healthy relationship with food again. I’ve been really interested in these hormones and their effects on weight loss / gain etc so I’m all for this. My mum was a type 2 diabetic and I would do anything to not become like her. So overweight when she was older and it was struggle for her no quality of life really. I want to be slim and elegant !
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My Ozempic dispatched! Should arrive today so I was thinking about doing it before bed as I am out this evening (not food related)

Where is best to inject? I am terrified of vomiting but I have to try.
I'm desperate as my ADHD meds only help so much with appetite (they help me in other ways of course). When they wear off I am ravenous and I am scared I'll become pre-diabetic with the amount of bad food I eat (I dunno if that's what causes it but I LOVE my sugar) 😭Also I am a theme park fan and if I don't lose some weight I won't fit in the rides..(I did the walk of shame 18 months ago)

Going in 8 days so hoping some brief willpower will also help me as I know this isn't an instant fix. Just need to shift a few lbs then I am happy to go the long haul.
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Omg thank you for your advice and kind words, I've 3 stone to shift, I'm not looking for a miracle cure but I didn't think it would take a year? I'm post menopause I think my metabolism disappeared when my periods did! I am very active and a good varied diet, not too much excess of anything, but I'm gaining all the time

Oh gosh I'm sorry to hear doctor was so helpful, I'm actually so grateful, I really was at the end of my rope
This is also a life long medication. It didn't take me a year really but it is a long term project. I found ot slow and consistent
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Somerset girl

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I didn’t realise that one of the side effects was going off alcohol! Does this happen to everyone? I used to be a bad binge drinker always going for dinner with my friends and getting on the wine then ending up out out. Since ive been on this ive been for dinner 3 times and to a party once and had no desire to drink much each time and been home by like10/11 (at night not in the morning which it usually would be ha)
Can’t say I’m complaining! Ozempic has completely changed my toxic relationships with food and alcohol!
I'm only a week in on ryblesus (oral ozempic) and am still drinking quite a bit at the weekends. I'm hoping eventually this will wear off as I drink far too much at the moment.
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It’s great isn’t it? Having no food noise.
the day I took my first dose, the noise stopped and I couldn’t finish my food. Like you, I thought it was a placebo effect but three weeks on, Its still the same
Good luck to you x
That’s so amazing to hear! So excited to feel ‘cured’ good luck to you too x
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Most people say it’s not effective or as effective if you stop and start. It’s a medication, not a diet where you can have cheat days or a week off. You’d probably be better reducing the dose you’re taking rather than stopping completely.
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@raspberryjuice can I ask if you have has any noticeable effects on you face? I've read about ozempic face, which is basically where you lose weight on your face and get wrinkles and I am a bit worried. Got 50+lbs to lose but currently have no wrinkles and would like to stay that way for a few more years :ROFLMAO:
Dr Dray debunked this
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I haven’t had a drink for two weeks. I will drink if I’m out on a night out but lost the urge for random wines or G&Ts at home in between.
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Somerset girl

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Day 7 on rybelsus and am only 2.6lb down. I was hoping for more by now but I do think I'm starting to suffer with constipation. I still feel tempted by wine and ate a couple of chocolates yesterday but the rest of my diet has been good. I'm just hoping I can hold it together at the weekend (the time I usually pile it back on).
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How is everyone doing? I only had my first jab yesterday and I’m genuinely surprised that I can 100% see a difference in my appetite already.

I’ve been absolutely shattered today- like pregnancy tired (if you know you know!), and I’m slightly nauseous (nothing intolerable).

I’m having a banana and some water for dinner and am kind of forcing it down to be honest as I know I need to eat. Who even am I??!

I’d read a lot online about it taking up to 4-6 weeks to see any effect on weight loss but if this continues I’m gonna lose the stone I need to in the first month. I‘m not sure if that’s good or bad to be honest.
Had mine delivered yesterday which was handy cos I had an impromptu wfh day as was having some hedges cut back. I’ve watched the video how to inject etc and hidden the pen in the fridge. I’ve not told my husband I’m doing this cos don’t want him to worry and i can’t be bothered to explain it all at this point. Maybe I should tell him though feels bit bad to keep secret 😔 . I’ve been reading loads over past couple years and have listened to some interesting podcasts about the hunger hormones. I remember back in 2020 an eminent obesity doctor on Liz Earle’s podcast mentioning some interesting/exciting research around all of this, reckon he must have meant all of these jabs etc. He got me really interested in the idea of gastric band etc as he explained how the surgery had such an effect on the hormones. I remember Liz Earle saying “gosh, makes me feel like we all need to have this surgery!, feels like the only way to control hunger !” I just don’t fancy surgery though so here we are !! I think I’m going to take it on Wednesday as that’s my day off. I’m a bit nervous tbh. But excited too !
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