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I have always found the secondary trauma of going through the justice system is something that really isn't considered. I was dragged through it by the police as a victim (hate that word) of a historic crime reported by another victim. The trauma of video statements, your medical records being seized, the way they tell you that the arrest is happening that day, CPS decision making, being summonsed to court, swearing an oath, having your personal and family history delved into etc is awful.

The ripples of this case have been massive - on FS, AZ, YS, JH, BE and on and on. The impact and dirt dug up has been wide ranging and very messy. It has taught me to get my social media settings completely locked down. People can and will hang you based on something as innocuous as a filter or a meme. Imagine having all this going on whilst dealing with the fundamental pain that is your grandaughter/niece's death and the potential loss of a very young family member to prison. It's awful.
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I am soooo happy she got found guilty of murder and I hope they let her rot! Justice finally!
I am also so happy they didn’t find Frankie guilty of murder or manslaughter and this might be a unpopular opinion but I do hope Frankie gets the lower end of the charge and it helps her to reform herself and get proper education inside, hopefully it’s easier for her inside now she’s clear of murder
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Goodness, this whole case has been very upsetting for so many of us. I do think the right verdict was made. I hope Brockhill goes down for a very long time - she is evil and is dangerous

As I’ve said before, I do however think that FS deserves another chance at life. I hope she doesn’t get a long sentence.

And I hope that Star’s family can begin to heal from the evil that came into their lives, even though that might not be truly possible.
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Controversial opinion and this is going to sound awfully judgemental but most of these people are occupation "yummy mummy" type people.
I used to have a neighbour like this who forever changed the frame on her Facebook profile page to whatever was trending or let's turn Facebook orange etc. She was always tagging me in posts like "let's fix each others crown" with a selfie and an inspirational quote I was supposed to share with another selfie and tag 10 more people. I used to call them the "live,laugh, love" family.
None of them worked and there always some sort of drama, if a police car came down the road they would all be out the front in dressing gowns. I remember once they chased some courier out the Street and acussed him of being a pedophile for driving up and down that controversy lasted a few weeks.
I feel mean saying this as as other posters have commented it is giving the family some comfort at the moment.
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I have to say I find it really difficult to hear people say that Star’s death ‘isn’t enough’ of a punishment for FS 😭
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From what I have gathered. I may have got this wrong FS mother YS has 6 children FS being the second oldest,she currently is single and it was rumoured across Facebook that she had a relationship with star's father after she died which would indicate a lot about her mothering. It seems like the older girls we're mostly raised by the grandparents. Although the first person FS rang in the ambulance was her mum who came to the hospital. The nurse commented that her mum didn't even hug her so maybe some issues with attachment. I found it quite sad to read FS thrust herself into the arms of health professionals for a hug.
It seemed that she had an almost friend relationship with her mum rather than one she could turn to for guidance. I wonder if the lack of parenting growing up led her to believe SB harsh punishments were justifiable having nothing else to draw upon?
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No wonder BE didn't give evidence, but how brave of FS family to all speak out in court no matter what you think of YS they all spoke up and for those that made SS referrals they did try to do the right thing.
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It was when the prosecution read out all the injuries that were done over a period of time. It made me think nobody could not know that abuse was happening.
At first I was all for both being done for murder, then when FS had her first day on the stand I changed my mind and didn't think she knew, the next day I wasn't so sure. But it definitely swayed my opinion back to thinking she was guilty when the injuries were read out one after one, after one
The way I see it is a bit like the frog in boiling water analogy. Probably SB started off with low level stuff and gaslighted FS into believing they were accidental, and gradually they got worse, increasing pressure on FS to doubt herself. One of the later texts “how did these marks happening, I’m not saying it was you” or something like that, to me that’s clearly the result of having made accusations previously and having received a forceful response.

I do see why people would say guilty for causing and allowing though. I suppose it comes down to the question of “given her limitations, are you sure she knew”. If yes, she’s guilty, if not, not guilty. I’m not sure she did know, nor am I sure she didn’t know.
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😭 David just posted that he’s really struggling 😭. I could hurt that cow so much for what she’s put everyone through
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Hello, I am new here and didn't want to jump in without saying so as I can tell this is an established, well contributed to, thread. I have a social work/family therapy/clinical psychology background so, in particular, I have been watching FS reactions in court with interest. I am not married to my hypothesis but I don't believe she is guilty of these charges. Is it true she has already plead guilty to 8 charges of cruelty so far?

I wrote a (what I thought was a proportionate and balanced) comment on the TE page about FS and the lack of evidence against her for murder/manslaughter/CorA Death and was insulted by the 'let them swing' brigade. AKA the 'could of' lot. Not many grasp criminal law on there do they? Just wanted to say it is reassuring to read how firmly posters here grasp ACE's, grooming, DV, intergenerational patterns and...Dave 😂 Nice to 'meet' you all.
It’s nice to meet you too. The ‘let Them swing’ brigade does my head in. I feel like I must have read a different trial. They cherry pick ‘evidence’ for confirmation bias. IMHO.

It’s still open and there was one post that aged terribly
oh god 🙈😭

But how the hell did social services not intervene if the photo clearly showed a handprint bruise. I don’t get it. I don’t buy that they manipulated SS. It’s SS‘s job to protect children. Child abusers are highly likely to be manipulative. Identifying and overcoming protestations of manipulative parents must be a big part of the job.
Yeah apparently warm, clean tidy homes mean there is no child abuse going on. The same in Arthur’s case. Tidy freaks don’t hit their kids according to SS 🤔🤨
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I suppose we've been discussing this for well over a month. Trying to piece together what happened and toing and froing FS being guilty or not.
The jury have only been allowed to discuss this with each other for less than 3 days.
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I'm finding it nerve-racking just waiting to read the verdict, I can't imagine how it must feel actually being on trial 😬
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It took me about 9 months for me to feel like my first born was mine. I had PND and it felt like I was babysitting, only there was no end to the crying (hers and mine). I can’t judge FS for saying that, and I’m sure I remember her saying that if she’d said Star was like a sister, it was because she loved Star like she loves her sisters (implying it’s a lot).

She wouldn’t be the first person to say she didn’t have a child when she does. And the evidence from Alicia that F wouldn’t let alone hold Star for long because she wanted her back indicates far more to me how she felt about Star.
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Not that I’m the Frankie whisperer, but I think there’s potential a lot of people might be assuming FS cares about losing Star because they’re warm, kind empathetic people themselves. She showed very little love towards Star beyond dressing her nicely for the vast majority of her life, was actively cruel towards her, only has mild depression according to a highly experienced forensic psychologist, and then didn’t appear emotional at the hospital yet was emotional at the verdict.

I get some people freeze in intense situations (I’m one of them), but it’s weird how she reacted differently in the two situations. Nurses must be used to the type of people who freeze and aren’t outwardly emotional in the moment, yet they still thought she behaved weirdly.
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Star being her name has give these weirdos a field day, of course they’d still be doing weird things (as they’re doing with Arthur without the plays on his name) but wow they can incorporate a star into any and everything and say it’s a sign. Acting like the star on top of their tree was in memory of Star like they wouldn’t have had a star on top either way, or star shaped candle holders that they’ve probably had for years….it’s never ending
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If you count the majority of responses here I would give an quantitative analysis of:

SB - Murder 99.9%
SB - Manslaughter 0.1%

FS - Murder Less than 1% ish
FS - Manslaughter Less than 1%
FS - CorA Death 25% ish (????) Massive caution on this as they are quiet posters (like shy Tories)
FS - Not Guilty 73% ish

I don't think we, only privy to court transcripts, can come to those conclusions on SB but the Jury, who have seen CCTV, think there is no evidence? Surely? I am more than willing to accept that my hate for Pink Shirted Shithead might cloud my view though?
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