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Wackie Jeaver

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It’s definitely true that most 18 year olds wouldn’t generally go out clubbing with their mum, I agree.
I think it's very odd that a mum would go out clubbing with her 18 year old daughter if I'm honest. As a once off, maybe, but a regular thing, no.
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I don’t get why people are posting the flat everywhere just because they live near it, it’s so sly if family see that getting a reminder of what went on there 😢
And these people would have walked by daily, not loving star she was just another kid. Until she died then of course they loved her

And isn’t that still supported living. For young mums. If so idiots are putting them at risk by saying eh look pile of young vulnerable mums live here 🤬
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It makes me laugh to think Paul is a Tattle Celebrity and he probably doesn’t even know it.
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It's like the courts are a different world. Can you imagine in every day life, something really important kicking off and the biggest boss possible saying "Not now dear, I'm having my Pot Noodle, pop back in an hour"
I imagine them all lunching together on port, Stilton and cigars for KG.
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Talking of Facebook, someone on there has outdone everybody else to become Chief Mourner and had a Star tattoo done on their hand. I don’t think they are alone either. Evidence below.

To add, I wasn’t mocking Paul or the random from the Sun Hotel. I posted the photo to lighten the mood and steer us away from people falling out. We have been discussing the mysterious Paul over many threads and it has become a bit of a running joke about what he does or doesn’t like. We have latched onto it to try and find some humour whilst reading distressing court transcripts. Just like we have been laughing about KG coughing at key moments, John’s pinstripe suit, Dave from the local rag‘s fashion write ups, puffer jackets and pink shirts. No one has been mean about ‘Paul’, in fact he has quite the fan club here!

As for copying photos from the Justice for Star page onto here, some of the people featured deserve to be mocked due to their competitive grieving and thirst for FB likes. Their disgusting behaviour is selfish and attention seeking. Well, it got our attention and we are now talking about it as a result.


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So i have just this minute found out that i went to primary school and was facebook friends (before i fucked it off) with the lass who was SB witness. Chloe she is called.
She is an interesting person in the sense she is not a traveler at all but tries to act like one, she favours the old 5 finger discount, was one of those people who wouldnt work and then would brag about all the xmas and birthday gifts she got her kids. I wouldnt trust her as far as i could throw her tbh. I remember from her facebook activity she was always concerning herself in other peoples business, airing ALL of her dirty laundry on facebook (i havent talked to her since i was 10 or 11 but i knew every little detail about her relationship and the breakup). I also remember her trying to act all friendly with Tyson Fury's wife Paris, and the Radford Family. It was proper cringe, she thought she was best mates with them all! She probably has done this to try and get some fame and to seem important in Morecambe tbh.
Its a small bloody world.
she sounds as stupid in reality as she did in the witness stand
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I remember it being said that Jordan has really good parents/a really good family, I know coming from a “good” family doesn’t stop someone being a “wrong’un” but I wonder how they feel about his convictions and his behaviour since Star’s birth and after her death
I’d feel ashamed if any son of mine fathered a child and then failed to step up to that responsibility. Fair enough he was at Uni but that doesn’t mean you get to skip out on being a parent altogether.
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When considering risks the defendant should have been aware of and the steps they ought to have taken and circumstances they ought to have foreseen, and considering what a reasonable person in those circumstances would have done.

By circumstance that also includes personal characteristics, for example, if it comes to it, your interpretation of FS's intelligence.

That's very clear then re: the earlier debate we had about whether causing or allowing is solely on what a reasonable person ought to know. They can find not guilty if they feel the IQ was a significant contributing factor.
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Chatty Member
Oooh interesting question. Guess they really are trying to consider whether SBs evidence of calling her into the room and FS evidence to her mum she wasn't there, was given in the fews days afterwards or months later when they could have got stories together??
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I have a generally happy but rambunctious 2 year old in my home. She tests limits and is fearless, putting her in precarious positions all the time. Her birthday was a week ago & we only started brief timeouts with her. She was just swinging by her arms between the sofa & table, hardwood floors beneath her and sharp edges close - with me telling her to stop. So, a sit-down for 60 seconds. Oh my - she sobs like her little heart is broken & I want to stop it immediately, it is so heart-wrenching to hear. I cannot imagine being unmoved by a child’s tears, much less deliberately causing them. People that derive pleasure from the tears and brokenness of a child simply need exterminating, as they are not capable of rehabilitation & will always gravitate toward harming them.
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Thought just popped into my head (not sure where from) just thinking SB said she was bi-sexual, has there been any mention of past boyfriends for her? Was just wondering if she was controlling with men as well as women? Anyone know?
Probably due to homophobia in the traveller community. Saying bi is a way to difuse saying lesbian because its very difficult for travellers to come out.
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I think based on the difference in views regarding FS just in this thread alone, they’re going to really struggle to all get on the same page and get a unanimous verdict for her, it could end up being a majority verdict in her case but the judge has not suggested she’ll accept that yet so it could be ages
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Im really hoping once sentencing has happened and the trial is over, no one from the facebook group comes over here. It’s going to affect us all and 99% of us (apart from 2 people in particular) can keep it sensible and friendly over here, I just can’t be assed with all the little weirdos on facebook coming over judged on the decisions made
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Also just want to add to the facebook screenshots, honestly feel awful that this has all came from the horrific murder of a defenceless baby, I’m not wanting to joke but after 7 weeks of reading the live trial transcripts and the threads on here, we all need some lightheartedness when appropriate. Rest in eternal peace Star ❤
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