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I can’t believe that cunt worzel has put that video up well I can but just shows what a totally evil 👿 cunt it is did the same sort of thing to Jayne and the dv woman
Poor Cheryl is no use to her now so
She’s gone, and she won’t let it go, she’ll slag her off for days. She’s vile right thro to the core.
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She’s on plastics live and has taken over as she fancies some new loser say there in a van chatting her up . She has snapped at plastic for talking over her and has been flaunting her tits at him and telling the whole Richard story again . Now she is claiming his 11 year old flirts with old men
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What's her Vinted name
Paris53essex. Is Paris going to be her new pseudonym I wonder? 🤔🤔🤔. Paris Fontain. New porn name. It’s like one of those games. Name the last place you were and the colour of your underwear to reveal your porn star name. Hers would be McDonalds Grey 😂😂😂
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Has she been banned I've not seen her on live today
Was busy gonzo buying myself a brand new motor unlike you can afford you old pigs trotter 😂
She was on LadySasha, the clip Poola posted then got banned after her rant 😂. “I know who my friends are on ‘ere”. Erm, no you don’t Sasha believe me, no you don’t 😂😂😂 👋 👋👋
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Had a feeling it would get deleted,
She just can’t help herself can she the evil cow.
Now she’s had to go crawling back to Sindy cause she’s run out of mates AGAIN 🤦‍♀️
thanks for posting
so thats the reason they fell out then!!
defo went crawling back to sindy
as for her and richard, she will be slagging him off again soon 🙄
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Think it’s time Cheryl went to the police . The old woman needs taking off the internet for good . She’s so uneducated and such a narc that she’s never going to change . She’s hated she’s not got a following for any other reason than to watch her demise . It’s coming . What a jealous old lady it is
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Lying there in an unwashed ripped pair of pyjamas talking about a man in his sixties who has his father buy him a car that he immediately uses to borrow money against for a loan to buy clothes and aftershave ! What an utter embarrassment . Meanwhile she’s borrowing money to pay car insurance and rent and yet books holidays on the never never . Oh the shame of it . They will be back together by tonight at the latest … good I really really want to see these two married and stuck together for life . Best karma possible . Her lying next to the old boy catching flies and filling the room with loud annoying unattractive infuriating snoring . WHAT AN ICK !
She said all her mates warned her not to go back with him . Bullshit they all sat on lives with him in the box saying they think it’s a great idea (Sindy and Lou the relationship experts 😂)
What a time to be alive watching Sharon publicly embarrass itself again and again and AGAIN !
Sharon the pyjamas need to go now hun
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Sharon quote “ people who threaten suicide never do it , it’s all for attention “
Another Sharon quote “I don’t do drama “ continues to upload a heavily filtered video inferring that she feels suicidal .
Posting a tik tok and waiting for the inevitable “you got this queen “ “we love you queen “ is not how you fix yourself .
You fix yourself by cutting off abusive people , looking at your own actions and how you can change. Slut dropping in thigh high boots and mini skirts in your sixties and behaving like a petulant foul mouthed teenager is not how to live a happy content life .
Also she will only ever attract men like , Mickey , Richard , the drunk one she rowed with on holiday and other wrong uns .
Get off the internet and go and volunteer or do a course . BETTER yourself . Even old man Richard has told her she’s cringe
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He came up on my fyp doing some shit about trolls does he have dentures 😬 the knashers are off the scale ffs 🙄
Just how filtered can someone get ffs 🙄 grandma's of tik tok ffs 🙄 if I put filtered as fuck pictures up like that my kids would take the piss I'd never live it down 🤷‍♀️ it would be mum you lost the plot 😂 and I'm a nanny my 2 grandsons would say nanny you look different 😂😂😂🤭
I mean, does she have eyes somewhere underneath those ridiculous lashes. All I see are these two hairy things stuck on her face.
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So, two members of my family have had suicide attempts (one more than once). They were not detained under the mental health act and they did not have police sat round their hospital bed! The most toxic thing you can do is blame someone else’s suicide attempt on other people. That is a decision that someone makes on their own, for whatever reason and it’s usually a culmination of things. Suicide baiting is also a well known tool used by narcissists. Isn’t it Sharon?

Her and Cheryl need to start getting Their stories straight! I wouldn’t wish feeling that low and desperate on anyone but I cannot abide mental health being weaponised to use against others. If Cheryl did do it, and it’s a big if, there’s no way it was down to what went on last night. No one went for her. Not one person. Everyone was gunning for Gonzo. Fact! So stop spouting shite and if your friend is that ill Trasha, go and see her instead of using the incident for likes. Cnut!!!!!
The more I think about it the more I think this was all planned between the two of them to make Wibble Rudi and Hayley look bad. Shame the pair of them didn’t get their stories the same. GONZO YOU REALLY ARE A USELESS GOOD FOR NOTHING NARCISSIST
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She doesn't know that Cheryl, if she's been sectioned she wouldn't have her phone the both of them are dangerous.
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Wonder what plank and worzel are upto concerning Mike they having a little trip to Peterborough to cause trouble at where he works as dvp now thinks his rocky a 52 year old unfit man and has our worzel also forgotten about his drink problem even admitted he got done for drinking and driving and his last relationship was abusive and he didn’t realise thought it was normal that the only relationship his had in all his years what was the daughter a one night stand then all smells of absolute horse shit
I bet his mum and dad are sick of wiping his 52 year old big fat arse his still like a baby
The other laugh going on about how disgusting rudi and Mrs c are about four fingers and a fist then starts calling Sam payne a lesbian the same Sam payne that did all it’s dirty work and the other 2 pair of cunts windy and Clarence backing it up when worzel is a disgusting vile horrendous cunt and dvp is definitely the village idiot
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I cannot stop watching this and absolutely pissing my pants :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Ooooooh what triggered that charming delightful little outburst, has she not had her daily doseage of D**k pics today.
I love how powerful,inspiring,positive,women uplifting women she is, never retaliates,never hates on anyone. An amazing woman who is caring and loving hahha seriously, can we all come to an agreement that if it ever comes to it that we will just let @slosher7777 loose on her haha. 😡👊👊🤛🤜🙌🙌
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What happened to the Steve the new Facebook status love of her life last week? Fuck me!

I doubt this new friend Gemini babe Adams family lookalike will stick her for long. I reckon she's not as daft as she looks, which would be hard mind you!

Bus and under shortly methinks but not by Trasha's doing 😆
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