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Gotta laugh 😃 she knows who everyone on Tattle is 😆 then proceeds to state it's Mrs bbc and all her own family 😆 cunt needs sectioned.

So bucket fanny was on live for hours on end till God knows what time swearing and telling sex stories in front of two little kids, then back on first thing this morning! Those poor kids.
cash in hand anyone? 🤣
are lots on here ( including myself) who were followers of her last time .. infact was slasha herself who sent us here to have a look! I knew there was something not right with her & stayed! Lol
So is this the infamous Julia Clark who cleans with Trash Bag lol
Muss Trunchball” Matildaaaass!!!”
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Honestly, I didn't think that Trasha could find even more stoopid mods and 'friends', but, (in the words of our very own @Mrs.Wummin) Fuck Me!!! 😂
Not a brain cell among them, thick cunts, the lot of 'em 🤦‍♂️
‘Onestly, who else would she need.??
Parent of the year who vapes and swears around 2 kids, ALL DAY, EVERY DAY.
It won’t take too long to let child services know about the potential danger they are in, of the possible neglect going on while she’s sitting on a strangers live all night, Vaping and drinking🤬🤬🤬
Why does she think these people are friends… it’s thicker than SP and WW together🤡🤡🤡
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I didn’t see the live and I’m appalled at what she just said- what a dreadful person. Dreadful mother and this one needs a bloody reality check NOW
Omg! Did she actually fucking say that? She needs reporting to SS! Nasty fucking bitch!
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Chatty Member
Got an aaaaart condition yet smoking on its live ! Oh and telling it’s Jeremy Kyle audience that it’s lost 6lbs this week on a diet of favourite chicken , spag bol ,
Chocolate and fish and chips .
What a silly billy she is … moron
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We’ve all seen the post of her outing K’s medical condition, how can she lie so blatantly? That was so cruel!
Soz, who’s ironing board? 😆😆
Course she did, She then said she apologised “whole heartedly”… bollox did she.!!!
She only apologised for her benefit, so it made her look good🤬

Ironing Board is the new SP, very uneducated, pubescent girl with very large ears and a bigger gob that she fails to control.
Thinks all accounts on here are Kerry👀🙈, (cos she thinks having an input however stoopid is better that none)🤡
Has got 2 young kids that are constantly calling for attention while she sits on a live for hours on end playing enabler to Trashbags. Also suffers extreme memory loss as she keeps repeating herself saying she knows everything and has been around 3 years😂😂😂😂
She’s vile but thinks she’s funny….I mean, fancy advertising your sexual encounters online just to score points with a whore🤷🏼‍♀️🙄🫣🫣🫣
Another one that thinks that everything she says is true🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Ffsake it’s getting fatter 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Not thinner in todays latest videos and in the polar bear suit
Ffsake ironing board back in the comments she needs a proper slap silly little big eared moron
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I went on their live lastnight. I was asked my age so I told them. Then she said its coz we are getting lots of trolls. I said how can you tell because no one has said anythin untoward. Then someone came in the live and said made up name block I said how can you block someone for a made up name. They are all made up. They actually spouted off 💩 and just kept sayin we will let Sash know in the Whats app. What are you guys running tik tok. They think they are in some Mafia show and slosher is the godfather.
I reckon they think it’s their full time job now being her mods…🙈🙈
What a time to be alive, Playing fiddle to a charity robbing scammer… I’m waiting for this Spindy Lou to say she was a best friend last time round🤡🤡🤡 and she’s been here since Trashbags 1st came on TT😂😂😂
she sends a speedy WhatsApp telling them to get online and agree with her or else😂😂😂😂
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She looked like a superkingsize mattress wrapped in an old net curtain, she’s really punching with the geriatric village idiot.
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Wasn’t gonna speak about her mum or family any more…. Oh wait..🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Reckons it was also pregnant with twins now😂😂😂
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You just know that when shes back doin a live she is gonna be fuming after reading whats been posted on here. Its gonna be a trigger big time and she will have a manic one lol. She'll use the you're all jealous card like she usually does and then use the sympathy card to get all her followers to say how disgusting we all are.

The hypocrisy of her and her followers is astounding. How they can not see what is staring them in the face is beyond me. All you have to do is listen and watch and you can see and hear that everything she says is either a lie or hugely exaggerated.
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Ffsake theirs enough people on tic tok screaming about what a ponce and a scammer she is I wonder if she knows all them personally like she does us 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Watching it shove double carbs down its throat , talking with its mouth full and looking fatter by the day is so satisfying . You know she doesn’t understand why she’s so despised , she’s such a damaged human she’s become a bitter , rough old woman . She surrounds herself with other old bitter women who don’t have valuable friendships in the real world so they flock together online to feel
Like they are part of a girl gang. Meanwhile Sharon I’m in Abu Dhabi with my school mates and sisters having a lovely time and flew here in ACTUAL first class on a premium airline because we saved for it as it’s for a special occasion . I didn’t beg for money for it or get a man to pay for it . We planned for it and spent two years saving up hard .
Right now I’m just very very happy that I don’t have to lie next to a man who smells of cigarettes and makes the house shake with snoring . So no NOT a jealous troll just a very angry tik tok observer who happened to scroll past her a few years back when I was furloughed and bored to hear her use racist words whilst driving . I also have friends in the real world and don’t rely on inspirational quotes from the internet as my therapy or internet friends I’ve never met and a what’s app group (again filled with strangers (very weird ))
The black lady who enables her also needs a head wobble . Strawbs I await your response to Sharon not understanding that the term coloured is offensive . Anyway tattlers thanks for listening to my ted talk . I need to go to bed . Night night from the Middle East ❤
Have the best time in Abu, My second home.🌞
With your real friends, having real fun, and enjoying a real 1st class holiday xx

I mean it could be worse, you could just go to Devon, or spa weekends ,(don’t forget your shorts to wear in the pool 🙈🙈🙈)😂😂

Imagine spending time on a live to a Stranger instead of caring for a child who is clearly unwell…#Parentoftheyear
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Chatty Member
Thank u . I have to also add tho that the narrative from all these creators needs to change . There is jealousy online of course there is ,
Or traces of green eyed monster ,
I have it ! For me watching people who can dance , like really really dance , make me so jealous . Watching people circumnavigate the world in a yacht and work remotely make me jealous , some travel tik Toks make me wish I was there etc .
Angry , spiteful foul mouthed thieves and beggars online don’t make me jealous they just make me annoyed . Sooooo here on tattle is a place
To come and talk about it . Please Sharon and her pretend friends STOP using jealousy as your only come back . Put simply I just don’t like your online persona . Become a nice human being and guess what ???? The need for forums and threads on you will stop over night . Try it … do better
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Does the freak Laura not want to feed her children their tea …..nice bath and read to them. ??
The fucking weird ugly no good cunt
She’s definitely a wrongun. Birds of a feather flock together. She’s needs a visit from SS
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Well that wedding dress that was funded by “the fans” is going to hum after being in that house of chain smokers and shit cooking…what a delight.🤢🤢🤢

Anyone seen Lugggzzzz or is she still crying into her crafts👀😂😂😂

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The very same, had a great big light up snowman and rope lights all round it a few weeks back🫣 But I did find it strange there was no ramp for the wheelchair that was mentioned.. maybe it is an optical illusion and it really is a 1 bed flat🤷🏼‍♀️

WTF is she wearing.
It’s giving me Nadjia from What We Did in The Shadows😂😂😂
Jesus Christ that hair is really nasty and aging now isn’t it. Do something with it SHAZZA you look hideous
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