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I would never fat shame anyone but she deserves it , fuck me thatā€™s like an All in Wrestler. The size of its shoulders and back along with the arms and gut, that wants a Marquee not a dress to cover it up
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Watching it shove double carbs down its throat , talking with its mouth full and looking fatter by the day is so satisfying . You know she doesnā€™t understand why sheā€™s so despised , sheā€™s such a damaged human sheā€™s become a bitter , rough old woman . She surrounds herself with other old bitter women who donā€™t have valuable friendships in the real world so they flock together online to feel
Like they are part of a girl gang. Meanwhile Sharon Iā€™m in Abu Dhabi with my school mates and sisters having a lovely time and flew here in ACTUAL first class on a premium airline because we saved for it as itā€™s for a special occasion . I didnā€™t beg for money for it or get a man to pay for it . We planned for it and spent two years saving up hard .
Right now Iā€™m just very very happy that I donā€™t have to lie next to a man who smells of cigarettes and makes the house shake with snoring . So no NOT a jealous troll just a very angry tik tok observer who happened to scroll past her a few years back when I was furloughed and bored to hear her use racist words whilst driving . I also have friends in the real world and donā€™t rely on inspirational quotes from the internet as my therapy or internet friends Iā€™ve never met and a whatā€™s app group (again filled with strangers (very weird ))
The black lady who enables her also needs a head wobble . Strawbs I await your response to Sharon not understanding that the term coloured is offensive . Anyway tattlers thanks for listening to my ted talk . I need to go to bed . Night night from the Middle East ā¤
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Fuck me ..... is he really gonna marry that? She's in a worst state than .......the worst state!

Him with his breathing/snoring problems ...She'd kill the cunt just climbing into the same bed ffs!
I reckon sheā€™s heard about his health insuranceā€¦ there is no other reason she would ever consider marrying him..šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·

Lost 6lbs you say??? šŸ«£šŸ¤„šŸ¤
View attachment 2716076
Hog roast you sayšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Wedding party games includeā€¦
Poke the pigšŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢
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Just catching up on tt, that Spindy Lou is a right caseā€¦ uploading a video for clout saying ā€œtried to Ā£nd my life over a month ago, didnā€™t succeedā€ā€¦ while having ā€œMentalhealthmattersā€ hashtagged on her videosā€¦ shame she wasnā€™t thinking about the mental health of those the other day when happily fat shaming others on the app with that cnut Trasha.
All the while Mickey Mouse ears was denying to know who she was talking aboutā€¦ even though she had fat shamed her own child the previous days.!!šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬
Shocking behaviour from a mother of 2 young kids.
Not sure if Spindy has kids, hope not, what a shit show she is.šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ
Scum like them should be sterilised at birth so they donā€™t breed !!
They wonā€™t catch you on a bogus accountā€¦ Iā€™ve been doing it for weeks, Ask a few questions and sheā€™s happy to answer themā€¦ F I C K šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Same here. Iā€™m always there TRASH always on your lives lol lol
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Someone needs to ask strawbs her black follower if she is ā€œcoloured ā€œ . How will she take it eh ? Honestly how blind that she doesnā€™t realise she is idolising a racist . For anyone not understanding why I say this , Sharon refers to black people as coloured and doesnā€™t understand why this is completely wrong .
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Aww she is goin for her wedding dress Friday. That nut job on her live said she is gonna donate it wont be much but what she can afford. Now a normal person would have said thank you but donā€™t do it. Not sash. She goes oh only do what you can afford. Greedy cow. Iā€™ve just noticed her bestest friend of 3 years who she only started talking to 1 month ago, hasnā€™t donated to the dress.
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You have to ask yourself what do these wankers bring to the table, the answer is absolutely nothing. They are all a drain to society . Stop all their benefits and see them how they spend their days. GO GET A REAL JOB , YOU ARE ALL LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHING SCUM !!!
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No gave up but says she has crafty one every now and then but obviously started again as div van prick smokes
According to Google, the price of 20 cigarettes is approximately Ā£15. šŸš¬
The cost of the scraggy sample dress was Ā£900. šŸ‘°

Ā£900 (cost of dress) divided by Ā£15 (estimated cost of cigarettes) is 60.

Therefore the scraggy sample dress cost the equivalent of 60 packets of cigarettes.

What price your dignity? :unsure:
60 packs of fags? šŸš¬šŸš¬šŸš¬
Or, begging on tiktok for a week so that vulnerable/elderly/stupid people will fund what you CHOOSE to not pay from your own pocket? šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°

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Honestly, I didn't think that Trasha could find even more stoopid mods and 'friends', but, (in the words of our very own @Mrs.Wummin) Fuck Me!!! šŸ˜‚
Not a brain cell among them, thick cunts, the lot of 'em šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
I couldnā€™t bear to listen to them any longer , their voices and the disrespect to the English language and mispronunciation drove me mad. YOU IS THICK TRASH BAG, MINGING THICK GOOD FOR NOTHING CHAV BAG !!!!
I wonder why these ā€œvulnerablesā€ get drawn into these cnuts who lie all the time, Poor Luggzzzz, I mean you gotta be all sorts of special to not understand you gonna get thrown under the bus soon.
Hope you havnt told her any secrets that could be used against yašŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£

But she knows who every single one of us isšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
But canā€™t work out that we sit in her live listening to her B/SšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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I know the parasite Sasha /Sharon has no real life friends to worry about but what must this dickhead of a blokes family and friends make of the wedding dress bollocks ā€¦ā€¦any bloke I know would be a fucking laughing stock .
Being Filmed paying for the sample gown that your Mrs has ponced ā€¦.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ™‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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Imagine the filtered wedding album (IF it even happens)ā€¦DVP with lashes and lipstick and Slosher looking like a drag queen.
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I laughed earlier when she pointed out that she wasnā€™t going to clean the underside of her cupboards, just because someone who lets their cats walk round a worktop while making cakes had pointed it outā€¦ but she wasnā€™t pointing fingers at anyone.!!
After all, it was right next to the oven and it was probably steam from cookingšŸ«£šŸ«£
Given that the leak from the shower hasnā€™t been sorted 4 years on, why would the underside of the cupboards be any differentšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚
Believe me, MrsBBC has a kitchen so fricken clean, that you feel compelled to wipe your feet before you enter, whereas with SF's, you probably need to wipe them on the way out (after you've taken off your hazmat suit of course) ā˜£ā˜£ā˜£
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Wewwwww guys, gewwwwwssss and wax mewwwwts. Here we are for thread eleventy hundred and 39. Take your seats. Thanks to @rocksolidcrew for the thread title. I made an executive decision and we were in dire need of a new thread. TLDRs welcome from anyone šŸ„°
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carrot top

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Just catching up with her videos,
Says Dick doesnā€™t have a TT account but he did the other day as he was commenting in her live, whatā€™s the betting as soon as he started adding anything female she made him delete it šŸ¤£
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Chatty Member
Sat on itā€™s live this morning hoping her mother rots in hell and something to do with drilling her coffin shut and doing something nasty to it .
How her family are dealing with this I do not know .
Meanwhile her new never ever met in real life bestie sits there laughing .
Hey Sharon unblock Poola and Mrs bc ā€¦ dare you and Laura to have a conversation .
DARE YOU ! ā€¦. Iā€™ll wait
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So I take it then that these 2 latest scumbags are doing a midlands minger special going round seeing whoā€™s commented on posts going against their leader then blocking them donā€™t know how Jabba the Hutt manages to get these brain dead fools to do her dirty work
I went on their live lastnight. I was asked my age so I told them. Then she said its coz we are getting lots of trolls. I said how can you tell because no one has said anythin untoward. Then someone came in the live and said made up name block I said how can you block someone for a made up name. They are all made up. They actually spouted off šŸ’© and just kept sayin we will let Sash know in the Whats app. What are you guys running tik tok. They think they are in some Mafia show and slosher is the godfather.
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Chatty Member
Hi Sharon. Got mates over for dinner. They laugh at me for watching tik Toks .
Told them itā€™s amazing , told them Iā€™ve watched some amazing comedy and dancers and travel videos . THEN I told them about you ! I did
The best I could to describe the whole story then played them your racist videos . Actual pure disgust .
They CANNOT believe a woman whose reached
Her sixties can behave like this .
The uneducated , backward hate filled venom coming from your dragged up personality is baffling to them
. These are professional women who know nothing about your background or even stealing from sick children just told me to ā€œget it off ā€œ . The only reason anyone would still support you would be other like minded racists . How have you lived on this earth over 60 years and not known that the word ā€œcoloured ā€œ is a racist offensive term . Going to put money on you being an ā€œall lives matter ā€œ
Type of human because you just donā€™t understand the concept . Despicable human being
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Hi Sharon. Got mates over for dinner. They laugh at me for watching tik Toks .
Told them itā€™s amazing , told them Iā€™ve watched some amazing comedy and dancers and travel videos . THEN I told them about you ! I did
The best I could to describe the whole story then played them your racist videos . Actual pure disgust .
They CANNOT believe a woman whose reached
Her sixties can behave like this .
The uneducated , backward hate filled venom coming from your dragged up personality is baffling to them
. These are professional women who know nothing about your background or even stealing from sick children just told me to ā€œget it off ā€œ . The only reason anyone would still support you would be other like minded racists . How have you lived on this earth over 60 years and not known that the word ā€œcoloured ā€œ is a racist offensive term . Going to put money on you being an ā€œall lives matter ā€œ
Type of human because you just donā€™t understand the concept . Despicable human being
Sheā€™s one of those where racism is so ingrained she doesnā€™t even realise sheā€™s doing it the ignorant f*cker. Disgusting pig!
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Donā€™t know how she can deny anything especially going on holiday with 2 different gezzers in weeks of each other and the midlands minger outing her with the voice message saying she was going to rinse more that just shows what a poncing robbing two bob Shitcunt it really is
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