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I love how she was harping on about being on baby duty, yet spent all that time speaking in to her phone camera while looking at herself in the mirror, or with her back completely to M bending over the kitchen counter.
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In regards to the holiday house comment, might be a reach but any chance this says “central coast”? wouldn’t put it past Sezza to buy a ‘holiday/getaway house’ only 1.5hrs from her actual house, can’t stray too far from the shire!!!!
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In Sarah’s latest stories she said Kurt acts like she’s a diva because she’s on a ‘breastfeeding time limit’ but then says she doesn’t pump because she “just doesn’t like it”. If it’s costing their business time and money, isn’t it kind of a diva move to say she’s not going to pump just because she doesn’t feel like it?

I’m not a mum so idk how hard pumping is. I just thought if it was compromising the quality of their work, she would make it a priority?
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Anyone considering veneers- this is the reality. You gotta colour match to your bottom teeth/get veneers on the bottom/whiten natural teeth regularly otherwise you get this colour disparity
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Quotes and my interpretations:

“Obviously I’ve been encouraging him for the last two years to get back into it, and yesterday was his FIRST session back.” - Instead of taking accountability or conveying any sense of guilt, she goes on to say:

“I was there to be the positive VIBE? I guess” - this translates to "It was honestly so stressful and hard trying to be selfless. Being a support person requires such a delicate balance of approaches and it was sooo hard but I'd give myself an A+ for bravely embarking on my
✨Concerned Wife Era✨"

“As a parent, you can't just wake up the next day and nap and be sad." - omg. in her ongoing fantasies about life without children, she somehow still fails to be a supportive partner. In a childless world, I'm just imagining Sarah crying while vlogging her skincare routine, while 38 missed calls from Kurt wanting to get picked up from hospital pile up on her unattended phone.

“He can’t like WALK? At this stage, so yeah I’m just going through the motions today” - "I'm just being the rock my family deserves. I've thrust one kid on to my mum cos I was already looking for excuses to ditch him so this is secretly the best thing to ever happen to me."
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The breast feeding thing is a joke. I have a kid 2 months younger and he’s been on 3 daily feeds since he was 8 months. Also, there’s no way she would leak if she didn’t feed every 3 hours when her baby is 10 / 11 months old. Not if he’s weaning which she has shown he is with her pro level BLW. The whole thing was such BS that I’m convinced she’s not even breastfeeding anymore and she’s over egging the lie by going into such detail
And if it genuinely was as severe as that then she would get her Nanny to bring M on set so she can feed him and ensure she doesn’t go too long. What if she got stuck in traffic or something? It’s all LIES.

Also that give my body to my boys comment is so 🤮 someone needs to just take away her phone and get her off the internet.
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Love that they end the latest video on a cliff hanger from an event that happened A YEAR AGO. As if everyone is dying to know what happens next even though we know that it’s all fine because they’re working there. Also cliffhangers are only effective when you follow up with a second video like a week later - not a month.
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It’s so bizarre to me that she makes the connection that he was healthy until he met her then got sick after they started dating (as she’s said multiple times), but never connects that it’s her coming into his life that could be the problem. I just can’t fathom how self obsessed she can be to come so close to that connection but still miss it.

I also find it interesting that (as they’ve said multiple times), before Kurt met Sarah he was like a bit of a party animal and wasn’t taking care of himself, yet all that stuff he did has done nothing to his health compared to what Sarah’s diet has… just some food for thought…
Because although he was still partying, he was taking care of himself. I think he was doing the whole 80:20 thing but because he was a young male it was more 60:40. 60% gym, healthy eating and then 40% partying, drinking, 3am sloppy kebabs 😂

The issue with Sarah is that she is 100% restrictive. 100% DF, GF, vegan, sugar free blah blah whatever band wagon she’s jumping on next.

It speaks volumes in how they look. Not even just their physiques but they just look like the walking dead.
I also can not think of a sadder life than a life where you can’t enjoy a delicious cocktail or a beer on a hot day, or a life where 1 drink with mates turns into a full on bender and you pay for it for the next two days, or if you decide to take your kids out for an impromptu fish and chip beach night.
That is living. That is what creates “core memories”On their death beds they won’t be saying “remember when I was 20 and I had an 8 pack??”
Orrrrr Sarah probably will :(
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Chatty Member
How can she say we don't know much about Moo yet?? Honest to god, he's in just about every single reel, post, story, tiktok and vlog she does!!
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I’ll bet Abbie did a wee on the rug. Anyone remember the disgusting fake grass dog toilet on their balcony.

Since when does Kurt or Fox have a say on the decor in the house/his room? I mean look at it.
She always claimed Kurt doesn’t care and now she chucks out a perfectly fine and very expensive rug because her man and son hate the color pink. Ok. What about the couch or bathroom?

Why does she constantly blame others and rejects any kind of responsibility that sometimes you make the wrong choice or mistake. She does that with her business and in private life. It’s really immature, gross and shows very bad character.

Grow up Sarah and stop chucking a tanty every time you are being slightly criticised.

Bloody hell her attitude makes me so mad.
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Lilac Wine

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Do we think she wants to rebrand the podcast because truthfully Spotify dropped them?
Yep, there’s definitely something up with it that she’s not disclosing. If it was a good money maker, Kurt wouldn’t drop it. She’s going to keep it going in an attempt to cling to relevance.
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I am about to have my second baby and I just honestly can’t imagine being like Sarah and even caring how your body looks and going to the extent of photoshopping images. When you’re a busy mum you do not care how you look, I’m sure we all want to work out more etc, but she is soooo focused on it. It’s sad that it can consume someone’s mind so much.
So, sooo much this.
And the thing with Sarah is also, she’s all preachy about lIsTeNinG tO hEr BoDy, but then very clearly forces herself to restrict and over exercise in an attempt to get her peak ED body back. She’s clearly not as into it as she tries to convince her viewers (and herself). She always seems strained, strung out, and like she’s working against herself.

In truth, if Sarah was gentler on her body and actually truly listened to/respected it, it’d probably look better, and be better for her cortisol and oxytocin levels (which might also help for, I dunno, bonding with your kids?! Nah, Sarah’s not interested in that).

I am my own case in point here. I very recently had my first baby (a boy..I’M a BoY MuM nOw guYs, YoU wOuLdN’t UnDErsTanD 😂). I am very freshly post partum. But I am already fitting back into pre pregnancy clothes; my stomach is flat; I had zero prolapsing or muscle separation; I even have some core definition back already. All DOING NOTHING but living it up in my baby bubble (ya know, before me and husband have to go back to real work, like normal people).

Now, I am not saying this to brag or gloat or make anyone else feel less than. That’s also why I am not posting pics even though I know Sarah would be truly pissed to see someone else with better abs than her lol. So this is for Sarah, not a commentary on anyone else’s experience:

Hey Sarah,you want to know how much I exercise I did in pregnancy? Virtually none at all. Incidental walking and some open-ended water play swimming (not laps, just frolicking around) was all I managed, and it was FINE.

Do you know how strict I was with my diet? Not at all. I enjoyed pretty much all food groups, didn’t restrict anything. And gained 10+Kg

And guess what? I also had an unmedicated water birth, Sarah. 🤭 Suck it.

All by following my doctors advice, truly giving my body what it needs, relaxing and resting…and - can you believe it - without purchasing a single workout or restriction diet or shill physio plan! It’s almost like our bodies will heal on their own if you respect them. Radical concept!
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Chatty Member
And already Kurt us on 'dad duty' looking after Fox...god help us that Sezzzie should have to look after both the boys at once! Next she'll be complaining that Fox is acting like a terror because of being cooped up and watching too much TV. Wouldn't cross her mind to get both boys outside for some activity to burn off their energy, while letting Kurt get the complete rest he's supposed to be having (even though he managed to MAKE IT UP THE STAIRS less than 24hrs after "Breaking His Back"!) If she says one more time "Kurt broke his back, literally" I'm going to scream!! Such an insult to those people who have serious back injuries! And you "literally" can not break your back...fracture/crush bones in your spine, sever/crush spinal cord, yes...but NOT break your back! Such an immature, uneducated, over-dramatic statement!
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