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Well-known member
She got an epidural at 6cms, for anyone not wanting to hate watch - "excuse" was he was posterior so she knew she had a long way to go.
You don't have a high pain tolerance Sez, just let that one go, there's no shame....

Shye does say though when he's crowning "I'm so glas I got an epidural, they're so good" lol I have whiplash.

She pulled him out though which is kinda cool. Bet she only did it cause Kourtney Kardashian did and made it "cool".

Overall pretty boring vlog, I'm not sure where all the "crazy" footage went after hyping it up for weeks?
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Plot twist, that’s Beth’s vagina and the crosses represent God being there with her through the birth and allowing her a drug free, natural water birth 🥰😂
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She really thinks she’s being funny and relatable the way she talked to 🦊. I can’t relate to talking to a child like that.

Also Durt has TAPPED OUT.

Is she really that oblivious? I don’t envy any of her relationships or her life.
It seems like there’s so much tension between Kurt and Sarah in her last Insta story.

Like the kind of fake energy you have with some one your fighting with but pretending to get on in public or in front of your friends. So awkward and forced but not enough to hide the tension clearly there.
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Honestly most mums make me so excited to have my own little one, but the disconnect between Malakai and Sarah terrifies me. It scares me too because her audience is so impressionable. I grew up with an incredibly narcissistic mother and we have very little communication now, I have absolutely no connection to her and she has caused issues with my bonding with others. I would hate for Malakai or for Fox to grow up in a household like that and not receive love from both their parents.
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

VIP Member
I don't get how or why someone who was born to be a mum forgets that all newborns so is sleep and feed?

It doesn't take having a literal baby to "workout" that that's how they operate??

What is she expecting of this one month old? And what's this constant comparison with fox at 11 months. Fox at his current age. Fox as a toddlah. Fuck. She's so dull!!

Why is she behaving like a grownass idiot on her stories today? This is boring andwe've heard this same spiel "all he wants to do is eat! Cluster feeding blah blah. I live in this chair blah blah"

Sis is out here delivering this news like she's the first woman to ever experience giving birth. Like guyssss do you know how much they feed?

Shut up girl, women have been doing this job since the beginning of time. You're not special. This is boring Sarah! And no, repeating it once every week doesn't make it "news".

Get over yourself. You were born to do this with your raspberry nips of steel remember? Now stfu.


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Fox must be sick of having to hide his hair with a hat until the vlog ‘release day’

And Sez:sick:
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Ok. I hate Sarah’s. There’s no denying that. But that birth vlog was absolutely beautiful and seeing her with raw emotion at the end - you couldn’t take that.
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It sounded to me like focks was made to stay outside because he had to ask to come back in. So she must have told him he wasn’t allowed in because she was feeding her angel money maker. Who does that to a three year old? No wonder he’s not adjusting. I used to get my two year old to sit next to me while I fed my nuuuborn and we’d read a book or something.
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You’d think miss Christian MILF would be at some sort of Good Friday service this morning…Nope.

But she definitely makes time for eye fucking herself while her nuuuborn’s heads starts to tilt back.


Edit: Also that ratty hair looks more and more like a toupee by the hour 😂
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Chatty Member
Poor kid was so disappointed with his iPad. He isn't old enough to find unwrapping that fun and exciting.
I'm also so surprised they only got him that. Obviously to most families an iPad is a large expense and so would be the only present but they're loaded and the kid's too young to even appreciate the present properly. If they wanted to get an iPad to keep him occupied, they should have just got it, rather than making it his only present

Pretty sure she said she didn't want to be the spokesperson for the condition. The doctor suggested to her that she could be, given her following. Kurt and her said they didn't want to keep speaking about it
What kind of doctor would encourage them to be spokespeople for a condition which they strongly recommend she terminate a pregnancy over?
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Wow. I thought most of you were joking about her speaking about Macadamia being immunocompromised and then her OOTD. She didn't even take a bloody breath! Whatevs to the pesky health of my child, check out this terrible look I put together. She is something else.

Ok, I didn't watch the vlog (thank you all for the vlog breakdowns) but from instagram it looked like he got a bike? So they just got him an ipad? Not a bad gift at all, but for his age there are way more options.
Agreed 100%. To me is just seems like she (her and Kurt actually) couldn’t be bothered getting him a well thought out present (or maybe they’re so disconnected from him they wouldn’t even know what he wants), so they just pawned him off with this iPad.

Tbh I think it was more a gift for Sarah and Kurt, so they could have a way for him to entertain himself without them having to do anything

P.s No shade to parents who give their kids iPad’s, you do you (I’m not a parent so can’t judge lol). More so given the context of what we know Sarah is like and how little attention she’s been giving Focks.
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What the fuck is that? And if it’s a cake why is it hollow?
I THINK that's supposed to be the tomb of Jesus... a chocolatey, dessert interpretation. Not something I'd recreate nor want to indugle in, in the form of a sweet. Each to their own I guess!
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

VIP Member
Caveats: Havent watched the vlog, dont plan to. Find all thigns pregnancy/baby related dull and uninspiring.

But going off of all the comments here about how raw and real this vlog was -- I feel like there isnt really much youc an do to hide that when it comes to a birth vlog? If there was a way to glam it up, I can be 500% sure Sarah would have used it. I also feel VERY confident in saying that in this particular case, keeping the video raw and real has little to do with her suddenly rebranding or changing her ways. You guys give her too much credit. She knows that in a birth video, THIS is what will jack the views up. If this weren't a calculated move, she wouldnt have needed to talk up, and hype the video in the 4 weeks gone by. She literally baited her vag with a mention of a "POV video" -- there was something overtly sexual in the way she said that with a triumphant look in her eyes, on her stories the other day.

She has known the birth of her second child will revive her doozy of a channel. She knew it when she baited the miscarriage. She knew it when she put out the video about his condition. She knew it every time she flashed her hambelly at us 76 times a day. She knew it when she slammed her own fans for being too intrusive with questions about how she was going. She knew it when she gushed with fake grtitude for how invested her fans are in her pregnancy. She knew it when she baited her sons hospitalisation. She knew it when she took nearly 4 weeks to put this video out. She knew it when she threw a slew of ads at her stans in the time that they waited with baited (lol!) breath for this video to drop.

So it may be raw and real in the content, because no shit, there's a smol human coming out of her pixellated vagina. BUT there is nothing raw and real about her intentions. She is still the same scummy scuz from Sarah's Day Inc and this is just the latest episode in her money maker pretend life.

I dont think comments pointing this out are necessary calling anyone a stan for resonating with the rawness and apprently tender moments of the video. But it is possible to feel tender and soft, AND ALSO know that she wants you (and her entire audience) to feel that way because it works to her PROFIT. Saying this is not to encourage anyone to hate on everything she does.
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I skimmed through but it it felt very culty to me that music??? That hoodie? The weird moaning? Also the baby isn't even big? He's basically the middle of average birth weight??? Like the way she claps for herself and they all go on he's not HUGE.

Oh also I thought she was going to explain some difficulties that he had and why they had to stay in hospital? Still getting vibes nothing is wrong with him but the sickness has made it easy to conflate for her so it still seems like that
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