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I had a newborn when my first was 16 months. In Sarahs words... They did mix well! My first son was caring, wanted to put blanket on the baby to keep him warm, told me to pick him up when he was crying, wanted to give baby toys and read books and overall we spent so much good quality time just the three of us since my husband obviously had to work.

The real reason Sarah sucks at it is that she is not a good multitasker and keeps abandoning Fox all the time (hence why she wants daddy). She claims running multiple businesses, but does a shitty job at it. Like someone said before... A real boss babe milf would have walked home while nursing at the same time. Cause that's what you do. She could also read books with Fox or do whatever crafts at the same time so Fox would feel included. She just can't, so she asks her toddler to wait patiently outside and walk on tiptoes around Mal. This will only tell Fox that the baby is more important than him. Poor Fox!
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but why are hers always so dramatic?
She is histrionic by nature. Everything is a performance, dahling! The camera loves her!
*snort* :p

I just went down a rabbit hole I've avoided for years. Looking at influencer marketing figures from way back when I used to work in this field. I remember now why I quit and was absolutely disgusted by the whole industry. People who aren't repulsed by it have zero conscience and integrity. It's a shame that it's gotten even murkier in recent years and that regulations aren't introduced quickly enough to stop the abuses taking place, nor enforced properly when they are.

Scuzz has chosen the perfect niche where she can spout her conspiratorial psuedo-science b.s. and still be able to talk her way out of accountability because the governing bodies don't even understand the con. Perfect example of this is her ED ebook and the statement she submitted about it. The people reviewing it didn't have a clue, so she managed to play innocent and get away with it. Again.

Now that her engagement (in the form of views, comments and likes) is up with the new birth vlog, and the upcoming haircut reveal, she'll be able to increase her rates and secure new deals. It's not just YT views that earn big bucks (though they do); it's mostly the "influence" part of influencer.
She has proven to her management and potential sponsors that she is still important enough to trend and attract eyeballs, thus she can influence people into buying products. 💸

For anyone thinking her brand is confused and she's not a proper "mummy vlogger", let me help a bit on my way out. She's been pivoting towards "lifestyle influencer" for years, not mummy vlogging. The message is that if you look like her, you can have her lifestyle. Hence selling recipes and workouts to get her body, serums and lotions to get her skin/hair, clothing to look this cute; "buy all this so you can look just like me and land your own fit husband who proposes in Hawaii, make your own insta-worthy kids, live in a McMansion by the sea, book a helicopter ride over Sydney, own multiple businesses, wear designer jewelry and hoodies"...
and the stans lap it up! #fitnessgoalz #couplegoalz #lyfegoalz
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Both her and her audience completely overlook the blatant scamming, exploitation, background management, privilege and luck she had to get to this point. <- This includes the luck of her timing in starting the channel and having the right management back then. YT in Aus was just starting to take off when she got signed. And the privilege of her having the right "look" for it to be a success- white, light eyes, bottle blonde, abz- because other Aus influencers who didn't have that look failed in spite of their best efforts (this is documented for YT globally; just as in every other industry, being PoC or overweight hinders your progress because people are judgmental). :(
But it doesn't matter. People will still buy what she sells, thinking they'll get what she has. Not wanting to see that all they'll get is a lighter wallet.

Brand direction: fitness influencer -> lifestyle influencer -> influencer management. You'll see the pattern once you know it's there.

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Regarding today's stories...

Sarah: out at a cafe with F & M enjoying a coffee.

4 hours later

Sarah: Omg I just want to go for a walk but M is so needy he won't let me. All I've done is sit in this chair all day. Woah is me.
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Bon Appetite everyone, I hope this saves you from having to watch her video.
I'm personally not mad at it, I think she was incredibly real and very raw and the footage she included wasn't polished or 'her best angles', I'd say that she 'looked' her worst but she also was very strong. I've never given birth but I have respect for every human that has, it really doesn't look easy.
I'd love for her content moving forward to follow in the same unpolished, unedited manner, but I strongly doubt that will happen.
I actually really liked the photos she included at the end. No retouching or ‘good angles’, just a standard mother who had just given birth.
One of the only times she can truthfully say she was ✨rEaL and rAw✨
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This made me laugh so much at the fact that she thinks water and tea tree oil is enough to actually kill mould!

View attachment 1202170

Funnily enough, this morning I also saw on another page on Instagram them addressing the old wives tale that things like essential oils alone can kill mould …

View attachment 1202173
What it can do though is be seriously harmful for Abby. They better have watered it down alot, because it sounds like she is about to spray all over the place and its toxic for dogs.
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What's the betting she only got her hair cut because she was jealous of how much attention Fox's haircut is getting, despite encouraging that hype herself. There's no way this was planned. This was a spur of the moment FOMO hair cut to reclaim the spotlight. How sad.

And Fox looks like he has an undercut or something. Buzzed at the back and underneath but still long and flopping in his face at the front. If so they basically just cut off the problem curls at the back to get out of brushing his hair #aintnoonegottimeforthat
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aPriCoT bOObiEs

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She wants to share a recipe?
Right when so many of you here have been going on about how she hasnt cooked or shown off any cooking in weeeeeeeks.

I agree with whoever said up top, we need to stop giving her ideas.
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I know we've said this so often, that the end is near and that he is seemingly building himself up independently, so it could possibly spark a separation at some point. I don't necessarily agree. I think there is TOO MUCH MONEY to be made and too much at stake that he'd be giving up at Sarah's Day Inc, to just call it quits and leave. Stockholm Syndrome is a real thing. You can have some sense of being in an abusive dynamic, and still have the "benefits" of that dynamic outweigh all else, convincing yourself to stay.

Like with everything else in their lives, their "marriage" too seems like a business decision, a calculated transaction for combined profits.
I see this perspective and I do think it’s where Kurt is at present (ie not happy but weathering through because of the financial perks).

However I do think the abuse, manipulation and stress will reach critical mass sooner or later. It may not be imminent, but I truly believe it’s coming. Kurt will reach breaking point eventually where he’ll realise that the money isn’t worth the abuse anymore, (or some other ‘aha’ moment, like the realisation he’s been actively isolated from family, or that he’s acting as a single parent anyway, or that he could make legitimate claim to a large proportion of assets, or that he has the business potential to make it on his own, or hell, simply that he could be happier (or just happy full stop) as a single Dad).

I’ve honestly never seen any couple on or offline who look less in love.
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I coordinated our entire house build from scratch while pregnant, working part time and having my toddler at home with me fulltime, giving Sezbot a run for her money if I do say so myself.
She would die from envy if she knew how much other mums were able to do without feeling the need to broadcast it to over 1 million people for validation.
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Guys, we'll be doing the world a favour if we all click on her birth video then exit after 30 seconds. It will screw up her analytics and send a message to YouTube not to recommend the video to others. Thanks for your help! ❤
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This made me laugh so much at the fact that she thinks water and tea tree oil is enough to actually kill mould!


Funnily enough, this morning I also saw on another page on Instagram them addressing the old wives tale that things like essential oils alone can kill mould …

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Just on her being very different in the birth vlog to how she usually presents herself - I'm glad I wasn't imagining it. She seemed so normal and heartfelt. I'm thinking this is the version that Kurt fell in love with.

As someone who has/had PCOS, she shits me. I still managed to have several children, but yeah accidentally falling pregnant twice is not the typical PCOS journey.

I'm really confused about M's condition. Surely if his health needs were special enough to consider termination, then they would have at least had a pediatrician in the room with them? Or a special care nurse? It wouldn't be a run-of-the-mill birth with the bare minimum medical presence? Something is not quite right with that story.

Yep. One of my posterior birth bubs was a lot heavier and longer than M... So I think Sez is up to her old tricks of disinformation rather than being honest with her audience and saying she simply could not handle the pain.
I certainly saw that softer, more vulnerable Sarah in the birth vlog. And I was actually impressed with how she handled the first part of her labour (apart from wearing that ridiculoushoodie like some gangster teenager!). Moaning doesn't bother me at all...labour bloody well hurts like hellfire! And she didn't seem to me to be always "on" for the camera - there were times she was completely zoned out by pain or exhaustion, and her sheer emotion at the delivery was very real in my eyes. I sure doubt though that she could have made it to 8cm at home under ANY circumstances!! She seemed to have no overall stamina, regardless of being sick - it was almost like she expected a quick delivery and when that didn't happen, she caved. Yet her labour wasn't even that long, and she seemed to be progressing quite well - dilating 1cm an hour is pretty normal. Basically, she just couldn't handle a natural delivery. And please, don't take these comments personally - they are only about Sarah and meant only in light of how she built herself up to be the super mum who would have this super natural home labour and only go to hospital for the birth.
So when it all boils down, you stuffed up again, Sezzzie.
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She cant save herself. This looks like one of those things that doesnt need a recipe. Mel vegan chocolate and coconut oil/cream and pour into moulds and fill with roecky road things of your choice.

Google will give you a 100 recipes for this, for free. She's so hopeless.
Yep half the ‘recipes’ aren’t really recipes at all - like her homemade muesli. Bish please, a tray full of oats, nuts and raisins covered in honey does not equal a recipe OR make you a 💫 FoOdiE💫 😑
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Do you know how they stepped in? That probably explains why they see her family all the time and never see his
I believe they mention it somewhere but don’t go into full detail, not sure if it was a video or maybe a Insta story. If anyone remembers can you clarify. I think they also did pre marriage counselling which is pretty normal but I think it was more than that. She has completely isolated him from his family though. They had a podcast the other day talking about “being a blunt betch” and Kurt said he is good at being blunt with his friends but not so good with his family and Sarah agrees and says “yeah you’re not very good with your family but it also depends on family”.

That is such a weird thing to say?
I think it says a lot that Sarah’s 2 sister in laws are extremely close and Sarah doesn’t have anything to do with them. That speaks VOLUMES on that relationship.
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Who remembers when I said I bet her waters broke and they told her to go in to be monitored? 😂 the waters were greenish and they assumed he pooped, hence she went in. That’s how far in I am, will be back to report
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Commenting to see what my Easter hat looks like. I wish an actual rabbit would take a dump on Sarah’s head 🐇💩

Edit: yup it’s a good fit
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Not insensitive at all, and you’re spot on. Yes - fixation with food in its many variations is a hallmark ED behaviour.

This doesn’t just stop at physical restriction and personal food rules, but also a paradoxical obsession with food - preparing it, watching/reading about it, thinking about it - even if the ED means the sufferer doesn’t actually eat much/normally. So watching mukbangs could definitely be a manifestation of the obsession with/control over food.

I remember in the depths of my ED (AN restrictive subtype), I would vicariously engage with food without eating it by reading recipes, making food for others, watching mukbangs, spending long amounts of time wandering the supermarket, hoarding food, subsisting on supplements, writing out different combinations of daily food intakes (to see how low I would get the calories), etc.

I see soooo soooo many red flags in Sarah’s behaviour it’s not funny. She constantly emphasises how much she loooooves food and has a huuuuuuuge appetite, yet never shows herself eating more than a few spoons of tiny portions.

She claims to be sahhhhh much of a fOoDiE she made an app about it, yet shows no joy around food. In fact, she uses her control of food as a means to control her family eats, berating Kurt for giving Focks normal kid things like biscuits or cereal.

She demonises her non safe foods, invents intolerances, and is constantly complaining about how apparent lapses (like eating rice, too much salt, etc) effect her body - ie SoDIE bLoAt, needing laxatives to poop, or the infamous GuRgLy TuMmY).

Honestly, it just clicked to me why she probably blocked Christie Swaddling all those years ago - ED jealousy. Christie had severe AN, whereas Sarah seems to suffer more from orthorexia or EDNOS/atypical AN. She would’ve hated seeing another blonde fitness girl, far skinnier than herself, coming for her demographic.
thank you for taking the time to respond and explain this to me. Also my apologies to anyone who may have been triggered by my post. I tried to hide it behind a spoiler alert but it doesn’t seem to have worked

She hasn't mentioned the sleeping arrangements in a while, I wonder if moneymaker #3 will be made in front of Fox and Macca Pacca 😂
Sis woke up, read this and immediately chose to respond to you through her stories. Does she even get DMs???
Hey Sare, will you be showing us a fish dish today for Good Friday?
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