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VIP Member
Because then the children would be awake and Sarah might actually have to parent.

So four hour journey for L - home at midnight, no dinner or bath and is he still going to nursery right up until school..?
He had his last day of nursery before they went so Ive no idea what she has planned for him.
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I reckon that’s why she’s getting friendly with the neighbours, once sinbad is back at sea she’ll need a babysitter ready and waiting. Remember how she used to dump her kids on the neighbours when they lived at the old house so she could go out out. 🙄
ETA I’m tempted to ask her favourite 3 people - wonder if her kids will get a mention. 🤣
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I don’t understand why, if the insist on driving up, they don’t at least break it up with a day or two stop over somewhere mid way? A night somewhere to at least get a meal/stretch the legs/get a proper sleep and then arrive at her parents mid day or whatever and be fully functional and not turning up in that state
It is totally bizarre. It is just so weird and rude. I know my parents wouldn’t be able to sleep until we arrived so they would be up all night and then to come clattering in with 2 small tired children?

I just don’t get her. We drive up to Scotland frequently and always have our stops planned out. In fact, they are always planned out for any journey. As for driving out of your way for Leon - just no words for that. Again, so selfish - who cares if it extends the journey and parents have to stay up later. If I was doing that, my siblings would be having a serious word.

Oh - and the stops are to suit the children snd let them have a run around. Not do we can get some tired burger from a motorway franchise 🙈
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Well-known member
Why aren’t there any veg offered for lunch. There isn’t even one portion of fruit there! Are we to believe there are crudités just off camera?
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View attachment 703909Are these for poor Isla? They look painful. She really has terrible taste🤣
I know Isla is more into sports and wouldn’t necessarily want typical girlie sandals but these look so clumpy and ugly.
I thought the same, it would be ok if Isla was really girlie and fashionable, but you just know she’ll wear them with a mismatched outfit which will make them look weird??
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I’m sorry, I don’t think people should be working from home with their kids there (and nobody else to help) anymore. That was ok during the covid lockdowns when schools and nurseries were shut and you had no other option- however people are just taking the p*ss now. I would not be happy if I was an employer and my employees were looking after their kids when they’re meant to be working just because they don’t want to use their annual leave or shell out money for holiday clubs. You coped before the pandemic, you can cope now. Especially if there are 2 parents- you BOTH Take annual leave to cover the school holidays or you cough up the money for holiday clubs. Don’t use covid as an excused.
Or you could trust your staff to focus on outputs instead of being stuck to a desk 9-5 when there are 100
More creative ways to get a job done which make parenting and working possible and indeed easier 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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Who were the two women she went pony trekking with? Notice on her (childish) hashtags she’s got #bestfriends ——— never seen them before on her Instagram Grid! Can’t help but think that’s a not so subtle dig at the Insta-huns who never invite her to anything but who she’s constantly stalking and angling to be included by
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If you look back through past threads you will see it being discussed. She mentioned it in baby loss awareness week a few years ago but given she talked about conceiving in her blog and on Instagram none of the timelines in her baby loss post matched up. It was seeing that which drew me to tattle and found so many other people had drawn the same conclusions. Utterly sickening.
Just utterly shocking. I had a miscarriage it was awful. I had been trying to get pregnant for 2 years. She has no compassion just for Instagram engagement poor me. Where to these supposed influencer get away this stuff like this.
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It is probably a Wilcox family tradition. We know how much Sarah loves her family traditions. Maybe the Wilcox family always picked the most ridiculous time to travel too.
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Frankly it seems a bit cruel. I’d plan for it to be as comfortable as possible. It would be so much kinder for everyone, them both as well if they broke the journey over night at a travel lodge or somewhere.
Children love a hotel trip even if it’s just for the night whilst on the road. It’s not as if she doesn’t like to spend money!

Starting the day after a good sleep in a bed, fresh and after a breakfast.
That way they’d arrive at a civilised hour at her parents.

Will they be driving through the night The day before school starts.

At least L will have some time off from nursery before beginning reception.
L will be back at nursery when they return home, even if its for a week.
If he had left then surely we would have had a post on it? Didnt she make a cap for Isla when she left? I suppose though she might not make the effort for L.
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Chatty Member
If this is paid for and an ad she needs to be tagging that in her stories now. I think the ASA will be interested if she doesn’t tag it all properly. I’m sure they roll their eyes at yet another complaint about a flogger on Instagram… it’s not hard to follow the rules! 🤦‍♀️
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Why has she left it so late to sort their shoes??? When do the kids start? Ours started 2 weeks ago and I got my little girls shoes in July! We made a big deal of going to get them and her pencil case etc and then a Mcds as a treat...does she not think her kids would enjoy a day like that???
She posted about 2 weeks ago that she was starting to get school bits and was loving how early she was at doing it.

Im suprised shes gone to Clarks, didnt Isla have doc marteens last year?
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More proof that L didn’t choose a space theme bedroom 🙄
She just forgot that I would need a keyboard to practice on, god sort out your ‘life admin’ you twat 😡
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Pushchair. My son is a whole year younger than Lachlan, I cannot remember the last time he used a pushchair or that I even considered it. Shes an absolute joke!
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