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If her job was that high pressured she wouldn’t be using her non working days to go to virtual fucking candle parties and forcing her kids to take part on stages videos for cheesy reels at every opportunity. I think she mistakes high pressure with being a wee bit busy and not having the time to take more selfies.
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She seriously needs a wake up call.
But I don’t think she can see beyond her chin. Superficial selfish dickhead.

rob and Sarah are horrific to lachlan. How they have treated him since he arrived is Truley shocking. I don’t throw the word abuse around lightly. But I genuinely think Lachlan is being emotionally abused.

- he is constantly berated and put down on social media - Sarah portrays him to have bad behaviour and rolls her eyes, always has negative things to say about him but thinks Cos she says ‘bless him’ at the end of her negativity it’s okay.This is only snippets of what we see and I think it’s bad enough. That little boy knows he is thought of as an inconvenience. We all get annoyed with our kids after a hard day but she barely sees him. I don’t understand what she finds so difficult.

- her baby gave her PTSD - constantly blaming a baby/child for a medical condition he couldn’t help is absolutely horrific. I would be more pragmatic to the situation if she admitted she suffered post natal depression and found it tough herself and took it out on Lachlan but to blame him constantly is abhorrent. I know MANY people that have had children with heart problems, reflux, allergies, chronic excema I’ve never known any mother to be so disconnected and horrible to a baby because of something medically wrong with them, most mums I know have been overcompensating with love and care because they have empathy towards their poor baby going through this. I’m not downplaying how difficult it was but she had the help and support of her parents seeing as she lived therewhich is more than most and to take your frustration and anger out on a baby and blame them for ptsd is deplorable.

- she is a part time working parent. Why is Lachlan at nursery 12 hours a day 5 days a week. This is not normal. At all. But what is even more telling of her seriously shocking relationship with her son ... she picks her daughter up from school/ has her home during school holidays etc and he is still stuck there whilst mummy and meelie have fun time. No
parent would ever do this. EVER.

- mocking his hair cut to 40k people every time she does it. No one asked to be in a pandemic l. Don’t laugh at his hair whichhe has no control over.Have some boundaries FFS - we don’tfind it remotely funny.

- the amount of times she’s shown him asleep from nursery and just plonk him in his bed. No teeth brushed. No washing. No clean clothes. No toilet. No supper. No interaction. RED FLAG.
this is disgusting. Highly highly disturbing.
what is wrong with these people. Poor poor boy.

- I think dropping 2 children off at granny and grandads for TWO WEEKS when they barely see them in the midst of a pandemic so you can flout your fanny round london is fucking sick too but hey maybe I’m too loving towards my kids. Too much empathy and consciousness maybe I’m doing it wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️

- no extra curricular activities even though Isla in the football kit does many is another sign of the clear favouritism.

I think she needs help. Serious serious help.
Lachlan isn’t getting the emotional nurture from his parents. I hope she reads this and has a think but I know she is so far gone she believes her own narrative. It’s sickening
I hope their bubbles keep breaking down and everybody self isolates many more times. It’s about time she actually looked after her children. It’s the least she deserves and also I think he needs a fucking break from nursery

- his clothes , always too small. No care for his appearance or a pride for how he looks, how is dressed, how he feels

- speech delay. He’s the oldest kid in the year. My 3 year old is way way way ahead of LachlanI can guarantee it’s cos he’s never actually spent time with his parents or they actually talk to him he doesn’t have one on one time. He just has nursery time.
This, all this!! I think breaking point will come in September when he starts school. Hes gonna lose his attachment to the one lot of people who care about him in nursery. Im assuming school wont treat him like royalty like Ive heard the nursery do. Hes gonna be so lost come September and I think thats when his biggest meltdowns will happen and I doubt Sarah has even prepared him for the change thats about it happen.

Also if she did had PTSD why didnt she get any help?
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Wow she really thought she could just put him straight to bed at 6pm when he got home from nursery. Absolutely ZERO parenting from her all day and she still has the nerve to complain that she won’t have time to herself this evening.

She absolutely can have her time this evening if she makes it a priority. I’m purposely choosing to let things slide this week, less ironing, less dusting etc because I know I’ll be able to make up for it next week when the kids are back at school. She’s choosing to cram every waking second full of work, decorating, filming, editing, furniture shopping etc...just choose to spend some time with the kids or choose to have a bath and watch a movie! It’s not difficult
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If your 4 and a half year old falls asleep on the short drive home from nursery, he has been there far too long Sarah. Disgusting how long she leaves him in nursery while she is at home. And putting him in that leotard because it makes a “cute” Instagram photo instead of allowing him to wear a superhero costume that he loves. Awful excuse for a mother.
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Now she’s looking at houses for sale back in Scotland. There’s something wrong with this woman, shes never happy with what she’s got, and something tells me she never will be happy!
When is she going to wake up?! She is home! She's home in the area her kids have called home their entire lives!

Sarah won’t be happy until she’s in Aberdeen with her parents at her disposal for babysitting and she can try and strike up a friendship with Meldo so she has a popular Instagram buddie.
I totally believe that’s how shallow she is.
Nevermind in Aberdeen, seems more likely that she actually wants to actually live back home with her parents so that they can cook and clean for her, dote on her, and raise her kids.
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As much as I completely disagree with her parenting. I actually find that so sad for Lachlan. His life is going to change drastically and he won't understand why
My heart breaks for that little boy. I honestly feel so sad for him and it’s just heart wrenching watching this unfold. It angers me that both of his parents are so awful to him but also the fact that obviously none of the extended family have said or done anything either. I’m sort of lost for words with this situation now. They don’t deserve him, they really don’t.

Most parents with children in full time childcare try and spend as much one on one time with their child before they start school. I only worked part-time before mine started school but I absolutely savoured and made the most of the last year before starting school, knowing I won't have that opportunity with them again. She won't feel it now but she really well regret wasting her days off on self care and nail appointments when she could have spent it getting to actually know her son.

I'm happy about schools opening Monday. I know how much children have missed their friends but I will miss this precious time. It's been hard judging work and school work but then maybe I didn't find it that much of a rough ride as Sarah became I actually like spending time with my child.

I feel sorry for Sarah. She doesn't know those kids. She doesn't enjoy hands on parenting just the status of being a Mama and the money it makes her. She will end up a very sad and lonely woman.
Unfortunately I genuinely don’t think she will regret it at all. She just hasn’t got that maternal bond with her kids at all, I know Isla is the favourite but even with her she’s not really that bothered with. Sarah is obviously a very sad & screwed up woman, it’s clear as day in everything she says and in everything she does, there’s something seriously not quite right upstairs with her, there’s huge mental health problems going on. But that does not in anyway excuse her horrendous attitude and behaviour towards her kids but particularly Lachlan. Rob is just as bad, his job means that he’s a part time parent at best seeing as he’s physically not there for the majority of the year but even when is he, he may aswell not be. He just seems like a gormless useless lump that facilitates Sarah & her weird manic behaviour. They are seriously two of the most bizzare people I’ve ever come across and everything about them as a couple, as parents, as home owners is just completely fucked up. They aren’t normal. Very very strange people.
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God that room looks like it’s had the life sucked out of it .....the sofa melds into the wall. And the MFI 70’s cabinet just looks out of place ....beige room, beige food, beige life ....
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My kid loves bubble salmon so I just googled it and made it myself. It’s so simple and if it gets the kids eating more fish then I’m all for it. Why on earth is she looking at buying it wholesale? This woman’s mind is a complete mystery to me.

As for her bedroom photo, it’s just such a mismatch, like when you’re in your first student room or your first house and you just take whatever furniture your family give you or you can find free on gumtree. Sarah has spent a serious amount of time and money on it though. I can’t believe I’m saying it but I actually prefer the sterile white ikaya military house!
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We call them worktops not “countertops” in this country you stupid idiot
Now wait a minute

In the Netherlands they call them countertops
In the “middle east” they call them countertops
In AYEEEEEE-KAYYYY-YAHHHHHH they call them countertops

So therefore Sarah must also call them countertops.

And she will have a coke light to go with that 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👍
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Sarah is the typical stereotype of every Shell employees child I ever went to school with. None of them knew where they were going to from year to year, their parents didn’t really give a fuck about them hence why they were always moving around the world in pursuit of big oil money and they all supported Rangers FC. This was mainly because they didn’t really understand being fully Scottish, didn’t really fit in and didn’t like football so supported RFC as they were always winning. Most of these kids would be in your academy for about 1 year max then they’d be shipped off to some boarding/American school in Holland somewhere courtesy of Daddy’s job at Shell. They were a strange bunch with these mixed accents like Sarah 😂 It’s a shame really because things like eating disorders and drug abuse were rife with their kids in those circles as the parents were too busy earning and spending big money they never knew what the kids were doing.
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Can just imagine her switching to his account, uploading it, then switching back to hers just to like and comment. What an embarrassment 🤦‍♀️
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That post just goes to show how deluded , anal and obsessive she is. 1 year late. As if you every truly have a choice . Fixated on the number , the timing , “the plan”. Get real !
Factor not having secure jobs , having fertility issues, being unwell ,loss, you name it getting in the way of “the perfect number”. It is a deluded in this day abs age to be fixated on an ideal .
I’m not miserable I swear, just experienced and realistic !!
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All these instahuns constantly talking about ‘strong girls club’ boss babe nonsense when all they portray is the worst of gender stereotypes. Sarah is one of the worst for this and probably thinks it’s cute that daddy got daughter a flower without thinking about treating children equally and why wouldn’t it be ok (and obvious) that they got one for their son too?

She's been hitting the wine, so don't think she's pregnant.

The headaches are probably a result of the wine and paint fume combos!
Unless it is a big reveal, i was drinking Schloer all along (haha)
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“Oh great, Sarah has uploaded a new vlog from October! I can wait to watch!”, said no-one ever.....

Honestly don’t think I can bring myself to even hate watch it. Although judging by the title it was when she first attempted to make the oh so tricky Mars bar crispies so who knows, it might be a thrilling watch...
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