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VIP Member
She seriously needs a wake up call.
But I don’t think she can see beyond her chin. Superficial selfish dickhead.

rob and Sarah are horrific to lachlan. How they have treated him since he arrived is Truley shocking. I don’t throw the word abuse around lightly. But I genuinely think Lachlan is being emotionally abused.

- he is constantly berated and put down on social media - Sarah portrays him to have bad behaviour and rolls her eyes, always has negative things to say about him but thinks Cos she says ‘bless him’ at the end of her negativity it’s okay.This is only snippets of what we see and I think it’s bad enough. That little boy knows he is thought of as an inconvenience. We all get annoyed with our kids after a hard day but she barely sees him. I don’t understand what she finds so difficult.

- her baby gave her PTSD - constantly blaming a baby/child for a medical condition he couldn’t help is absolutely horrific. I would be more pragmatic to the situation if she admitted she suffered post natal depression and found it tough herself and took it out on Lachlan but to blame him constantly is abhorrent. I know MANY people that have had children with heart problems, reflux, allergies, chronic excema I’ve never known any mother to be so disconnected and horrible to a baby because of something medically wrong with them, most mums I know have been overcompensating with love and care because they have empathy towards their poor baby going through this. I’m not downplaying how difficult it was but she had the help and support of her parents seeing as she lived therewhich is more than most and to take your frustration and anger out on a baby and blame them for ptsd is deplorable.

- she is a part time working parent. Why is Lachlan at nursery 12 hours a day 5 days a week. This is not normal. At all. But what is even more telling of her seriously shocking relationship with her son ... she picks her daughter up from school/ has her home during school holidays etc and he is still stuck there whilst mummy and meelie have fun time. No
parent would ever do this. EVER.

- mocking his hair cut to 40k people every time she does it. No one asked to be in a pandemic l. Don’t laugh at his hair whichhe has no control over.Have some boundaries FFS - we don’tfind it remotely funny.

- the amount of times she’s shown him asleep from nursery and just plonk him in his bed. No teeth brushed. No washing. No clean clothes. No toilet. No supper. No interaction. RED FLAG.
this is disgusting. Highly highly disturbing.
what is wrong with these people. Poor poor boy.

- I think dropping 2 children off at granny and grandads for TWO WEEKS when they barely see them in the midst of a pandemic so you can flout your fanny round london is fucking sick too but hey maybe I’m too loving towards my kids. Too much empathy and consciousness maybe I’m doing it wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️

- no extra curricular activities even though Isla in the football kit does many is another sign of the clear favouritism.

I think she needs help. Serious serious help.
Lachlan isn’t getting the emotional nurture from his parents. I hope she reads this and has a think but I know she is so far gone she believes her own narrative. It’s sickening
I hope their bubbles keep breaking down and everybody self isolates many more times. It’s about time she actually looked after her children. It’s the least she deserves and also I think he needs a fucking break from nursery

- his clothes , always too small. No care for his appearance or a pride for how he looks, how is dressed, how he feels

- speech delay. He’s the oldest kid in the year. My 3 year old is way way way ahead of LachlanI can guarantee it’s cos he’s never actually spent time with his parents or they actually talk to him he doesn’t have one on one time. He just has nursery time.
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After watching her vlog, I don’t think she is trying to be relatable about the work/homeschool struggle.... I think she actually was struggling, by the look on her face and the body language makes me think that she was buckling. She really did make it harder for herself, she could’ve easily worked downstairs so she was closer to Isla - no one said she needed to be upstairs, and cooking different meals for everyone (or in Lachlan’s case - no dinner at all) poor babe.
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I love how these selfless "finders" aff link things over and over. Even though no one asked 😳.
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Exactly! It’s not even real homeschooling either. It’s sitting nearby while the kids have one or two Teams meetings per day. Sarah could just throw Netflix or an iPad her Isla for the rest of the day if she’s really finding it so stressful or she could just set up a few basic activities and leave out some fruit and snacks. We are not “teaching” we’re just supervising.
Isla isn’t a baby. Unfortunately she’s been shoved into all of the childcare and activity clubs for her whole life and is probably used to having constant engagement and attention. I bet she has no idea how to just sit calmly or find something to do to entertain herself. Drawing, reading, playing in the garden...Isla should be able to just do these things alone, even if only for 10-15 minutes.
I thought exactly the same thing. Then I wondered whether Sarah is using homeschooling as an excuse to slack off at work so that she can fanny about scouring West Elm and for more cabinets.
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Chatty Member
People who park outside the schools infuriate me. At my daughters primary the local pub has a huge car park that they allow people use for school runs. It's about a 3 minute walk. But people still fight for a space near the school which is a small cul de sac..... So by the time they've blocked the road trying to pass each other to check of there is a space etc..... They may as well just park... In the allocated area!!! So annoying
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He really should have something when he gets home. Just something little for supper, as people have already suggested. She's obsessed with soup, so why not give him some soup?
That’s probably why he wakes up during the night. He’s hungry.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if she was pregnant again. She’s eating loads of stuff she wouldn’t normally and she’s posting about having hormonal headaches!
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Im hoping shes got him on some lists for when the pandemic is over.
She won’t. She doesn’t care about him. She doesn’t want to have anything but the absolute bare minimum to do with him, she’s not going to enroll him in any type or class or activity because that would involve actively doing something for him.
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It’s awful poor boy. Bet she’s excited. Wonder who’s doing the live lessons with meels today
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This is Sara remember, she who couldn’t make Mars bar krispies without fucking it up. Lasagne is a whole other level of gourmet she won’t be able to accomplish unassisted 😆
Haha, true! We’ve seen how her meals turn out when she’s left to her own devices.
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Nah, she did not buy I one of those Home Bargains prison plates?
she will be eating off them until she gets to leave home.

In fact I would not be surprised if Sarah still eats off one at “home” at her mums house.
Christ, she's stingy. A single slice of bread for Isla's lunch - not even a fucking sandwich! 😮 With 4 grapes, 2 slices of apple and a handful of beige shite on the side.
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Well-known member
I mean it’s not as if she is using the time to be super efficient, clear her inbox and get ahead with work
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Why's she talking about the cost of it all. Keep classy, Sarah.
I'm beyond thrilled for Sarah for fucking FINALLY shilling out some money for a tradesman after harping on and on about getting someone in to do work and that tiler/painter/etc then being Rob. 😂 I'll let the fact that she's getting mate's rates slide. 😅
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