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VIP Member
That looks like there is one mushroom and a tiny bit of bacon!

Poor kid. He is absolutely exhausted from full time nursery. Dropped off as soon as the door open, last to be picked up 5 days a week. And that selfish cow works part time. No "I love him so much" for strangers on the gram makes up for the way she treats him. Makes me so sad that she can't see how crap a parent she is.
Sadly it’s Lachlan who knows and feels what a crap parent she is.


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If she’s only checking her kids school uniform/pe kit the day before Isla returned to school, I highly doubt she would’ve done the happiness box in advance and made out like she had forgot... the kids are the last on her priority list.

One minute she’s “this shama life” the next she’s Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen with her god awful interior design and tonight she’s Mrs hinch saving her fluff to show from cleaning 🙄
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VIP Member
Yes. If you swipe up, they’ve got you, even if you don’t buy that actual item you’ve shipped up to look at. In most cases if you swipe up your phone/computer will store that for 30 days and any purchases you make AT ALL from that particular website will generate commission for the person you originally swipped up for....! That’s why the crafty bastards all use links for bigger stores like Amazon or department stores - because if you then go on at a later date and buy other items they get the commission. The only way to stop it is to clear your browsing history and clear your cache.
thanks Betty, I will never swipe up again! Most of the time it’s so dull too. Kicking myself as I thought it was just the product itself.
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Chatty Member
I can’t with this woman, how many posts does she caption about home schooling and count down till the weekend she does my bloody head in
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On another note - people like her drive me mad when they’re obsessed with work outs, posh gym clothes, showing off online but then they refuse to bloody walk anywhere!

Are they able to walk to school? It’s funny to think she didn’t bother to check her uniform! She seems so chaotic and not organised.

Very poor show to only be completing the box assignment the night before handing it in. What exactly will Isla be getting out of the task if her mother is ill prepared.
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Chatty Member
All these instahuns constantly talking about ‘strong girls club’ boss babe nonsense when all they portray is the worst of gender stereotypes. Sarah is one of the worst for this and probably thinks it’s cute that daddy got daughter a flower without thinking about treating children equally and why wouldn’t it be ok (and obvious) that they got one for their son too?

Unless it is a big reveal, i was drinking Schloer all along (haha)
Sarah’s not that clever enough to pass off Schloer as wine / cocktails 😂
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Could you imagine if Isla's burst on the first day back 😂
It would obv be shit in the grander scheme but my god I would cackle 😂

Why is she making a fuss when she’s not even done it? Why is she the one glueing her sheets in?? My year one girl knows how to get on her lessons wtf!?
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“Love these sofas so far” You’ve only had them a day!! Bet she’ll order new ones within a few months. Waiting to see if the garden plans include the kids toys 🙄
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VIP Member
If the nursery bubble for L has burst surely he’ll be at home?

I doubt any childminder would have a child who has been at a nursery where there has been a positive case.
I reckon she's got him at home but isn't showing/saying she has so she can still go out on walks/to shops ect.
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VIP Member
If you end up on any off topic DIY threads talking about iiiiiiikkkkkeeeeeaaaaa furniture, paneling or painting your kitchen cupboards whilst ending every post with lol or haha, we'll know you're really Sarah in disguise 😏

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