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Ive had three misscarriages, One around the same time as Sarah. I wouldn't dream of doing what Sarah is doing. I wanted to be left alone to grive and not tell the world or look for pity posts.

She sees how much grief porn gets attention and is trying use it to her advantage. She is one sad individual.
Sorry for your loss ❤
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Active member
I think she might mean right now in this moment ,I don’t think she means forever . I think she is implying that herself Keith and luke are mourning a loss but she’s the mother she was carrying the baby and therefor there is a different more special bond 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m not criticising her for this because the first time I had a miscarriage I felt and did the same , in that moment I didn’t give a second thought for my husband it was all about me because I was the mother , I was the one carrying the baby , I surely feel the heartbreak more then my husband does it should , and I’m honestly not one bit proud of admitting that actually I feel disgusted even typing the words even now years later and many miscarriages later . I’m not making excuses for myself I hold it hands up and admit I was a selfish bitch on my 1st loss and I’m putting it down to shock and the fact this is all new for me I had never had a miscarriage before this I didn’t know or realise how I was acting and how I should have been acting . It took me a few weeks to stop being a self centred Bitch and realise my husband was also grieving , he was also heartbroken , he also felt the same as me but he was putting on a strong front so that he could support me and it was only when I heard him locked in the bathroom with a heg in his heart that I realised it was his baby to and just because I was carrying the baby it didn’t make him any less important and I couldn’t believe how unknowingly selfish I had been . Obviously I apologised profusely and we dealt with all other losses as a team both as broken as each other . I have a feeling Sarah is probably unknowingly doing similar right now . Sorry ladies what’s a bloody essay that turned out to be 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 I am so bad at explaining things I have to go the LONG way around it and it still probably doesn’t make sense 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
So very well worded xxx
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Drama queen

Chatty Member
Of course it’s normal to be gifted things 😂 midwives get gifts all the time
When I was leaving hospital with my young fella I left in 2 tins of sweets just the bog standard roses and hero's not for anyone in particular tho. Does that make me weird?
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VIP Member
Shes needs to steer away from CUMH because she's rattled the midwives and god knows who else up there. Maybe head in the direction of GF and get the proper help she needs. Luke is 6 and the house is full of reminders of a miscarriage and what might have been. Losing a baby at any stage is awful but she's on another level of attention seeking.
What is GF?
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Chatty Member
Geez I'd like to think I go above and beyond for my patients and have been given beautiful cards and thoughtful gifts ( not personalised). Also whoever called a miscarriage a blob is disturbed themselves. I'm not condoning Sarah or her behaviour but some women choose to bury their babies at any gestation and that's their choice. Do I agree sharing on but some vulgar comments on here about women's choices.
I work in a similar career & receive flowers, chocolates, cards etc but would be uncomfortable with someone personalising gifts for me. Love to have my care acknowledged but it is my job. Jewellery , if that’s what it is would be too personal and not sure HR would approve.

Absolutely do not condone those comments and as I have previously stated as much as I think Sarah is unhinged & a deeply disturbed , devious individual my heart breaks for that baby who didn’t get to experience life so I don’t appreciate you lumping your issue with those type comments with my gripe about personalised tat.
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Well-known member
Why would he be even brought to the hospital? Why didn't he stay with his Dad. Surely Teeth wasn't there 24hrs a day for 8 days and why was she in that long I wonder. This is all very suspicious and worrying behaviour. No way the child made those comments, how would he even know what to say 😳
Totally agree i was thinking the same thing as you
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Chatty Member
She’s not loosing them there’s sonethin wrong with insta just seen Erin mcgregor saying some have lost their pages others are loosing loads of followers
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