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Thanks all of you for those kind words.... ❤You know what? Doing that ASA complaint was really hard work, trying to put the angle on it to have the most impact.

There's a story that's not really been told yet in the media, and that's the ongoing impact of Sarah Akwisombe's scam on all her victims - not the financial impact, but the personal. I feel that's a story that needs to be told. Just trying to think of a good outlet for it 🤔🤔
Email me if you’d like, I’ve been working on submitting this kind of thing...
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How did we make it to thread 7 🤣 great recaps everyone.

her posts and ads and photos for these cards feel like something an apprentice team called “enlighten” would do and SirAlanLordSugar would have his head in his hands. “What the bleeding ‘ell was that, what a bloody shambles, you’re fired”

she wouldn’t last 5mins on the apprentice and they’re all idiots.
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Definitely seems that way, doesn’t it?

One minute she’s telling us she’s been blackmailed, how her heads a mess etc, and now she’s saying she feels she got a lot from him and that no one else was in a relationship with him?
Er so who was Georgia then Sarah?

Feels very W1A

Did anyone here get an email reply from Sarah herself?

all of my correspondence was with Jason, and I had nothing from Sarah, so more spinning of the narrative AGAIN.
She always uses the term “students” so that would make her the teacher/coach & Llewy the visiting professor. Yet homework & feedback & worksheets & syllabus & planning & timely videos was were the tangible things they didn’t deliver on - where they FAILED & the content was not what students were “sold/promised” the content was driven by MLM principles & they didn’t have enough spare time to coach in any shape or form because that takes an investment in time from them & she proudly showed us that there was no spare time in her schedule. They were selling motivational on the hoof chats. Not a course or a professional service. Why can’t she see that yet? Very sadly we are now seeing a breakdown in slow motion & those that truly love her need to stage an intervention. All her therapy sessions massages & now chess are not going to make this go away. It’s in her head eating away as she knows she has been duplicitous.

Oh my days. What an idiot. She's just made it obvious that she's done the ancient, "old ecommerce" trick of adding 1000 onto the order sheet, so customer #1 sees order #1001, giving a false impression of far greater sales. Jeez, that dishonest shit died out with dropshipping 5 or 6 years ago 😂😂😂

As for her 11.1% conversion ratio. Well done Sarah, have a biscuit. You've sold a handful of packs of cards to a couple of hundred of page lands. Let's assume you sell all 30 or so packs today. You've made £120 or so, before taxes, paying yourself or anything else.

That isn't paying for your Tesla or that house......

View attachment 337068
Yes the order numbers were the first thing I looked at. If everything is selling so fast there would be no point in saying there is one in pink and two in blue whatever left as they would be gone by time she posted it surely? Is this reeking of cash flow desperation or just naivety of a product based business🤣🤣🤣
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I don't think there is anything wrong with people wanting to set up their own business or go 'after their dreams' etc, I left my 9-5 a few years back to set up my own business and I'm much happier for it. However, I do think there is an issue when women are told that they need to set up a business or be a 'boss babe' to somehow be successful, the message should be to follow the path that's best for you, whether that's 9-5, working for yourself or whatever. This culture of seeing setting up your own business being the ultimate marker for success is damaging.
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I have an issue with how she screams mental health when things don’t go her way. The dark thoughts, the anxiety. The woman never apologised or recognised the negative impact she had on other women, who lost precious money during the pandemic. It’s hard to have sympathy for her.

Next she will play the feminist card
This x1000 👍

She's trying to create a forcefield around herself, knowing that her victims are decent people, and would never want to push her over the precipice.

I have to admit, I was so unbelievably angry at that post last night as we as a family have lost 2 close female friends to suicide in the last few years, so to see that disgusting creature trying to use it as leverage to get the pressure off was infuriating.

I'm over the emotional rollercoaster of it now though, if anything it has strengthened my resolve to bring Akwisombe to justice - nothing is sacred to her.

Interestingly, threat of suicide as a control mechanism is a well known sociopathic trait:

"Sociopaths often use threats to keep you in their control, such as threats of suicide or saying 'you'll be sorry' for your behavior," Hershenson says.

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FFS Barbara

Active member
Fully with you in this one. She acts like a petulant child when things don’t go her way and brandishes the mental health card at all opportunities. Yes she may be struggling, we don’t doubt that, BUT she has largely caused this struggle herself and has never once given a thought about the mental health or struggles of her customers, except when she tried to create a ‘trauma bonding’ experience for other gaslit women, which as we know was just another way for her to feel like she was some kind of messiah.

I get the impression she will never be happy.
Hit the nail on the head there. Cannot bear people that pull the mental health card but only when it suits them. I suffer with poor mental health and she contributed to that suffering over the last few months 100%. Absolutely despicable woman 😡
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Does anyone know what the associated costs might be using the Small Claims Court route?

Has anyone tried?
It depends on the money you are claiming for, it’s all on the gov website

I’m just waiting for my CC dispute team to come back to me after our last correspondence; depending on that outcome i’ll either be doing SCC or i’ll have received a refund and will get to finally step away from this shitshow, yay!
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So the menopause angle is deliberately homing in on the fact that women who are peri menopausal at are a strange hard stage in their life where they probably feel the need to do something or achieve something worthwhile or akin to a mid life crisis maybe . Honest to fuck is there nothing people won’t take advantage of to reel women in ?

Would love to see Sarah on dragons den saying she sold 100 % in her first month of trading and Deborah Meaden or the like asking how many units that actually was 😅 and her saying eeeeer 20 .
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The thing that’s so dumb about this product business is that she has chosen the absolute WORST product to scale. It’s something people will buy once and then never again. There will be zero repeat customers - she will have to spend every minute of every day hustling her naff tat to new people who will eventually grow out of this massive fad of “boss babe” shit she is peddling (if she actually did any strategy she’d know how throwaway and flippant this faux feminist culture is). She’s going to have to find 1million new teenagers, every year, for her cheap Camden market crap to make enough profit.

It will be quite jokes to watch.
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Just went on to her boss shit page and she is advertising for people to purchase her start my business course, really honestly really wtf!

Posting her online conversion rate, she is something else. What are these people still buying into her shit I don't get it!
Oh my days. What an idiot. She's just made it obvious that she's done the ancient, "old ecommerce" trick of adding 1000 onto the order sheet, so customer #1 sees order #1001, giving a false impression of far greater sales. Jeez, that dishonest shit died out with dropshipping 5 or 6 years ago 😂😂😂

As for her 11.1% conversion ratio. Well done Sarah, have a biscuit. You've sold a handful of packs of cards to a couple of hundred of page lands. Let's assume you sell all 30 or so packs today. You've made £120 or so, before taxes, paying yourself or anything else.

That isn't paying for your Tesla or that house......

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FFS Barbara

Active member
Yes it’s easy to forgot that there are real
women behind this who have also had damage done to then who are maybe struggling with their mental health as a result of Sarah and her practices , they are blocked to her so she doesn’t need to see it , how dare she try wriggle out of this one as she’s having dark thoughts . Tell you something I had a complete breakdown earlier this year and the last thing I could do was concentrate to play chess . I went from someone very capable who does very creative things to feeling like I couldn’t concentrate on anything .
Shes the architect of her own misery . Pretending you are a feminist amd vulnerable won’t work now , we know who you are .
This is it exactly, in all my experience of mental health issues the last thing I would be able to do is show up on social media and play chess and set up a new business? I know it affects us all differently but I smell a rat! So sorry to hear of your breakdown and I hope that you are OK now x
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'For like, the last time'. Rage. 😂 I used to listen to the No Bull Businesswomen podcast but just couldn't get past the use of 'like' in nearly every sentence. Maybe just my opinion, but it's so immature and very hard to listen to. Turns out she even uses it when tweeting.
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Then she must not have an accountant either as they would ask her about her insurance as you declare it as an expense on your taxes?
Talking about money to people and not doing any proper housework yourself!!!
Unbelievable and a piss take....😩
I think in the spirit of Christmas, a clip from one of our family favourite Christmas films sums up Sarah Akwisombe 😂😂

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The boss babe phrase hugely pisses me off, partly why I ended up here on this thread. I work in a female dominated sector and I spent 12 years working various jobs to fit around bringing up my kids which was my choice. They hit secondary school age and I was able to take all my experience of those years (and every single workplace funded for qualification on offer) and run with it, go full time and I quadruped my salary within the next 5 years and I am now 40 years old in a very well paid role that still has potential to progress. The long game can pay off, why does everyone think it happens so fast? Experience and knowledge is not something happening to you once - you wouldn’t drive a car once and be ready to take a driving test! They all talk about growth but they talk out of their ass, growth is LONG TERM not just something that happens in the month of July.
All these types deserve to lose their money, credibility and followers
Couldn’t agree with you more - I wish this pink shiny ‘boss babe’ / ‘girl boss’ moniker would just do one already. Why are we striving to be this girly, frilly version of just A BOSS, why does it need to be wrapped in being aggressive and burning ourselves out by trying to do everything at once, isn’t that the opposite of what we should be striving towards?

also, I am so with you on the growth. It really angers me that they use tactics, both in this awful coaching world, and other services businesses who can offer “X amount of growth in X weeks” it doesn’t work like that; there’s no correlation between the two.

the long and short of it, growth, experience and return take hard work and they most of all TAKE TIME.
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Haven't checked on these threads for weeks! Wow.
I used to think she was quite savvy and smart but posting your house, tesla number plate, kid in uniform all to your thousands of followers? I mean come on.
Also the weird basic bitch meme about being horny? Eh. You're a grown adult woman with a business what are you on about?

The more I think about it she needs to separate the business from her personal life online. Make a business insta and then have your own private personal insta. It's so unprofessional.
But then she wouldn't be able to use the husband and kids for likes and internet sympathy I guess.
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I'm not sure about this business of swooping in and saving Sarah's jaded customers on Twitter by the other company. They all have bona fide qualifications, granted, but the offer of free help must eventually turn into sold courses. I feel that these people are vulnerable and, whilst it's a good sales move, it's a little under hand 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Whoops i said it

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Her “plan” seems to be to ignore the negative, claim it’s a witch hunt and NEVER acknowledge what she actually facilitated.

Flogging her set of cards that she didn’t even know what the product or purpose was and is making it up as she goes.

Can’t believe I’ve given her money!
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I can't understand why businesses, albeit small ones, are gifting her their products 🤔

Olive & Pickle looks fab but seeing them support her in any capacity has turned my custom away.

And did she really get gifted a gold necklace?!

I get it, they want exposure but surely it's putting people off coming from Sarah Akwisombe!
So frustrating, i’ve been following Olive & Pickle for a little while and was going to be placing a couple of orders soon for birthdays. But I just cannot be giving custom to any business supporting her.
Have also been a long term customer of Veronica Dearly & someone mentioned on here that she was supporting Sarah the other day, that’ll be another no from now on! 🙄
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