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VIP Member
Once again Sarah Akwisombe tried to twist the narrative to suit her. Once again, it backfires.

Sarah - do the refunds. You have posted this morning at not long after 6am (on a Sunday!!) that you are suffering total, complete reputational damage, that it is destroying your future earning potential, and that this is the darkest period of your life.

Do you REALLY want to be dealing with this shit at 6am every Sunday morning? It's getting worse, not better. There are more articles coming out each day, more voices joining the chorus.

The problem will not disappear until you do the right thing. Philip Green may have acted "not illegally", but he is rightly being destroyed in the media and bring made a total pariah. His name will scare anyone from ever working with him again. You are headed the same way, except you don't have his financial means. All that you can expect from this ongoing arrogance is financial ruin and the loss of everything you hold dear.

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Apologies if you think I came across a bit harsh there. I guess all these months later, with all the stress this situation has put on us, I do find myself getting into "by fair means or foul" mindsets about her at times, which is very uncharacteristic of me. That's the impact someone with not a shred of decency has, and part of me does keep thinking that anything (within reason, obviously not the kids 😂😂😂) is fair game if it forces her hand as she has no morals.

Anyway I'll step back a bit 👍
Don’t you dare step back from anything you are completely spot on & a very much valued member on these threads I love your intellectual, well thought out posts!
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Just read her Twitter feed...she still doesn’t think she has done anything’s getting worse each day for her.
Sarah has left is all too late to claw back any dignity and reputation! 😩🤦🏼‍♀️
Thing is, there's plenty more pressure could be applied yet too.

She's brought all this on herself, she has no concern for the impact of her actions on others. Like the article says "dinner ladies losing their life savings".

Yet she arrogantly says "I am not your poster girl for success". Well yes you are Sarah. You charged money to teach people how to make a better life and build financial security in a scary time. You failed in that and now want to wash your hands of it. Sorry, but that's not happening.
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The new summary will be up on here a bit later, with overview of everything Sarah Akwisombe has done, all media links etc.

I've located the contact details for marketing directors and head of corporate affairs and legal for each of the brand partners we know she's worked with, and it'll be emailed to them tonight as well 👍
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Well-known member
Jen seems to be another akwisombe wannabe. For what reason anyone would choose to be like Sarah I have zero idea! How dare she cash in on menopausal women. These women are scum. Lowest of the low. Wolves in sheep’s clothing and should be avoided like the plague. Jen is mimicking Sarah Akwisombe in that she is controlling the narrative by deleting any comment on there that questions or challenges her. These people are pond life.. lowest of the low and frankly make me bilious . At least dick Turpin wore a mask ! Thieves the lot of them.
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Chatty Member
How can someone who is so detached from what is morally right teach me about spirituality?
What can someone with a track record of making it up as they go along and not taking any professional advice teach me about business?

Sarah Akwisombe what can you actually teach me?
How to rip people off
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I thought that. You have to request a refund, and only if she agrees will she then send you the return details.

Who does she think she is?
Clearly Sarah Akwisombe thinks she is above the law.

I've gone all the way through the range of emotions and now hope that she gets absolutely everything that is coming to her.
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Chatty Member
I think, aside the refunds which are obviously very important, that there is another angle to Sarah’s story, which is the misrepresentation of her financials to ultimately exploit women, some of whom were vulnerable, for her own financial gain, under this false pretend that she was making a million.

That was what brought me to this thread in the first place. The refunds are just the proof of her ill intent.

At least she won’t be making much money with her product business.
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I dont have a twitter account but need to point out Anna Butterworth is ill informed.

Anna Butterworth

Nov 27

But these aren’t refunds related to the course with Llewy as they’ve all been refunded already. Deciding after the fact that you want a refund for something you’ve already received is just fishing and opportunistic

Anna, the refunds relating to courses with Llewy have not been refunded.

Let me remind you what the courses were:
Smashing it - months 1, 2, 3
Fearless and Focused
Major Money Moves

Wanting refunds in hindsight is not 'fishingl' when you were explicitly told DO NOT QUESTION THE PROGRAMME. Those that did, were bullied and intimidated.

Anna Butterworth, please check the facts.
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I’ve set up my own business because COVID meant I got made redundant, but this has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember... and I’m a product based business not service. So I don’t think it’s all bad that people are opening businesses and chasing dreams, but opportunists creating businesses without training, expertise, and ripping off innocent people is obviously worrying. Hopefully all of this will result in some sort of regulations for this
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Just read the twitter stuff. She is so disingenuous - it isn’t only about Llewy, it’s the entire ‘coaches coaching coaches’ pyramid. Only refunding some people and not others. Also (and apologies to those who believe in it) but there is no proof that Manifesting works - to me it’s just more snake oil.

Another thing - we’ve all said how unethical it is to use crystals/white sage etc both for environmental and cultural appropriation reasons. If you don’t know where your crystals were mined then it’s 99% certain it was done in a way that spoils the planet by people who aren’t fairly paid or working in safe conditions. First Nation Americans don’t want people using white sage/palo Santo - it’s being over-harvested and used inappropriately. The articles are there. Just look.

Now it seems the cards and printing methods have no eco credentials. She’s paying people on fiverr to design them.

Let me restate - it is so much more than the Llewy stuff.

So the Paypal refund got cancelled on appeal? That’s a real shame.
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Sarah had time to be ranting on Twitter at 6am but not to remember the price of the UNO cards and 12+ Harry Potter set?
She's literally said she calls sage "smoke stick" and traditional incense holders "hippy". Sarah has no reverence or understanding of the industry or cultures involved.

None of the cards have clear meanings because they dont have a meaning - you made them for the artwork. Instead of pretending this was a moment of spiritual awakening just admit this is your emergency plan now the refunds are coming.
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Big 'boss magic' sticker on the shipping box? 😬 What if people don't want their family / the postie / anyone knowing what they've bought? What if it's a present? What if they live with religious people and it causes tension?
She's about as good at ecommerce as she was at coaching. Or music. Or modelling. Or working in JJB Sports.

She's good at lying though. Well I say "good at" - she does it a lot. But then gets caught out. So she's shit at that too.
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I just watched some more of the live and they are TWENTY FOUR POUNDS A PACK.

I got some gorgeous new oracle cards on Hay House website last week for £8 and £9 each in their sale. Full price they were around £12 - £16.

Silly me when I could have waited to this week and purchased the Toss Tragic cards for £24 PLUS £3.50 delivery, AND THEY DON’T EVEN COME WITH A GUIDEBOOK. £27.50 and I STILL have to go on the website to get any sort of help or guidance with them.

lololololol 😅😉🥴

I wish I could do a video of me reacting to that live.

Also if she says ‘so to play...’ one more time 😵

You don’t ‘play’ oracle or tarot.

I just can’t. 🤦‍♀️


I’m writing a TV show.

I have no other choice. It has to be done.
These were my thoughts please get writing!!!
Can we also talk about the fact she admitted she doesn't know how to shuffle?? How are you selling cards that you apparently use often but can't shuffle them?? Everything she does/says makes her look 10x worse 😭
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Chatty Member
Oh totally, she realised the money IS NOT coming and is throwing a tantrum.

She manifested her way into this though.

There was a much better way to deal with this which would have maintained her prosperity. But she was too thick or too greedy or too dishonest to do the right thing and now she fucked herself over.

She really thought she could get away with it.
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Chatty Member
The incense burners are for sale on designers website for £5 less, and they've been discontinued from NotOnTheHighstreet. Is this overstock you bought somewhere to fit your 'theme'. Is this what running a successful business is going to be heralded in an upcoming NBBS course? How to create the virtual equivilant of Dagenham market...
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I'll start with a recap of all media coverage with links..... Sarah Akwisombe craves publicity - don't think this was what she wanted though! 😂😂😂

Huge amount of specialist, national and even international news coverage of Sarah Akwisombe's scam where she ripped off hundreds if not thousands of women, while pretending to be a feminist ally and wanting to help them succeed:

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