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Well-known member
So in the name of research, I jumped on the ‘Travel with Sam’ page and got sent some marketing info… first up, YOU have to pay HER over £100 to join. Then it’s JUST £40 per month.

The marketing looks like you can travel in luxury style like she does, but actually it’s very clear that you’ll just get a bit of commission if someone clicks on a link you sent them. She even says it’s just like ‘hello fresh’ referrals.

Yeah, except for that I get food in my fridge and a full belly.

Someone in her position is exploiting her followers like this. It makes me feel sick.

She’s also piggy backed off her own contact (let’s be honest, probably a school mum she wants to impress) who herself is a marketeer and makes a living from these pyramid schemes.

I’m disgusted with her. This is a new low.

Hopefully it will fizzle out like everything else she starts. (Apart from the collagen business, I give her that, it seems to be doing well! Albeit not my cup of tea).

The way I see it, if you’ve got the £££ to splash on useless collagen sachets that’s up to you. This new travel scheme is exploiting her hard up followers who for some bizarre reason look up to her and think her lifestyle is achievable by ‘joining her business’.

What a lowlife.
Yes it’s a massive MLM scam, I’ve seen so many people doing it. She’ll get loads of gullible followers joining 🤯what a low life she is. Clearly needs extra money, why doesn’t that lazy arse BBP go out and get a proper job once and for all?
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I get such an off vibe from sainted firstborn Baby Pol. I’d love him to prove us wrong and become a respectful, educated, upstanding member of society but with those two dollops for parents he doesn’t really stand a chance 😵💫
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VIP Member
She’s made a huge deal about the Dubai trip but has failed to say anyone in business can buy a ticket to the event, she wasn’t specially invited nor was she there as a speaker. She’s spent more time flogging her new kids clothing, hence taking the youngest (and mummy) I presume Gaynor moves in to look after Rosie because BBP will be too busy hanging out with his bestie BP 🙄
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VIP Member
Same plus he was in Dubai before her and stayed for 2 weeks for a ‘ business trip’ she even said on her pod that it could have been done in a few days
What business? You don’t need to go on business trips unless you’re a business person.
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Well-known member
Do we know why he won’t propose? I just find it so selfish of him. He knows this is the one thing she is desperate for and can’t buy 🤣 she’s given him 3 kids and he still can’t be arsed to give her a ring. I saw 2 of her kids with what I’m sure was a nanny the other day at a trampoline park / soft play.
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VIP Member
Just when I thought I couldn’t like Paul any less. Why Sam puts up I’ll never know, she has her faults but could do better.
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VIP Member
Remember when he thought she was proposing in Dubai when she did the dive thing in tha mall !! He said then he would have said no
Oh yeah ahahahahhaa god she’s so tragic. She made such a big thing about wanting to get married .. looks a bit silly now doesn’t she, must hate that it’s all out there forever all the ‘we wanna get married, but we’re not rushing..’ 😂
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VIP Member
Can fully see Rosie doing a matilda and legally emancipating herself from her dumb parents and self entitled older brother
Why is he only interested in BP when he has three kids?
Wow, well
- nice family ❌
- gives compliments ❌
- makes the tea ❌
- ambitious and driven ❌
- spoils her ❌
- spends time as a family group ❌
That aged well, Sam!
It drives me up the wall that she doesn’t give him hell about his lazy entitled behaviour and make him get off his arse and make his own beans on f***ing toast! I hope no young women ever watch the mummy diaries and think BBPs behaviour is normal and/or something a woman should tolerate in a relationship.
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New member
I’m not sure she realises that the background radiation on a flight to Spain is similar to a chest x Ray dose. So all her long haul flights are giving her tons of radiation! She should worry about that rather than the scanners!
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The irony of her talking into her phone about 'holistic beauty' when her face and lips are stretched to bursting with fillers and god knows what :cautious:
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VIP Member
She asked what people wanted to see on her page. How about less of your children seen as you claim to be concerned about child trafficking etc 🙄
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VIP Member
🤔 hmm I think six months is long enough to get a feel for someone personally.They seem to have stayed together a long time even though they didn’t marry.
You haven’t been through much with someone after only 6 months, it is rare to know someone that deeply after that short time period. They’ve also only lasted because like I said happy to settle! Sam settled for her own reasons and he has been happy not to work and have an easy life. If he treated other women how he treated her then most relationships would’ve ended before the first baby was even born.. everyone saw how he treated her and behaved. Just because she’s a mug and stayed with him all this time doesn’t mean they’ve got something special or a great relationship 😭 Sam said recently they haven’t even shared a bed for 6 years!
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Does she really need to do EVERYTHING Luisa does? It’s just embarrassing at this point!
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Well-known member
The number of times she interrupts Billie on the podcast or asks Billie a question and interrupts again and just talks about herself again. Insufferable narcissist :mad:
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